Shrouds and worse
On an otherwise normal afternoon, the red haired Druidess was walking North even she came across Nate Wingates, who greeted her and promptly shouted, "Shrouds!"
Leena seemed to have no idea what that was at first, but soon after, the pair was seen making use of Leena's tracking skills, as they methodically wiped out every last one from the crossroads to Peltarch.
The area near the Druid Glen and Howling Woods soon ended up the same, with lightning flashes and cursing filling the air.
It would seem that the creatures are no isolated incident…
_Leena and Aoth were seen wandering down towards the lake, and then East, with Leena saying she was going to clear out the undead she found.
They returned looking tired but whole, and speaking of two slain Vrocks, several kinds of slain shroud, and skeletons out where the Wyverns nest. The areas near the city and graveyard have been cleared out of shrouds and such._