URGENT notices posted on farm lamps and inside the city

  • Urgent Notice

    As many citizens are well aware, undead are roaming, including into the farmlands. Sadly, this is a reality as we have to deal with another threat that compromises the integrity of not just the Jewel, but ALL of Narfell.

    Defenders will do what they can, but we ask all people who defend themselves please stay as far away as possible from the undead, and that any and all citizens, farmers, and annyone who KNOWS how to fight, pick up nothing less than a masterwork blade to cut them down, as it can be almost impossible without one. Should something more than a zombie pose a threat and no guards or defenders are available on the fields, RUN as fast as possible to the city gates and alert a guard inside.

    We will get through this with your cooperation. Do not attempt to be a hero if you have no experience fighting such things.

    -Signed, Harvestmistress Anna Blake, Defender Corporal