Let Me Butcher Your PC!
I don't usually make character descriptions. I digged archive-org to find what I wrote on Shemaright back in the day.
@4ecd645ec7:Shemaright is a woman with strikingly red hair, and cold, green eyes. Her build is somewhat muscular, though not overtly so. A red tribal tattoo covers her chest, arms and back. Above her left breast, a word "Victory" is hidden among the patterns in Draconic. On the right side, word "Carnage" is written in similar manner, using the same language. A cloak of the Oscuran Peacekeepers hangs from her shoulders, showing her allegiance to that group.
While only her armor remains from the gifts she received from Uthger's undead master, it won't go unnoticed. The obsidian armor is much more sturdier than usual banded mails. It enhances the the wearers natural charisma, as well. A proper magical scan to the armor would show it also has some kind of a hidden property, only usable by those of a darkened heart.Of course, I've a horde of PCs to pick from, but Shemaright's the one I'd be most keen to see. I've always been fond of vampire-art
Karni, not only is there no Disa description on the Character Description forum, but you don't even acknowledge her on your forum signature!!
Overlooking your Dwarven PC is offensive!
The Atel drawing is coming along. It might be finished tomorrow or Wednesday.
Just look at the size of that moustache! swoons
Great work, that look on his face is spot on.
Regarding Disa, I think I never wrote a description for her because⦠well Zangeen's right! As wide as she is tall is the relevant factor, hehe. I logged her on this weekend to check out her gear and the text I'd chosen for her IG description. It is quite brief, stating her to be a "dwarf shaped like a brick and about as jolly". A brick clad in heavy metal, of course!
For a combat scene, you can plonk her helm on (horned, styled like the head of an Omox demon) and she'd probably look like a beefier, shorter Bufflin. The only telltale sign of her being a woman (at least in the eyes of non-dwarves) is the lack of a beard. Style-wise she's a no-frills person (her shiny dwarven waraxe is the fanciest thing she wears, aside from a certain mithril chastity belt). If you go for a helmet off look, think square-cut features and hair pulled back, either in dwarven braids or some sort of bun.
Salin Ashald
Perfect! Love it!
If you can do MarΓa, I'd deffinitely be greatful
Ooooo. Good one. That really captures his essence.
Would you be able to draw Mara (Moon) or Anna?
Just leaving this here. You know. Because reasons.
These look great!
Do you think you could draw Nate?
Thank you, Sir. The attention to detail is outstanding. You got the body about right. I think she's a might bit prettier in the face, but other than that: good work.
Thank you, it was my pleasure. I'd like to add some color to this one eventually because I think the red hair and Romani colors make Shesarai more unique. I'll be sure and adjust some facial features before I do though. I'm getting a crash course in drawing females.
MCplay's character next and then Atel!
Thank you, Sir. The attention to detail is outstanding. You got the body about right. I think she's a might bit prettier in the face, but other than that: good work.
Just draw her as wide as she is tall. The rest is irrelevant.
Well gosh, I must have missed that one, huh? I'll whip a descriptive text up over the weekend, but in short Disa is a brick on legs, armed with axe and shield, hehe. And of course I consent.
I'd love to see your take on Bufflin and Disa (pending Karni's consent) in one of their epic battles together!
I thought of doing this recently, but when I looked around for Disa's character description, there was none to be found. Shame!
I'd love to see your take on Bufflin and Disa (pending Karni's consent) in one of their epic battles together!
Ha, a Beorn and Willow scene, I love it! I remember envisioning just that look on his face when she'd hover over him all cheerily, hehehe. The leafy details are great, and I ~wish~ her armour really looked like that!
I'll just do these in the order that I receive them. Here is a Willow! I'll work on Shesarai next and then either Salin, Legan, or maybe Mad Mage.
I'll add the link to the YouTube video for this one on my Art Gallery thread when I get a chance.
You're welcome to use Leena!
It can also be good practice drawing animals!