A Hunter

  • "You need to leave, you need to run and not look back. If you die here, everything will be in vain. All what we have accomplished until now will be gone. Think of your mother. She would want you to live".

    Ergath pushed the bundle of cloth against his chest, kissed him in the forehead and gently shoved him towards the window.

    "Remember, go north as far as the dry lake, then go west all the way until you reach the sea. It's already been arranged, the ship "StrongWinds" will take you to Narfell." Ergath reminded him, while unseathing her weapon.

    He turned his head briefly, he wasn't hiding the fact that he was crying. His aunt was trying to hide that fact, but didn't do a good job at it. He grit his teeth and nodded. Pressing the bundle harder against his chest.

    "Do not worry. I'll find your brother. I'll explain everything to him. Won't let anything happen to this. I won't let my whole clan down" He wanted to stay, he wanted to fight. But he knew his place was another place, another way.
    He clenched his fist before adding one last thing. "And I'll avenge you all".

    He jumped down the window and on his horse, spoiled it, closing his eyes in anger, using all his will force to not look back, to not cry…

    but at one of those things, he failed hard.

  • reviewed xp awarded.
