Helping the Valley Refugees

  • There is news and its no secret that the priestess Anna Blake is looking to perhaps have the halflings of the Silver Valley come work in the farmlands. What is expected she had told the other farmers would possibly be anywhere between 50 to 150 halflings that will live there for an indefinite amount of time until they find their own home. A letter had been drafted in the mean time for the King.

    ((OOC, This was asked to be post publicly to generate interest in a paradigm shift on the server in having refugees moved possibly somewhere safer, and was asked to be put in public by a DM, if you think your PC is relevant to this that's fine))

    A letter would be submitted to King George's herald

    To His Trusted Majesty, King George

    I, Anna Blake, priestess of Chauntea and humble Defender of this city would request formally that we accept the refugees into the farmlands as well as some of their Dragoons to help protect them, in exchange for their assistance in maintaining the lands agriculturally. They will help with the orchard especially, sowing seeds and reaping the fruits of their labor in earnest.

    I request formal audience to discuss this with you in person, as now more than ever with all the troubles this land has had, all the lives of defenders and guards that have been lost, all the suffering, the aid of allies who can fight, and caring for those who cannot should be of paramount priority. Their dragoons are skilled and capable and are near the front line to where the demons threaten their people every day. Should some of their people who cannot defend themselves be willing to work and pull their weight for the farmlands for themselves and their families, I know I’ll be able to find them work to do so it will all be mutually beneficial. I in turn will continue to work hard and with the Grain Godess’ help bless the lands at the increased rate necessary so that we may continue to harvest, feed and thrive.

    Please grant me audience along with representatives of the Valley, and we can go into further detail on how we can help our allies who have lost two homes over the decades find shelter until they finally find a more permanent solution.

    Yours and the Jewels, truly:


    Harvestmistress Anna Blake – Defender Corporal of the Jewel

  • Atel makes it known to Anna and Ros that while she is not officially involved in the Halfling leadership anymore, she would be interested in being at this meeting

    ((I imagine the meeting won't take long, so whenever is generally fine))

  • (Friday before or Sunday after 7 eastern possible?))

  • Herald Fisher replies that his Majesty will be happy to grant a formal audience.

    ((I'd like to do this in game, this weekend if possible?))

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Though it was already widely known, Roslyn Underhill makes it known as well that she is willing to act as one such representative.