A meeting at Maria's Tower

  • @7a0958abdd=Gonnar:

    Ahhhh wait Nate! María startles and runs off towards her library, only to be back a few moments later with an old heavy book. The book has a dismembered metal body painted on its cover and the tittle is written with rectangular letters "Golems&Makers"

    If by any chance thewre's these mawrkings listed in this book, it might save us some pwrecious time! she then mutters to herself about how silly it was not to remember about toys book before. She opens it and skims through like the pro bookworm she is

    But don't get too fawr, Nate, you might be the best chance to leawrn mowre about the cwreatowr should we find it.

    After a few minutes of search, the symbol on the construct's chest plate appears. The entry on it reads:

    JOLUPIUS BERHAN, also known as The Reclaimer, is a wizard and planar traveler, collector of all sorts of trinkets and magical items wherever he can find them. He is one of the best construct creators in the known realms, who takes particular pride in his products being virtually indestructible. He was known to sell his work to wealthy noble houses and entities throughout the planes. He can usually be found in Sigil whenever he is not actively looking for trinkets and baubles wherever he can find them.

  • Ahhhh wait Nate! María startles and runs off towards her library, only to be back a few moments later with an old heavy book. The book has a dismembered metal body painted on its cover and the tittle is written with rectangular letters "Golems&Makers"

    If by any chance thewre's these mawrkings listed in this book, it might save us some pwrecious time! she then mutters to herself about how silly it was not to remember about toys book before. She opens it and skims through like the pro bookworm she is

    But don't get too fawr, Nate, you might be the best chance to leawrn mowre about the cwreatowr should we find it.

  • "All bards to the lore-mobile, gotcha Maria. And ughh… let's cross our fingers for a NONE-Mechanus origin, eh Atel?

    And NaaAAaate... try your fancy-pants scholar spells, why don't you? I'll cheer you on!"

  • Atel, having been listening up to this point, speaks up.

    If it is related to Mechanus, Isolde, it would be something past annoying at this point. I mean, it's big enough that its possible a gnome or something could be piloting it from the inside too – don't give me that look I've seen it done -- or at least providing it the power it needs to go....

    She pauses, rubbing her chin in thought then makes a suggestion.

    I wonder if there might be a way to immobilize it that would be easier than taking it on directly?

  • Maria smiles looking at Isolde if you and Nate could take a look… pwrobably you two have access to the most lawrge amount of knowledge thewre is. Pewrhaps thewre's something even in old fowrgotten stowries.
    What do you think?

  • Right. Let's say that's a construct and that one could maybe figure out who the creator is from those markings… Anyone wants to take that task? I'm not really that keen on the construct department. I like illusions better. Way lower maintenance. I'm... I'm going to work on a way to get the tower back to our plane. Anyone has any ideas on where to start?

  • María clears her throat Sowrry, I fowrgot to mention… this is just the memowries of what I saw an houwr-ish ago. So what you see, is what we got.

    I'd say it's a constwruct, based on the fact it's made of some kind of metal. But that only would mean it's eithewr fully sentient owr that someone is behind this....

  • Isolde looks, Nate's obvious excitement making her smile helplessly. She muses, tilting her head ever so slightly to the side, gesturing with a dainty finger as if drawing the circular mark into the air.

    "Could be a mage's symbol, a maker's mark, some sort of organizational or cult belonging? It doesn't ring any immediate bells, but honey.. ~please~ reassure me, and say that thing isn't from the plane of Mechanus? Because that would start skirting the edges of annoying!

    Oh, and! If the spells won't work through the portal, we can try the symbol itself right?"

  • ::Nate's eyes widen and his mouth purses into a bedazzled 'o' shape. He tugs on Isolde's arm and gestures at the portal, perhaps unwisely more excited than scared::

    "Look, m'dear! Take a gander at the mark on its chest! A large circle, with a smaller one on the top left, and a line leading down rightwards. A symbol of sorts! Perhaps a mage's symbol. Perhaps this Bingo's symbol? What do you make of it?"

    ::Nate runs his free hand through his orange hair and leans a bit closer, his other arm still in Isolde's::

    "Say, Maria, and Mad, do you think an 'Identify' or 'Legend Lore' spell will work through this magical vision portal-y thing?"

  • @5e397a98a9=Flom:

    ::Nate arrives alongside Isolde, initially quite taken by the pool and the portal. He leans to one side and peers at it with a blithely curious grin. When Maria begins to speak, though, he pauses the expression and peeks at her with big green-blue eyes.

    Looking at the creature as Mad reveals more of its physical details, he murmurs back to Isolde::

    "It does. And metal flesh, too! Could be something in the books, could be something unique to the experiment itself. I sort of want to ask who Bingo is, and how the Keep ended up in the Void, but I suppose that'll have to wait."

    ::He glances to Maria and Mad, and then the image of the metal creature::

    "Is it possible for us to get more physical details about the creature? We know it's metal, and dark, and large, and sentient. What else can we see?"

    Mad makes a few more gestures at Nate's request, isolating the creature so it can be seen in its entirety: a large, humanoid looking creature with bald head and a bulky frame. When she zoomed in on the creature, one could spot intricate details on the metal that composed the shell of this creature. Runes covering almost every spot of it, and glyphs with designs that would take hours to translate, at best. Zooming back out, the creature features most prominently a huge mark on its chest, circular in shape, with a smaller circumference drawn within, near the upper edge of the large circle, and a straight line toward the lower edge starting from the bottom of that smaller circumference.

