Rhonain Goldmane

  • Rhonain Goldmane
    Age: 20
    Race: Half-Elf
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Hometown: Peltarch

    Deity: Tyr

    Description: 5’ 11”, ash brown hair, grey eyes. Lithe build, broad shoulders from years of practicing with a longsword. His complexion is pale on its own, but retains a tan due to all the time he spends outdoors. A line of subtle freckles stretches across his cheeks from each side of his nose.

    Demeanor: Good-natured and easy to get along with, even with differing opinions. Rhonain keeps any anger he has under effective lock and key at nearly all times; his only true temper switch is witnessing a blatant crime against a weaker person or the city he lives in. As his skills with a sword grow, so does his tendency to intervene in moments that might be more detrimental to him than helpful to anyone else. Despite his occasional shortsightedness, his heart is usually in the right place.

    The only child of a low-ranking Peltarch guard and a Sun Elf seamstress who worked from home while raising him. Rhonain spent his childhood standing at the fence of the guards’ training grounds, watching his father train with the other soldiers while memorizing their attacks. His mother disallowed any sort of sword training until his teenage years, when his father allowed him to begin basic training drills as long as his studies continued. By the time Rhonain came of age, he was already proficient in four languages and growing more comfortable with a longsword by the day. His current plan is to begin hunting both game and monsters for profit, now that his father has retired and is enjoying his later years on the outskirts of the city. Rhonain’s mother still disapproves of his plans to pick up a sword as a profession, but has yet to complain about her son keeping their food stores full.