"Build it and they will come"
"Build it and they will come"
should be Arnath slogan if anybody know where that slogan comes from. Basicly means that if you make it players will come.
I know right now it seem like there are few players, and sort of there is, we strated of a nice number and it has been shrinking slowly, but then Arnath has more or less be dead lately with the exceptions of an event here and there.
I know lots of characters (evil or close) who wish to find or be shown Arnath, but waiting to do so until.. well.. until Arnath reopens..
I think we should advertise ooc about Arnath when that time comes.
Any thoughts?
I look at Arnath as a bit like Peltarch and the GC. Peltarch is a town with a small group of people that is slowly growing over time. Some days Peltarch is incredibly crowded, most days its quiet, and Peltarch took a long time to get where it now is, with people having faith.
Same with the GC.
I am sure that once Arnath gets off the ground, our player population will grow slowly…
oh and I am probably typing alot of nonsense... in my fevery state of mind
I know lots of characters (evil or close) who wish to find or be shown Arnath, but waiting to do so until.. well.. until Arnath reopens..
And unfortunately that is why Vashere most likely won't end up settling down in Arnath.
He'll probably try to help against any drow attacks he hears of but looking doubtful that he will opt to reside in Arnath.
Edit: On a positive note Gil has it though. Players can make things happen. If you want Arnath to thrive, make it happen.