Chaos of enchantment - Longbow of Possessed Shadows

  • (( Just bumping this so it doesn't get pushed to far down edited to show completion of all prerequisites just waiting for specifics to go in game and any DM input.

  • The Help So Far

    Creation of the Enchanting Bain!

    With the long and tedious task of gathering the materials needed for the creation of the basin Hen seems to have the creation of the basin ready to begin with the help of Jonni. Sitting together within the Witch and Seer they go over the fine details of the basin including but not limited to:
    How it should be designed.
    How it should be decorated.
    How it should be Enchanted for use.
    How it should be blessed, honored, and/or consecrated to the gods of Magic.

    Together they spoke and came to agreements on many things, the largest of course being the late addition of a large marble block being needed. As the placement and position of the enchanting Basin was also important, the marble would also blend well with the Platinum and Silver and provide a beautiful surface for engravings or carvings to the gods of Magic. Making the appropriate notes on the dimensions of the marble block Hen and Jonni moved on to the next topic.

    Blessing and/or enchanting of the Magical Basin should not be done by one individual, but it should be done by the members of the Clergy of Magical gods. Each race has a god they revere for magic and with that idea Jonni came up with the idea to bring in a Clergy member from each of the gods of Magic. Jonni decided he would be the one to ask for the assistance from the Clergy members Hen readily agreeing he the better person for such a task.

    As they finished their conversation their individual plans where set and their goal was clear. Jonni would work on the Basin and the Clergy of Magic, while Hen would locate and acquire a large enough chunk of Marble to be suitable as the base of the basin. Hen also began asking around the Bardic College for Master Artists seeking their prices for detailed original works of art fit to be shaped to Metal and Marble. While also ensuring they made the long trek to the Dwarven hold seeking a Master of Jewelcrafting whom was second to none with the delicate work with Silver and gem designs.

    One step closer, No expense will be spared… If I can envision it happen it will happen! Hen left with a determined outlook and even an unusual bounce of confidence and forwardness in her step to complete her new tasks.

    ((Any DM that would like to help Hen acquire the marble please shoot me a PM would be much appreciated. ))

    //xp pending x3. - Void

  • The Help So Far

    Ingots delivered

    Stalking is a strong word, however it was quite obvious that the silent figure waiting inside the Witch and Seer tavern was waiting for someone. She didn't speak to anyone ordering a tea now and then and staying in the lobby area for several days before her 'mark' showed up. Approaching Jonni she smiled as if she had only just walked in…

    "Just the Seer I was looking for, Hello Jonni"

    _"Greetings Hen"

    "I have a very heavy and expensive bag for you."

    "Expensive is always nice." Jonni closed the book he had opened looking to Hen now as she lifted her moonstone mask.

    "I have acquired all the materials required for the basin, and some extra. A few extra Mithril and thirty silver ingots to use for ornamentation and decoration of the basin as you see fit. If you need anything else let me know I always deliver hmm?"

    "I'll get to planning then"

    "Thank you" Hen replied earnestly.

    "Anytime, Hen"_

    And so, the work on the enchanting basin could finally begin.

    ((If any DM would like to work with Jonni on the creation of the Basin I would be very grateful, posting on this topic is the best way to keep things known a PM to myself and DrD would also be infinity helpful since topic are not always checked.))

  • The Help So Far

    Shadow Orbs, Globe of Shadows

    A very fortunate encounter from a seemingly common call for aid to the commons of Peltarch. Hen assisting the moderately sized company of adventurers in a thieving… reclaiming... semantics aside aquireing of a rather interesting indexing device. After all was said and done, some battles, some clever solutions, and a lot of pondering Hen achieved a rather major victory in her search for components. Being handed three shadow orbs for her assistance of the Demonbinder put a rather happy smiles on the usual dour expression of the trickster.

    "Elusive little bastards, three down two to go…. i'm so close... i sear Ras if you Jinxed me I will haunt you."

  • The Help So Far

    Platinum Ingots

    You owe me, sooooo much

    The line was simple but when gazing upon the rewards of the adventure the ever humble Hen had only those words to utter. Platinum, Mithral, Adamantine, Onyx, Gems, and hair raising adventure all smashing into each other to finish the collection of Platinum Ingots required for Hen's Enchantment Basin. The once elusive last 59 ingots covered in one swoop. Though no more is recorded in her book the sudden jump in her count could only be contributed to a few things…

  • The Help So Far

    Shadow Orb(s)

    With her list slowly coming to fruition one of the last few Objects Hen needs are her shadow orb(s). With the reluctant aid she provided Isoldes party in stopping the familiacide spell from wiping out the hemways and return the scroll of the wandering gnomish mage she was one step closer. To her surprise a magic item was reward for suck however in favour of completing her own little quest she persude a shadow orb. Awaiting the end result of her request Hen has found that she may need more than one now which she seems less than pleased about being as one was so hard to find in the first place.

