Hey Narfell
Hey all. How are you doing Narfellers? Preacher here.Not sure if anyone recalls
Just wanted to say that i consider returning once again.Got nostalgic i guess.
Would love to hear any news as well!
Will definitely do Jerrick.I will just need to get some technical feedback as i seem to have lost the NWN cd key etc so as to setup again the game and run it properly. Either way,glad to see narfell is still alive and rocking
Hope to catch you soon ig!
Old CD key won't work anyway. We're on EE Now. Get it on Steam for$20
Will definitely do Jerrick.I will just need to get some technical feedback as i seem to have lost the NWN cd key etc so as to setup again the game and run it properly. Either way,glad to see narfell is still alive and rocking
Hope to catch you soon ig!
Who are you again?
Who are you again?
As for news, there's LOTS. We're in EE, the demons are gone, and there's a FB page to "like" with more updates! And a Discord channel!
Come say hi