Harvestmistress' Personal Journal

  • Writing logs, chronicling things I have done through word and report, perhaps its finally time I return to writing for myself.

    Many know me as a friendly sort, perhaps a bit pushy, but I do my best to mean well, and I try to keep personal affairs and matters a secret. Though I will not confess everything within this ledger, there are some things I need to get off my chest!

    First of all, this city still means the world to me, but much has changed over time. I find myself standing at a crossroads where it becomes more and more difficult to balance both jobs actively as a defender and as a priestess. Though I do regular patrols still, there are often times I find myself having to take leaves of absence to practice my faith properly and help my people. Most clerics in the military follow the triad, or some defending or militant force, while I in turn walk the path that encourages growth and fertility. Finding out a commanding officer had turned upon us and used our own defenders against us, not terribly long after the war really shook me up. I refrained from participating in other than a couple of events defending the city, as Talbot had already shook me the wrong way. He had offered me a promotion should I have served under him and I had legitimately considered it, were it not for Nate and Isolde talking me out of it, I could have ended up another minion.

    I remain a corporal, guidance to privates, a tool to the brass above, and while I have not disobeyed an order intentionally as of yet, I feel my lack of usual presence as anything more than just another soldier isn't doing enough for the career I had taken upon myself with vested interest to add another layer of protection to the city I love, and especially the flock I care for and worked so hard with others to restore the lands with.

    What to do, what to do…. perhaps I'm just rambling on parchment, I just need to let these thoughts out. Time spent with Thom is going well, he's a simple man and I love him so. We have yet to be betrothed but I find myself spending most of my nights at his place rather than alone; I'm sure the lonely shrine of Sharess I bought with the place understands!

    Well... I need to make a decision, continue to lay low somewhat while taking care of my people as a community leader, or become the vocal, forward presence I was in my younger years.

    Well, to do list I guess!

    -The irrigation project is on hold, though I have almost enough copper, its going to take awhile to get a proper lay on the land to see if its even feesible. Hopefully soon! (hopefully completed when player gets time to play consistently again)
    -Make a decision where I want to be as a part of the military, if still a part at all
    -Find a way to get Thom and I to finally become one in marrage... at this point I'm willing to elope; though he does want to make a big event of it as his position as the Baron due to things like protocol at this point it doesn't really matter to me
    -Eventually have a child, watch them grow, and have them perhaps guide the future of the farmlands should they wish to walk that path; they certainly have many great guides!

    Well... enough rambling for now! I have some work to do!

  • A Chilling Reminder

    What had transpired the other day was quite honestly one of the most terrifying things I had to do. Hearing of the archpriest of Corellon had headed down to Jiyyd along with Dermin to fight a Balor, I couldn't let them go alone in good conscience. Rushing my way down there, I had been unfortunately met with Dermin speaking to a paladin of Kelemvor at that point, learning that Raryldor had fallen to the creature's blade. I took it upon myself to prepare to retrieve him. As much as there had been times where we were at odds, I have great respect for the good he does in Narfell and his vigilance when it comes to this land's well being.

    Trembling, absolutely terrified, I went under the guise of Greater Sanctuary into the lands, fearing that the demons might have consumed the body, or perhaps laid some kind of trap, or might perhaps dispel my ward should they have True Sight. I ran in there quickly and praise be to Chauntea was able to retrieve his form. Taking him to the pixie sanctuary nearby, along with Dermin, we were able to restore him to life with the Harvestmistress' graces.

    What was to come though did not bode well. He insisted the demon needed to be destroyed, that it would knock down the barrier quicker, and the idea of it escaping was terrifying. He insisted that the others who came thanks to Jonni's vision go back there and attempt to destroy it once and for all, figuring it may still be injured from when they had brought it to near death the first time.

    I was terrified at the prospect. The faces of the thousands of people in Peltarch that count on me for guidance and protection outside the walls with their farms, their orchards all flooded my mind. If I were to fall, who would take over? It in a way helped justify my cowardice. I was afraid. Truly afraid. He reminded me that it would come after my farms and lands too and I dismissed it.

    It kept tugging at me though, a sharp jab that provoked me in t heir direction.

    Upon entering Jiyyd where they initially engaged the demon, this time the Balor was ready. He had learned how to fight the priest from the first encounter. He had learned that, despite the powers we wield, physically we were but leaves to be swept aside by its flaming blade in hand, ones to be swept away in an instant the moment it engaged us in melee.