    In the face of the task of finding more Hen extends her search inquiring to the adventurers of Narfell is someone may be willing to trade or sell a shadow orb or ones location.

  • @9e96451346=Scout-Hen:






    The Help So Far

    Enchanting Basin - Part 2/3

    With the rough idea in her head for the basin Hen took her leave from Peltarch after several frivalous adventures for Platinum to no avail to seek Maria's council. Naturally the end product of the basin's materials would need a masters approval for maximum effect and so Hen came to Maria's tower after spending far to long killing the goblins and demons around it to simply knock on the door, sweaty and tired.

    Maria! Let me in we need to talk and these goblins are going to kill me eventually! It's about the finer points of this enchantment basin!

    María opens the door for him, and blasts the remaining goblins dead with just a wave of her hand

    "Come on in, Hen, been waiting fowr you. Well actually not, but it's what all mages say when people come visit so…." SHe shrugs, and closes the door after Hen

    "Come this way, to the libwrawry" María goes to the library, guiding Hen, and offers her a seat, sitting herself opposite to her "So tell me, what is exactly what you need, what you aftewr?"

    Hen would scurry in quickly with a huff before she quickly regained herself slipping away her rapier and shield looking to Maria before following her."Expecting me, well everyone expects me they just cant find me of course… Well that being say... yes Library."

    Hen quickly followed Maria to the Library sitting before her and removing her moonstone mask slouching back in the chair ~very~ professionally. _Well, I believe I know what I need already however I need your more experienced mind to tell me for certain. That or direct me somewhere I can find out the specifics to creating a proper Enchanting Basin. Jonni has concluded that it would be wise to make the base and guts of the Basin with Platinum while coating the inside of the basin where the magic will be held with the Mithral.

    I basically need to know if that will work or if I am going to need to find a literal dwarfs wet dream of Mithral… That is what I need... What I am after of course I desperatly need your advice on the whole enchanting thing and the magical part of the basin. As you know it is not simply just for me, assuming I don't blow myself up it will be put in a place for public use so I really would like it to work._

    She nods quietly It'd seem that what you'wre aftewr is a vewry heavy enchantment, and with no less than mithwral. As you well know, that's not the easiest thing to achieve. Gold is, indeed, a vewry good conductowr fowr spells. Hence why always use gold wrings owr gold amulets fowr enchanting jewelwry, but in this case I think you'll need a bit mowre than just that. Specially if you awre looking to use shadowmagic in it…
    I would cewrtainly wrecommend to get youwr hands on a few shadowowrbs. You can make a special powdewr with it that you should apply to the basin's suwrface so it absowrbs shadowmagic pwropewrly.

    Do you have any of those?

    _"I do not have any yet, however, I'm currently in the process of finding at least one. I have differed payment in form of magical item from a wandering gnomish mage in exchange for one or at least the location of a powerful one. I have not had the chance to speak at length with her about the subject however since she prefers scrying and sending notes so it is a timely process as you can well imagine.

    As for the use of mithral, yes I do plan on attempting a sizeably powerful enchantment and id like the basin to survive its ordeal so that I can put it out for free public use. That all being said how many orbs do you think I will need? I was going to use one for the enchantment as well to attempt to influence the enchantment with shadow magic._ Hen leaned back in her chair slipping out her notebook and pencil showing Maria her list before leaving it open to the page incase maria would like to go over anything.

    Hmmm I would think you'll need at least thwree, Hen. It needs to covewr the whole basin. I'd get fouwr just in case. But thwree should suffice.

    Hen would nod a bit and change the Shadow Orb entry in her journal and lean back with a heavy sigh," One step foreword… two steps back some days I suppose. Thank you for the Help Maria... No doubt I will need it again."

  • @37f61efbff=Scout-Hen:



    The Help So Far

    Enchanting Basin - Part 2/3

    With the rough idea in her head for the basin Hen took her leave from Peltarch after several frivalous adventures for Platinum to no avail to seek Maria's council. Naturally the end product of the basin's materials would need a masters approval for maximum effect and so Hen came to Maria's tower after spending far to long killing the goblins and demons around it to simply knock on the door, sweaty and tired.

    Maria! Let me in we need to talk and these goblins are going to kill me eventually! It's about the finer points of this enchantment basin!

    María opens the door for him, and blasts the remaining goblins dead with just a wave of her hand

    "Come on in, Hen, been waiting fowr you. Well actually not, but it's what all mages say when people come visit so…." SHe shrugs, and closes the door after Hen

    "Come this way, to the libwrawry" María goes to the library, guiding Hen, and offers her a seat, sitting herself opposite to her "So tell me, what is exactly what you need, what you aftewr?"

