The Abused Forest

  • Cotton slowly walks through camp waving to any one she sees along the way to follow. Her stride is graceful but the footfalls show her aggravation, almost a stomp with every growling step she makes. Once she gathers all who had the nerve to show, she looks over to the King and bows as always showing her respect to him and his position. Many deep breaths are taken in an attempt to calm before speaking. Her off hand slowly opens and shuts tight, working away her near exploding temper. With a motion of her long bow she draws the Gali’s eyes South and starts to speak clearly as her growling tone allows

    Now me knows some of yas is new ta camp, me knows not all of yas has the ways of the Romani down. Wha me about ta say might not have anything ta even do with yas …but.

    She stops cold and in mid sentence, her green eyes taking each and everyone present into memory

    Let it be known nows, that if me finds the rotten farkers who been abusing the forest, me will drag yas by your arse hair, screamin an yellin to the King an let him deal with yas.

    With a flash of speed not noticeable by any race's eye, she lets an arrow fly pegging the bull’s-eyes on the archery target near Sammie and Quan

    We gots Drow in the woods an undead! We gots spidies the size of Grag's arse webbing an kill'n folks out there! The last thing this camp or Mielikki needs is folks half cutt’n down trees an leavin logs an hacked branches all over the forest!!!

    I nay speak for the king an he can put his boot in me arse for wha me has said, but not let me eva find Gali or Gaje "EVA" abusing the cycle of life out in that forest again! The Circle, nor the Wolves can be everywhere at once, an we all gots nuff shite ta deal with out there as it is!

    She turns to face the King again and bows low before her eyes drift back to those gathered

  • Cotton nods her thanks to all those who spoke up as she disappears back into the south forest. Only the wisps of spoken words trail through the wind as she vanishes Me gives em a few words afore shootin..

  • The Halfling Defence League

    This camp contains at least one circle member who tries to dedicate herself full time to caring for these woods, fad points at her chest with her thumb so if there's anyone hurting these woods by excessive woodcutting, wasteful woodcutting, or aiding drow, or anything else for that matter, let me know and I'll deal with it as best I can.

    Though I'd prefer talking to them first…....

    grins, looking up to Ashura who, as usual, is passively lolling on his favorite branch above the fires

    <edit>just an edit, nothing more</edit>

  • Kaona leans back on her hands listening to what Cotton has to say. When she is done speaking, Kaona’s glittery gaze takes in those around the fires. Turning back to Cotton, she smiles sweetly with narrow eyes.

    If you need my help, Sissy, you know that you have it…

  • ::nods, looking up from his spidersilk experiments::

    If you need to drop wood so you can dash away from those spiders out there, fine. But you'd best make every effort to go back there and get it, or point it out to someone more capable, so they can go get it, and see that it is put to good use.

    If you're squandering just to be contrary, then I second any threats of excessive violence.

  • overhearing the conversation while laying next to the cows fence, Yeveath moves to the fires and says

    -You heard sister cotton, and If i find any of you mistreating the forest. You may find an arrow flying at your backside from the shadows, amnd you know it will be me… All outsiders are welcome to our camp, but if you mistreat our land, you shall find us not so friendly anymore.

    nods and leaves

  • Overhearing the speach, Dwin approaches Cotton

    You get da names o any farks leavin' resources around…an if'n they are Guild members er apprentices, I'll handle whats left of em after the King 'as is way...