Lomyriomendur Nain's Nacht-Tales.

  • Dear Journal,

    Friends are false, they can't give anything True, no Love from them,
    They wear masks of friendship, but want to take advantage,
    Time is out there to be killed or kill,
    a Sword will cut at their Stupid Ways.

    – 'Lomy', a Masked bard with a Sword.

  • Dear Journal,

    Fiendish spirit that guides me seems to come and go on his whim - sometimes i have extra powers of muscles, spirit and mind, surging through - another times i don't.

    … it's exhilirating when he's here, but when he leaves i lack.

    It's quite chaotic, as one could expect of the power coming from the Abyss.

    On another note - i did trade my conjuration gems for a well made ash longbow.

    Gems would be used only one time each, and a bow should last.

    It's a well made bow, with a strong pull, and quite light to carry as well.

    It's strong pull comes useful especially when a spirit is with me, other times i can still use it - but the shot's power is lesser by a significiant amount.

    It's crafter and seller's name is 'Z', it took him about two weeks to complete.

    My wailing arrows now have a proper device to propel them to their targets!

    -- Yours, Lomy - an Adventurer and a Bard with a flighty demon spirit.

  • Dear Journal,

    Involved myself into a research & journey, into the Abyssal Fortress 'Tian Sumere', a fortress for Orcus himself should his ploys in Abyss fail.

    Master of Peltarch's Bard College, Nathen Wingates did a Legend Lore spell & insights of wisdom overcame him.

    He explained what he learned to us, i listened with envy to his great lore & storytelling skill.

    He told us & vividly explained a plane of blood & fire, of undead & demons, of shadow-black raining from it's 'sky'.

    There was a demon in a guise of a human mage called Kharsus who sought counsil of Glyphimhor, Lord of Orcusgate.

    Their plan is to use Menhir Stones as a way to collapse the planes, to meld Abyss with Prime Material we live on … then to start invasion.

    They captured a powerful mage Maria, entrapped her so she can't defend the Menhir Stones across Narfell.

    They captured a number of local druids & drain their energy to fuel the Plane-Collapsing Rites.

    We went to investigate further & scry, saw a vision of demons plotting - then they detected us and attacked. Their lord told them to spare me, i avoided the fight.

    During the fight i had a vision of demon asking for my loyalty for rewards of power & riches, i agreed in my Mind and bowed a little.

    'i wish to serve you, to advance in your ranks, and earn proper rewards that way'.

    i felt surge of fiendish energy going through my mind & body, was infused with evil spirit that shall guide me from now on, increasing my abilities as well.

    My task is to befriend and infiltrate bards involved, i couldn't refuse the task.

    Then fight stopped, we split the loot ... got magical 'Wailing Arrows', a few of powerful one-use spell-items as well.

    After splitting the loot with others, i thanked them for an opportunity to gather the song-material - have to play sweet dumb to earn their trust.

    Later when they talked about Bardic College, i asked about fee to participate in lessons - got in there for free. Master Nate got me key, assigned elf-hin bardess Atel as my Mentor - she will show me things as soon as i am ready & she has time.

    Then i went to inn, for a night's reverie.

    -- Yours, 'Lomy', an Elven Bard with a fiendish spirit.

    P.S. i made a small sing-song, it's for Bards to hear.

    _'Orcusgate - flame and shadows,
    The dark fortress of despair,
    Of the demons and the undead,
    Hesistate? You'll be slain.

    Master Bard took the challenge,
    To research demons ploys,
    Abyss demons plan revenge,
    If they win, all will be lost.

    Who oppose are captured,
    Who oppose are drained,
    Their prison as a warning,
    Their souls fuel spells.

    Demons' plot is to collapse,
    Abyss-Prime planes with,
    Open gates for invasion,
    Calling hellish demons in.

    Our spirit shall not falter,
    We'll oppose demon plans,
    Demons have to be stopped,
    They must stay out of our land.

    Menhir stones we must defend,
    It's from where fiends will pour,
    We must travel to the Abyss,
    To rescue the stolen souls.

    Know yourself, then know enemy,
    Then prepare our plans,
    We must fight with good strategy,
    We must fight till they are gone.'_

  • Dear Journal,

    i've hunted for a song material, for a real combat.

    Found a dwarf who agreed to show me his tricks, in echange for a praise-song. Then elven guardswoman joined, without revealing her name.

    We went swamps to hunt kobolds, but met the fiendish Tanar'ri of the Abyss.

    Almost dying, we retreated to heal our wounds - but i feel drained still … as if a part of my soul was sucked into Abyss.

    Elven guard's sword-arm & divine powers was what kept us alive.

    Stayed a while in commons to compose a song, to share it with a dwarf ... and met another, a strong & full-plated human woman.

    It seems that demons dwell in the swamps for a quite while, she encountered them before. She also did reveal elven guard's name - it's 'Mint'.

    When we talked about Shadowy Cloaked Form that fought us under a magical darkness spell, she mentioned that we were touched by the 'Shroud of Orcusgate'.

    _'… out of Abyss, did they come?
    Now the Swamps are their home.

    ... mighty dwarf, still held a line,
    We survived, it's divine.

    ... elven lady, unknown name,
    with her sword they were a-slain.'_

    We were lucky to keep our lives & return, i should add.

    – Yours, 'Lomy' Lomyriomendur Nain, a drained elven bard.

  • Dear Journal,

    Dis nacht' was a hot 'spirience.

    Finally went outside the Inn to chill 'n' smoke, then to explore a bit.

    Nothin' unusual, 'cept a horse - a dark horse flaming at night, a Nightmare, a truly.

    Fed it, praised, petted, promised to sing 'a' song … probably no one at inn will believe anyway.

    _A Nacht-Hors,
    A Nightmare,
    Flaming Hot,
    So Bizzare.

    Look Nacht-Hors,
    In the eye?
    Can You look?
    It's the way.

    Met by Druids',
    By Nacht-Elf,
    Lomy's Yours,
    In the end._

    Hopefully this a horse will meet me again, i am curious of what's brewing anyway.

    We long-livin' Elves can be patient, i should add.

    – Yours, 'Lomy', a Nacht-Elf, a Bard, a Ranger of Erevan Ilsere.

    P.S. Would forget to mention that finally i did master a 'Charm Person' magickal trick, as well as 'Daze' & 'Cure Light Wounds' treats.

    P.S.S. Discovered a talent for enchantment school of bardic magick in myself, should pursue it more as i progress as well - i'll strive for learning as many 'charm', 'hold' & 'dominate' spells as i can, i think.