The Dreamers Web of Warding

  • _Outside the Lighthouse and the Temple of the Triad, a handful of students from the Bardic College are busily distributing a great number of dreamcatchers, seemingly at no charge. Anyone complaining of bad dreams is sure to be offered one, with the instruction of hanging it over their beds.

    The dreamcatchers are beautiful, high quality in both work and materials, each one about the size of an outstretched hand. A circular frame of ash and lightweight balsa wood support a shimmering silver web within, small moonstones and crystal beads glittering like dew drops on the silken threads.

    The bottom of the frame is set with a mix of moonstones, amethyst and quartz in both rose and clear hues, alongside pure white Avariel feathers, soft as down and fluttering in the slightest of breezes. The whole thing glitters faintly with a light dousing of pixie dust, and each one is said to be embued with the blessings of the Lady of Dreams, Sehanine Moonbow._

  • _Bigby makes off with some of the shinier dreamcatchers, placing them in his secret hideyholes throughout the city.

    One of Bigby's purloined dreamcatchers ends up in Rary's hands…._

  • People flock to the temples and ask about the dreamcatchers. Some speak of the strange dreams they've been having, and hope that the catchers will help. Others speak of the high quality materials and how beautiful the dreamcatchers are. For a while, the dreamcatchers are the talk of the town, and people are often seem comparing. One person complains that his dreamcatcher has raven feathers instead of avarial feathers. However, this person easily trades his dreamcatcher to a woman who seems to prefer the ravenfeathers.

    After a few days of distribution, the temples run out of dreamcatchers and the majority of Peltarch's denizens have one.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • A small white cat follows the bards around, plays with them, plays with the dreamcatchers, and behaves in the most adorably annoying way he can.