Shed Etiquette. Become Bold. Embrace Adventure - Imizel
Written in elegant, meticulous Elven script.
P.1 - Guided.
How long it has been, to be away, to be days from home and crest.
To be as I was, to drink tea and posture, to be wed and bred like prized cattle. A pawn, to be positioned in grandiose political amusements. To be teased by critters flying from my window. Furry little things, so sweet, why did you draw my eye so?
A sudden urge. To escape. Which thought compels? Freedom, felt thoroughly, a rush of senses to climb down from vines. Pricks, cuts, scrapes. To hold such color, so vivid, never seen.
Feeling weightless, suddenly afraid, only to be caught upon white cloth and guided atop a roof. To slide and slip without control, nothing to grip, nails clinging for dear life. Picking straw from hair, soon found a foul smell. Brown snorting beasts without a care, rolling in filth. Envy.
To release. Swine most eager, cobbled stone paths littered by chaos. I ride into the known, to but the beast who carries.
Evasion by nautical planning most abrupt. Young boy so kind, how simple a question, to be answered so easily. Miles at sea before shredded sequin even caught shine upon trellis, beneath our kin's star. Farewell, horned vessel.
Travel on carriage, merchants once thought kind. What wealth was carried, left but a pauper on the trail. Lessons learned well, of men of man. Yet, appreciation, a companion most delicious still yet breaths.
Through elements, miracles endless, life found by those closest to cousins. To awaken beneath a storm, the sounds and sights of life all around. The first smile crossed my lips as I lay covered in muck.