Strange Things are Afoot at the Witch and Seer

  • The Halfling Defence League

    In a curious turn of events, reports spread throughout the Nars pass that aggressive and (some would say) magical vines wrapped around the Witch and Seer Tavern, shortly after druid elder Belia Cys'varine was seen to enter it. Shortly after, she was seen standing on the balcony in the company of noted hin philanthropist Roslyn Underhill, as the two traded words with a vaguely elven-looking figure who seemed to be in control of the obviously magical flora.

    After some time, and several moments in which the vines constricted the building and threatened to bring it down, the elven figure retreated and took her plants with her.

    Whether any long-term structural damage was done to the tower is not known, however it seems that the situation otherwise was resolved without incident.