Build 905F
Dorakhan Updates
- Jiyyd changes (these changes will take place in stages)
- Ormpur transition fixed (I think I finally got the one)
- Modifications to Feeblemend (see spell modification list)
- Spawn CR tweaks
- Removed DMFI code that caused extra data to be sent to the log file, causing exceedingly large log files over time
Its_A_Fire Updates
- Usable Books & Paper: Available in select stores! PCs can purchase a quill item which will allow them to write on specific blank paper and blank book items.
- Spawner bug fix: System-wide minimum delay set until individual spawners can be updated.
- Size tokens modified. These will work on standard player appearances now, both NPCs and PCs.
- New Unseelie fey added and scattered through the feywild. (DMs, some have weird AI! If you have questions, talk to its_a_fire.)
- A handful of random encounters elements added to some area.
- DM chat command for turning area spawns on/off.