  • ::Nate arrives alongside Isolde, initially quite taken by the pool and the portal. He leans to one side and peers at it with a blithely curious grin. When Maria begins to speak, though, he pauses the expression and peeks at her with big green-blue eyes.

    Looking at the creature as Mad reveals more of its physical details, he murmurs back to Isolde::

    "It does. And metal flesh, too! Could be something in the books, could be something unique to the experiment itself. I sort of want to ask who Bingo is, and how the Keep ended up in the Void, but I suppose that'll have to wait."

    ::He glances to Maria and Mad, and then the image of the metal creature::

    "Is it possible for us to get more physical details about the creature? We know it's metal, and dark, and large, and sentient. What else can we see?"

  • After they speak, Mad calmly quips:

    Oh, that? that's not our problem.

    She then proceeds to twirl her hands around, bringing back the images María shown, focusing and zooming on the creature, revealing more of its details.

    See that? That's not flesh. That's metal. Not sure what kind, but it looks tough. So yeah. Someone's trying to get inside alright, but it may not be some mindless planar creature. Thoughts?

  • Isolde, having arrived fashionably late, arm in arm with Nate, suppresses a delicate shudder at the images, murmuring.

    "It looks so determined, doesn't it? And so .. 'hungry'…"

    She pouts her red lips, nods a bit to Anna and adds:

    "Sounds like knowledge is first on the agenda. Finding out what or even 'who' we're dealing with would be the ideal first step towards a good plan. Also, is everyone within the Keep petrified? If not, perhaps they know something about this creature, if there is any way to safely open communications."

  • Anna steps up and offers her input with what she was told.

    "Now, I know little about the history of the keep, and the description of this creature seems pretty vague. You said it is smart; does it have the same intellect and way of thinking as something like a human or a dragon? Is it cognizant? Perhaps we can maybe bait it into wanting something else and trap it, somehow. You must forgive me as I'm probably not the most intelligent of you all, but I do understand wants and needs, and if we can create a want in this creature that draws parallel to the keep, we can find a way to bend its desires in our favor. As for trapping it… perhaps some arcanery or acombination of arcane magic and divine might work? "

  • ((Writing without the lisp this one to make it less of a pain to be read))

    Maria looks at the gathered as they stop their talking and focus their attention on her. She motions to the image she proyected on the wall.

    "Some of you already know this place, for others is the first time. In any case this is the Spellweaver keep, house to many mages, lore and wonders.
    It's been many years since that incident in which the Keep disappeared from this plane and everything AND everyone that was inside with it." She makes a pause, turns towards the wall and wave her hand in front of it, blurring the image for a few seconds before it becomes something else, or rather the same place but from another angle. You see the entrance of the Keep, the gates.

    "We already found out that the Keep is inside of Bingo's pocket plane. But he somehow managed to petrify himself and is unable to bring it back. And I didn't find yet the means to do that myself from here. That alone wouldn't be that much of an issue but…"
    She waves her handa again. A dark figure appears in the image, huge as the gate itself, and trying to headbutt in.

    "That is our problem and our rush. This creature, which I cannot label yet, is trying to penetrate the wards and get inside of the keep. The creature is not only strong and big, it's also smart, as it tried to go through the portal that one of the students accidentally opened when trying to open a petal to the Rawlins. Why did this happen is a mystery to me, but the creature that managed to pierce in ripping the plane enough to make it's way inside of it might have altered the teleporting magic and or plain barriers. " she clears her throat for a moment, briefly glancing at those gathered.

    "That alone is already a problem. Add to it the problem that might be that creature roaming free in our plane if by accident someone triggers a portal. And, that's not even the worst. My biggest fear is it'll learn how to bypass the Keep's defenses and get inside.. There's a lot of lore and powerful items and magic sources in there. In the wrong hands it could be a total disaster."
    She pauses again and leaves out a sigh, waving her hand and making the image vanish completely.

    "Why are you here? I need help to stop this creature first and foremost. And if we can bring the Keep back, even better.
    Questions? Ideas on how to proceed? Suggestions on what that thing could be? "

    She stands there, leaning on her staff, but firm. Awaiting for people's reactions and comments.

  • Despite somewhat lacking in arcane knowledge, the ever-helpful Chauntean Harvestmistress makes her way and offers her services in response to the call!

  • Anar arrives shortly after Atel…. with no clue what to expect.

  • Atel would also arrive shortly before Maria had appeared, and be waiting for instructions on what was happening that was so urgent.

  • As María's guests arrived in her home, the silhouette of a dragon swirled through the air, crashing into the ground in a beam of light. Once it settled, the mage known as Mad was in front of the tower.

    Once María tapped her staff on the floor, she waited for the mage to speak. After a while waiting, she added:

    So… You gonna tell us why we're here or...?

  • María walks out of her room after a bit, carrying a few scrolls with her and with a worried expression. Amongst the students, there's other individuals that she particulary invited to the meeting. She arranged it so that there was enough cushions and chairs for everyone. She nods as she enters the gathering room and places herself next to a wall. She murmurs some words and waves her hand in front of the wall, blurry images appear, and they become more clear every second. Only a few seconds later, the old Spellweaver Keep can be recognized in the image. She hits the ground three times with the staff and the sound echoes in the room, calling for everyone's attention.

    OOC: Anyone that usually would have access to her tower is invited, and I'll be sending PM's to the other people that is also invited. If you think you would've been invited and I forgot, let me know in a PM