
  • Mark.

    Height 1,89m
    Weight Average
    Eye: Black. He does not have his left eye.
    Hair Black
    Accent A mix of accents. Probably spent most of his young years travelling.
    Recognizable Features Wears an eyepatch to hide his missing eye
    Commonly spoken languages Common
    Race Human
    Equipment Worn

    About town Usually seen wearing some kind of dark used clothes. Wears a gold necklace and a gold ring, certainly trying to impress.

    Adventuring Wears an armor adorned with runes and regular looking helm. Wields a big sharp bastard sword and a silver made tower shield. Always carrying a short bow, clearly goblin made. A red glowing ring in his right hand and a silvery one on his right. Both rings used in his index fingers.

    Left Handed or Right Handed Right handed
    Body Build A brute of a man