    Aoth fell, Dermin fell, and sadly Raryldor fell once more. My arrows barely grazed it. I was too terrified of the prospect of getting near those who needed healing as the creature pounded upon them, knowing that I would be its next victim. I only had one instance of greater sanctuary prepared as I prayed in haste, not thinking ahead of time out of sheer panic. That instance had been used to once again recover our allies.

    It was terribly draining, emotionally, physically, spiritually. Seeing the creature, fighting it, and restoring my comrades back to life. I have fought balors as powerful as this one in the past, but it was foolish to think we could combat such evil on its terms instead of ours. Fighting it with its army in tow, fighting it in a land where it could possibly traverse back from the abyss after we would defeat it since the two lands are converging.

    I have never felt so helpless in my life. Having been in the military, having fought in wars, fought with allies, overcoming odds and obstacles, this was the first time I have never felt so helpless. But I will not surrender to my fears.

    As of now, I will be redoubling my efforts to find a way to banish these demons permanently. I will support those willing to do so, and will fight with every fiber of my being to keep this land safe. What transpired that day is an unfortunate reminder of our mortality, and as discouraging as it is, the only thing we can do now is move forward and learn from our mistakes.

  • The Vow

    I have taken a vow of conditional non-violence for myself and for the Grain Goddess

    I tire of bloodshed. Each time my blade bites into flesh, I felt a numbing sorrow accumulate within my being. I have ended many lives in defense of my allies, as part of the military, adventuring with others, and I feel while at some points its a necessary need; other times its nothing more than a means to an end, for treasure hunting or some other objective that has little influence on the well being of myself or others, done under false pretenses of 'slaying evil'.

    There are enough warriors and fighters in the land, and I think I would do them well to keep them safe, to keep them healed, and to ensure their protection.

    -I will no longer end life on my own accord, lest it be to put down fiend, undead, or aberration

    -With staff or shield I may defend myself should I have no allies available or summon to assist me, and will attempt to not strike blow so hard their life would end. Should it happen though, it would never be intent and penance will be paid in the form of charitable donation to those in need. ((OOC note, she will roleplay 'knocking out' enemies with her staff if she must, its up to the DM to determine whether she actually slays them in doing so or not.))

    -I may summon allies with Chauntea's blessings should there be a possibility of imminent death, sparingly, and will trust in their wisdom and judgement to do the right thing.

    I pray these steps I take are in the right direction, and while I am not one for inaction, I feel the paradigm shift in how I do things will help me become the best priestess and shepherd I can be. Chauntea guide me in following the tenants of this vow.

  • Splendor comparable to almost nothing on the mortal coil, the natural beauty of Avalon I have beheld after navigating that godsforsaken maze took my breath away, figuratively.

    As for literally, it seems many have succumbed to its charms, those who collapsed there and become one with the land; their silhouettes of stone replacing what they once were. My wards have kept my safe as well as my trip had been brief and uneventful, yet, I did feel something pulling at me, wanting me to just let go of who I was, my understanding of where I was, and just roam aimlessly. I had fell under tha land's spell once, and thankfully I recovered only to ward and continue to explore, but I was an outsider, not a guest.

    Spending a few hours taking everything in at a brisk pace, I sadly could not absorb the full magesty at my behest, having to instead keep time as a variable as well as having to keep aware of dangers or creatures that might try to do me harm, constantly keeping cognizant of my surroundings.

    Now the damned maze.

    Gosh I hate that maze.

    It is a wonder to behold, terrifying in some ways in its spendor and depth… but gosh and golly gee if that woman with that cat was the one to make this place, she must have some sick sense of humor since it to find the way I needed to go, I had to... you know what, if anyone reads this journal some how, you need to find out on your own! I might be willing to guide people, but I want folks going out on their own to figure out this thing on their own without help! I know I had to!

    Anyway, were Avalon the epitomy of splendor in its own natural form, this maze is the epitome of a cacophonic mind designing a twisted game for others to play, though thankfully for myself, with little risk of injury. Though due to its chaotic nature I will make no assumptions that the lack of threats I faced or even the pathways will remain the same.

    Anyway, enough writing, Thomy needs his... piggybutt.