A trip for the ages.

  • Hen posts up a sign on the town bulletin:

    Intrepid adventurers the taste for adventure is not lost as we have all showed of recent date! I have decided to once more bring a trip of epic adventure, riches, and spoils into out laps! I have scouted a few destinations and have decided on one specifically for the largest margin of profit for all involved. The trip is intended to happen in the next Tenday. ((Hopefully this weekend maybe Saturday depends when people are online I wont set any specific time so no pressure)) The following are what you can expect and are expected to understand for the trip:
    1. Jonni has claimed sole mining rights to all ore exceeding Silver in rarity.
    2. All gold profits will be split evenly among all participants with a 50% reduction to miners whom opt to take ore. (( They are not required to share this ore with people whom decided to take full gold shares))
    3. The area will be dangerous, I recommend 10 serious 20 moderate and two heal potions as well as a standard alignment of buff potions because of possible dispels
    4. Hen will be leading the adventure, all in hopes or aquireing platinum to complete my Enchantment Basin! If we find Platinum I will be more than happy to forfeit my gold share to the part as well as any items.
    ((DM welcome to take needed amount of gold from inventory or let me know amount to ditch.