an art-app of my making (still in development) that supports a tale that i am writing. tale is set in the world of darkness by the white wolf, characters are fictional but inspired by real life people - from facebook & the Internet as well.
a lightrun-webapp: [ ],
a tale: [ ].i hope Arts owners of the Arts that i've used with my art-app won't mind, i tried to image their works in best light, to promote. it's a fan-art of their works as well, i don't have mind for now to put them in credits - i should amend this later if/when i can.
('Namaste' word means literally 'you bow to me, i bow to you' or 'my soul honors your soul'; it's a way of saying 'thank you', a sign of respect, and acceptance of a lesson - every person is a lesson according to a certain thought line; it's similar to bowing to someone using speech).
i've planned some extra functionality for my fan-art app as well.
it'll be possible to perform rites there (with Buddhist & Magickal tools), i'll implement this as soon as i can - it's a lot of work.
Buddhists, Witches & Magicians from far-away places will be able to meet together in a virtual room & perform rites together.
i've added Dharma Wheel of the Noble Eithfold Path at base (it's from where everything grows), as well as the Triple Moon with a Pentacle shining Wisdom, Protection & Light from above. Pentacle is aiming upwards - to the heavens - so it's White Magick - as opposed to Black when it's pointing low, to hells.
Dharma Wheel is Buddhism's symbol ('Dharma' is a word for Buddha's Unsurpassable Teachings, there are other Dharmic Religions as well); Triple Moon is Wicca's/Witchcraft's symbol of Wisdom (Old & Wise as a Moon), Protection (from Darkness) & Light (Reflecting Light of the Stars), a Pentacle is Wicca/Witchcraft symbol of Protection as well.
Noble Eightfold Path is briefly explained in a following article:
[ ].
Wiccan Rede (Wicca's central idea & code of conduct - that can be summarized with: 'As you harm none, do what you will') is important aspect of this as well.
Lightrun app is a portal between Buddhist & Magickal worlds in making
(Worlds of ideas in our heads mostly).
i've added a soundtrack as well, by default it's not playing.
VR Room will be lockable, audience will be able to observe rites within (with or without password protection for letting look) or enter & participate in a rite (with or without password protection as well).
Browser-based 3D is already useable, yet still immature - i think VR in browsers will happen in this life as well. For now we can use cardboard VR with appropriate software for that.