Hear ye, hear ye - Attempted Assassination!

  • **"Hear ye, hear ye!

    There has been an assassination attempt on the life of yon brave Defender General, Fred'rick Del'rosa!"**

    Proclaims the town crier.

    The rumors spread like wild fire - a mysterious and unknown figure has attempted to assassinate Defender General Frederick Del'rosa. Accounts differ, though the most popular hushed talk and whispers mention that an elite orc assassin snuck into an awards ceremony held outside the western gates in the giantspire foothills. Gossipers claim that the assassin fired a poisoned arrow on the Defender General from the battlements during a private awards ceremony for the promotion of a defender corporal known as Jean Taschereau. Taschereau is a well known mage and member of Captain Talbot Anderson's regiment. Just past the gate west of the city, the General was pinning the badge on the corporal's uniform when the orcish assassin's arrow struck.

    The arrow was followed by an orcish attack that was repelled by Captain Talbot and the rest of the troops, however…

    The General immediately fell, the arrow's currently unknown poison taking immediate effect. Captain Talbot Anderson, who was present during the awards ceremony, took control of the situation. Del'rosa was rushed off to the Defender infirmary and is currently held there under maximum arcane, divine, and martial security, with absolutely no visitors allowed as he recovers from the Defenders internal medical team.

    Commoners aren't quite sure who is going to replace the General in the interim, though there is talk that there is only one clear choice: Talbot Anderson. Yes, so the gossips claim, it makes sense, since he is the one who assisted the most in recent calamities - the leader of Peltarch's investigation team that brought down Chirade, the Captain of the regiment that destroyed the orcish warmachine and more recently repelled orcish attacks, and the Captain who assisted in taking down and imprisoning Tristyn, former Cerulean Knight and leader of a dangerous nightmare cult.

    The current legal holder of the Generalship may be in question, but the de facto situation is clear: Talbot Anderson has assumed real control and is currently acting as the factual Interim General. The factual control may be due to him being leader of the largest regiment in the Defenders, as well as his reputation as a highly charismatic, capable, and efficient Captain.

    A few things are certain: First, Interim General Talbot Anderson is now in control of the Defenders. Second, Federic Del'rosa is in critical care and in a maximum security infirmary in the Defender headquarters. Third, Interim General Talbot Anderson has pledged revenge against the orcish menace and has issued a public statement promising his fellow citizens of Peltarch to wipe the orcs off the face of the giantspire mountains once and for all. Towards this goal, Talbot is ready to march the largest of the Defender regiments - his own - into the Giantspires in a full-scale invasion and extermination of the orcish population there.

    **"Fear not! Nay, fear not!

    Federic Del'rosa will recover in time and with hope, surely! And fearless Captain Talbot will lead us to safety and repel the orcish menace, as he always has!"**

    Concludes the crier.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • **"Hear ye, hear ye!

    Here be official notice from His Eminence and Highness the Right and Just King George: the treasonous and abominable Talbot Anderson has been slain!"**

    Proclaims the town crier.

    "Let it be known that the traitor was a menace to the safety of the realm, and that his attempted assassination of General Del'rosa was part of a plot and scheme to usurp Peltarch's military and ultimately the authority of the king for VILE PURPOSES! The wretched and vile Talbot Anderson wished for nothing but prestige, status, power, and position; he was a tyrant and an oppressor who cared for none other than he, who wanted the city to burn to ashes, who would condemn all Peltarchians! He would sooner have seen your children rot in the gutters if it meant his success! It was a great threat to the security of Peltarch that this Talbot Anderson posed!


    BUT FEAR NOT! Nay, good lads and lasses of Peltarch, fear NOT, for YOUR CITY IS SAFER NOW THAT HE IS DEAD. So sayeth your King! The turncoat, traitor, conspirator and renegade Talbot Anderson and his equally culpable lieutenants are no more thanks to your BRAVE HEROES Artemis, Roslyn Underhill, Atel Vai'sini, Isolde Garibaldi, Reyhenna Jorino, Nauran Illeztice, Ysberyl, Leena Lynn Rayfe, Shesarai Foutopolis, Rasuil Delagim, Gnarl Horst, Aoth, and Z. It is to them, and to the vanguard lead by Sally Williams, that the City of Peltarch owes the return to the normal state of affairs as they rightly were and ought to be. To them, the Monarchy of Peltarch owes its thanks, as do all Peltarchians here and together! UNITED!


    Hear ye, hear ye!"

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • The Halfling Defence League

    ((I will likely be about 30-45 mins late, but I'll be there))

  • ((Atel cann't make that time since I can't. However depending on how long the meeting runs I may be there for the end of it))

  • Shesarai will be there.


  • I would update/post in help wanted for clarity purposes and accurate attendance listing!

  • @76aa8e6494=Dorakhan:

    ((So that means Wednesday, December 28th at 11am ET or you updated the posted time?))

    Updated the time. Yeah, should've made that clearer. Updated it again! 5:30 PM EST.

  • ((So that means Wednesday, December 28th at 11am ET or you updated the posted time?))

  • Looks like i probably can!

  • ((I'll be at work until 5:30pm EST))

  • [OOC: Pushed back a day.]

  • There is talk of the army making headquarters deep in the Giantspire Mountains, of strange, machine-like modifications to the troops, and of plans to attack Peltarch's surrounding villages. Peltarch's heroes have repelled several attacks against the city, vied against Talbot Anderson's renegade army, prevented the kidnap and murder of certain key individuals, acquired strategic information, and disabled and regained control over certain portions of the Giantspires.

    General Del'rosa will host a military meeting with all of those aiding the city in the fight against Talbot Anderson's renegade army. Rumors have it that Sally Williams and Oscar Halbrook have differing approaches and perspectives in the way forward, and that neither has an edge over the other.

    [OOC: The meeting will be held December 27, at 5:30 PM EST. If anyone cannot make that time, post in this thread.]

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • The criers once again take the streets as Federic Del'rosa was healed by Isolde Garibaldi, Artemis, and Leena Lynn Rayfe. After Talbot marched the majority of Peltarch's troops west into the giantspires, Isolde apparently managed to convince Sally Williams to check on the poisoned general. Talbot allegedly left Sally Williams, a woman who many thought to be loyal to the man, in charge of the city's defenses while he marched the rest of the troops west. It turns out that two of Carl Tusker's troops - loyalists to Talbot with no medical training but plenty of martial training - were the so-called "physicians" taking care of Del'rosa. Rumors claim that they were merely waiting for the orcish poison to kick in.

    After the trio rescued the General, he ordered them to follow Talbot into the giantspires. They were joined by Shesarai and Atel. Several days later, they returned, with only half of the troops that originally left. They were apparently also carrying an orc that was filled with clockwork circuitry and wiring and metal. Del'rosa has issued a decree, with the King's approval, branding Talbot Anderson a traitor to and enemy of Peltarch, guilty of the highest crimes against the city. A pardon will be offered to any troops that initially followed Talbot west if they return and pledge allegiance to their true general and king. Controversially, Del'rosa has, at the behest of several vouchers and testimonies from adventurers, allowed Sally Williams to remain Captain for the time being, despite her appointment being under Talbot's illegitimate temporary Interrim Generalcy.

    One question remains: Where is Talbot Anderson now, and the half of Peltarch's Defender military that stayed with him after marching into the giantspires?

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]