Recreating dead characters

  • Question:
    If your level 1 or 2 character dies, are you allowed to recreate the same character with a slightly different name?

    You are allowed to recreate your level 1 or level 2 character. With two important notes:

    1. They are NOT allowed to have thier gear back. None of it. Not through friends and not through racing back to thier own body. If you are partied with others in a group and your comrade has fallen, RP that the gear was lost and dump that gear in the trash. I know players will try to come up with exceptions that are plausable and IC, but… NO ITEMS ARE ALLOWED TO BE TRANSFERED, SINCE IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE TWINKING RULES.

    2. They must come up with a story as to why they have returned that is plausable. The reason is that I have seen people remake thier character so fast that by the time thier friends, who are RPing thier death and bringing their friends corpse back to town get there… they already finds a brand new character of thier friends waiting for them. So it creates a conflicting story to RP.

    The general recommendation is to wait a couple hours before remaking your character and stay in contact with those that found your body.

    If you are a stranger that FINDS a character's dead body send a Tell to the player in the fugue to let them know what you are doing with that body. That way they can plan out thier return if there is going to be one.

    A note to new people: The reason the question pertains to level 1 or level 2 characters is that those two levels do not have the opportunity after death to make a deal with the succubus of the fugue plane to return.