NWN:EE Status Updates

  • Well folks - I'm currently working on our brand new NWN:EE server. Don't worry, I got a second virtual server so NWN:Original Narfell can keep on running while I do tests and tweaks. This DOES mean we're going to change IP addresses.

    So far…

    • I have successfully logged into the server box with my own client.
    • Successfully set up default server settings.
    • Loaded all new NWNX plugins (this WILL take some re-coding on my part for the module).
    • Test transferred a character from the old vault to the new vault using beamdog's given process (this will require players keeping the nwncdkey.ini file from NWN 1.69 in the new NWN:EE settings folder as WELL as a server-side 2da with your public key).

    I'm currently investigating ways to best collect the public CD keys and create the 2da for the launch.

  • All chat systems are functioning at 100%.

    I've switched the vault system to sticky player name, organized by login. What this means is that your login will be tied to your key. If someone else logs in with your user ID first, you need to send me a forum PM. If you ever change keys, you'll need to send a forum PM. BUT your vault will be organized by your login and you can have multiple alts as long as they're all registered to your login.

    I would LIKE to leave the updates in the old vault though for security reasons (this way if someone logs in under your name, they don't get your character too).

  • As we get closer to go-live for NWN:EE, please review your persistent storage. You'll want to take anything that has a particularly lengthy description with you as the conversion has a character limit. A very, VERY, small percentage of items with super long descriptions fail to transfer.

    I have also updated the persistent storage load scripts to tell you that an item has failed on conversion but still resides in your PS should we run into this issue after the conversion.

  • Hangups on NWNX_CHAT and the suppression command that are currently blocking languages from working properly.

  • PS Storage issue has been taken care of for all but a small percentage of items.

  • Nearly in a position to start testing everything, but the bad news: it seems new vs. legacy format of item blob storage is not compatible. This means that old PS storage won't be retrievable as it is now… working with the NWNX team to see what can be done.

  • Successfully tested a replacement for the examine function we have… additional NWNX things.

    At this point I'm pretty sure we will have almost all the functionality that we have in NWN:Original. The ONLY thing we'll be missing is the level/class mask on the login window.

    Still, still to do: chat and SQL functions.