DrDreadlock's NPC's - The Queen of Narfell Plot

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    Rass, Ancient Red Dragon

    Current Status: Alive. Exact location unknown.

    Physical Description: Like any ancient dragon, Rass is a huge serpent. Scars covering her body show her many battles throughout her long life. Covered in deep red scales and with dull golden colored eyes, thin trails of smoke seem to always flow from her nostrils as the fire inside her works to find it's way out.

    Public Knowledge: Believed to have been the real leadership behind the Eastlander tribe of the Nars and their Chief Atol, after the defeat of the Eastlanders Rass was driven away for some time. Seeming to have aged and grown in strength since she last lived in Narfell, her recent return shows that she still has some connection to the Narsmen, as her new tribe, the Creel seem to have followed her back to Narfell and look to seize her a new kingdom to rule over.

    Her most recent attack in the Pass simply had the grass burning along the Bridge area and she is known to enjoy when people bow their knee to her and she generally let's them live if they show the proper respect she thinks she deserves.

    She has not been seen since her last appearance and the Pass remains quiet for now, even her Creel tribesmen seeming to have moved on to other areas of Narfell.