Notice: Free archery training!

  • Flyers are posted in all districts around the jewel they do not look extraordinary or particularly flashy however those who read the brief missive would quickly find its meaning. Some may even remember similar notices from a few years before.

    **Free archery training!
    Interested civilians, nobles, guards, and defenders of all walks are welcome to join learning and improving their archery skills. In the next tenday a meeting will be held at the Peltarch tournament grounds by the archery targets to ask any questions you may have.

    Hen, master scout and archer.**
    ((Will assume tenday will be whenever appropriate reply is given by the attending dm.

  • _Mark and Elvewyn, too instructors from the Nexus War Archer School come to the training ground. Along with them are a few intrigued new students. Four humans, one elf and one half-orc. They seem to be from the poorer docks area.

    The interest seems to be mostly on free education part, as unlike during the war there does not seem to be any imminent threat apart from the usual Narfell._

  • Krag Ironbone spots the new posting and ambles over to it. Placing his finger on each word he reads out loud, "Uh, Eff, f-f-f-r-r-eee…uh, Fu, rree...Free! Ar, Ark, er, maybe 'see' is like 'ess' arss hairy...Free...Arse...Hairy! "Hrrm, 'Free Arse Harry' make no sense."

    "Maybe hims is foreign and mixes words." Krag points finger at the words again from the beginning while being careful to swap the noun and adjective..."F-f-free hairy arse tuh...rai..neeng". "Free Hairy Arse Training!" Rubs chin and starts to wander off. "Why need hairy arse training? Hairy arse is hairy arse. Seem to be obvious to me. No need to train arse to be hairy and Krag's arse has plenty of hair. No need for training." mumbles to himself about strange folks living in these lands.

  • Elidor watches the notice, and laughs as he keeps his way. Those that walk nearby can hear him say "Everyone calls themselves an archer these days…

  • Tanya Spear, on the advise of her mother, takes a flyer, and plans to attend.

  • _Frances Darkhaven notices, is a little more than little interrested.

    'Good practice, perhaps i'll attend.' - she points to a flyer with her arm.

    'i don't need to win, i wish to learn the most, as i can' - she adds, a little louder this time.

    '… if i have time' - she murmurs to herself.

    [[ Frances' Description: ]]_