Demon Plot Continuation
Unfortunately, that was really as much notice as I was able to give that day. My schedule is fairly busy as well, and I often do not really know just what times I'll be able to dedicate to the server until just beforehand. I prefer to set up things well in advance, but sometimes it's just not plausible for me to do so.
Anything else going this weekend for this plotline? I'd love to see it up here in time for people to clear some schedules, and I'm sure they'd appreciate it too.
I won't be available for the morning/afternoon saturday, but evening and Sunday I should be 100% free IF there's something I can tell the GF I'm booked for. Otherwise, I might end up being spoken for.
Claim me quick!
6pm Eastern Time tonight (3 hours from the time of this post) I plan on running another event in the demon plot, if we have enough folks online. This is not the finale, but just one step closer to it.
We are going to postpone the intended event due to Challenge Rating. That being said, if enough players show up we may be able to ad hoc something else.
Unknown availability since my gf wants to celebrate my birthday this exact saturday.
Whipped. Just like I thought
I can't do it this Saturday as I have to go a relative's wedding.
Also: happy birthday Gonnar. :twisted:
Doable for me
Unknown availability since my gf wants to celebrate my birthday this exact saturday.
Last weekend of Ren faire, can't make it. Will be in the woods
I can be there Saturday anytime after 1pm EDT.
Vick can probably make it but I am GMT -5 so I will see when the final time is set.
I can be there Saturday, just gotta know the time since I'll likely have to schedule around helping my mom do shit she can't over at her place because disability.
I can do Saturday evening, after 10PM GMT (including Daylight Savings Time)