Rathuill's letter to the League of Guilds

  • Rathill sits in his usual corner of the inn with his wine and lanceboard sprawled across the table and begins to write a letter with formal addressing

    "Dear League of Peltarch guilds,

    Greetings, I am a long time citizen and have come to the aid of the city multiple times. I have a very lucrative business proposition that is mutually beneficial to all parties. I am a local business man and request audience with you to negotiate purchase of property for a store front. You may find me in the Peltarch commons or leave a note for me here at the inn. I humbly thank you for your time and look forward to doing business with you in the future.

    Rathuill Pei'ren"

    the letter is sealed with a signet ring that bears a RP it and sent to the League of Guilds