A song for Peltarch

  • An elven bard can be heard occasionally performing this bittersweet song by the sundial in Peltarch city…

    Raised on songs & stories, heroes of renown
    The passing tales & glories that once was Peltarch town
    The hallowed halls & houses, the haunting bardic rhymes
    That once was Peltarch city in the rare ould times

    Ring a ring a rosie, as the light declines
    I remember Peltarch city in the rare ould times

    My name it is Mike Gelon, as Peltarch as can be
    Born hard & late on Cooper Street, in a house that ceased to be
    By trade I was a harvester, lost out to Filtan's greed
    Like my house that fell to Koreth's war, my trade's a memory

    & I courted Lilly Hollowmoon, as pretty as you please
    A wayward child of Tennem, from the civic's liberties
    I lost her to an elven chap, her father's wealth his goal
    When he took her off to Hoarsgate town, she took away my soul

    Ring a ring a rosie, as the light declines
    I remember Peltarch city in the rare ould times

    The years have made me bitter, the Velvet dims me brain
    'Cause Peltarch keeps on changing & nothing seems the same
    The Senate & the Tower's gone, Rath Ashald long cut down
    As the great unyielding masonry makes a city of my town

    Ring a ring a rosie, as the light declines
    I remember Peltarch city in the rare ould times

    Fare thee well sweet Anna Icelace, I can no longer stay
    & watch the new bright faces, that spring up along the quay
    My mind's too full of memories, too old to hear new chimes
    I'm part of what was Peltarch in the rare ould times.

    ((See the actual Dublin version for the tune and feels!))