i have a mystran cleric character (Shu Li).
can she join spellweaver & events?
Joining the spellweaver, is something that you'll have to try IG, about the events, I usually have no problem with anyone joining in, but this is one of those were it wouldn't be IC in any level to have people that is not known to María. She would only bring along people she knows well.
Sorry, I can't make it this weekend.
Good luck, everyone!
i have a mystran cleric character (Shu Li).
can she join spellweaver & events?
Oh heck yes, Atel will be there.
((I'll start this one by apologizing for last week's sudden absence of eventage. RL got in the way and I didn't have time to post to the forums to give you proper warning. Sorry folks, especially Metagod, I know you had to make some sacrifices to make it last week. That said, on with the show))
María made a breakthrough on her quest to recover Spellweaver Keep from the void it's currently trapped on. But the way to victory demands a journey through Sigil, the City of Doors. So, the Headmistress has sent a call for those adventurers that are willing to assist what Keep members remain in finally recovering Spellweaver Keep and returning it to its proper place.
Event is scheduled for saturday, June 10th, starting at 20h30 GMT (with summer time accounted for - That's 21h30 in most of europe, 16h30 EDT and 13h30 PDT). I won't set level caps, but depending on player choices, combat can go from practically non existent, to nigh impossible for the lower levels, so have that in mind.
Any questions you may have, send them through.
Unfortunately this never happened, as MCplay had RL matters to tend to. We'll try to reschedule for a later date…
I'll be there
I turned down the shifts this weekend so i can make it.
((Would love to come but can't make it since I work ))
I may be able to make that, depends on whats going on in real life. If I make it, I shall be late.
If i don't work ill come. I won't know until later in the week.
So that is like 4:30 cst?..