    Hen would scurry in quickly with a huff before she quickly regained herself slipping away her rapier and shield looking to Maria before following her."Expecting me, well everyone expects me they just cant find me of course… Well that being say... yes Library."

    Hen quickly followed Maria to the Library sitting before her and removing her moonstone mask slouching back in the chair ~very~ professionally. _Well, I believe I know what I need already however I need your more experienced mind to tell me for certain. That or direct me somewhere I can find out the specifics to creating a proper Enchanting Basin. Jonni has concluded that it would be wise to make the base and guts of the Basin with Platinum while coating the inside of the basin where the magic will be held with the Mithral.

    I basically need to know if that will work or if I am going to need to find a literal dwarfs wet dream of Mithral… That is what I need... What I am after of course I desperatly need your advice on the whole enchanting thing and the magical part of the basin. As you know it is not simply just for me, assuming I don't blow myself up it will be put in a place for public use so I really would like it to work._

    She nods quietly It'd seem that what you'wre aftewr is a vewry heavy enchantment, and with no less than mithwral. As you well know, that's not the easiest thing to achieve. Gold is, indeed, a vewry good conductowr fowr spells. Hence why always use gold wrings owr gold amulets fowr enchanting jewelwry, but in this case I think you'll need a bit mowre than just that. Specially if you awre looking to use shadowmagic in it…
    I would cewrtainly wrecommend to get youwr hands on a few shadowowrbs. You can make a special powdewr with it that you should apply to the basin's suwrface so it absowrbs shadowmagic pwropewrly.

    Do you have any of those?

  • The Help So Far

    Enchanting Basin - Part 1/3
    After Hens collection of the ten Mithral ingots she was quick to find the most proven smith to assist her in constructing her masterful enchanting basin however she was met with good and bad news. Very clearly she would not have the mithral to make the full entire basin out of it however she did have enough to line the basin providing the same effect. However her Crafter, Jonni, said that she needed to find platinum in order to make the base and mount for the basin.

    She had finally gotten so close and gotten the help she needed! However as with all adventures she was knocked a few steps back however not out. She carefully pens the pencils the new requirments into her journal.

    Platinum Ingots - 26/100

    Leaning back in her chair she smirked slightly looking at her materials list and exclaiming softly to herself. "Please Erevan… I ask you for one mighty trick that guides me down the path of infinite laughter...." She smiled a little and shook her head… "What have I gotten myself into this time."

    "Regardless, enlisting the help of Jonni in the crafting of the basin was paramount the extra effort will be worth it. However before we go much further I will need proper insight from Maria… Enchanting is not so hard as I figured out with my shield however making a Basin. That could be an entirely new disaster... Time to head to spellweaver."

  • The Help So Far

    Mithral Ingots
    As she has on many occasions Hen finally got some relevent information on the location of someone with Mithral Ingots other than Jonni. Waking to a splended hangover she set out to find Leena, how it had not crossed her mind to ask her before seemed quite beyond her however finding her was much simpler than she thought.

    "I need three more mithral ingots and I have been informed that you have some!" Hen spoke quickly peering at her intently.

    "Aye, I have six" Leena spoke evenly without adding to much more before hen quickly cut off anymore words.

    Before you say anything, it is not an entirely selfish reason I need the ingots! It's for a good cause! Hen exclaimed quickly as if to add to her credibility which was naturally never in question.

    Oh? Well, then prove yourself. I'm listening. Leena replied no doubt slightly skeptical rogue who has always been known to make ~well thought out~ choices.

    Hen was quick to answer now blurting out her explanation with no small amount of what persuasiveness she had. I need three more Mithral ingots to build a proper enchanting basin that can contain the heavy load needed for my enchantment. While also providing a very effective and hopefully safer place for other people to so enchantments. Be that it is the best metal for holding, retaining, and outputting magic. Hen stopped Peering intently at Leena.

    Leena thought, hmm, considering her options before Hen spoke once more. I can pay you! Maybe not now… but later! It seemed to have the desired effect as not to soon after Leena had handed Hen her last remaining Mithral ingots however not without price. Hen was indebted to Leena now for the price of one very extravagant magical item or trinket. Promising Leena a return as quickly as she could.

    Writing into her note book hen quickly Added to her list.
    0/1 Payment for Leena

  • The Help So Far

    The Darkwood Bow
    Following a long wait, Hen has acquired one of the most important items to her enchantment, the Masterwood Darkwood Longbow. Patience was most needed for this letting the winds of controversy blow over seemed most tedious however finally parting with a heavy sack of gold Hen aquired it from Master Z, crafted by Master Ginger B. Tealeaf.

  • Help So Far

    The Lady of Fire

    ((This will be a much briefer version than I intended, sorry Wolfhere I will be sure to edit it up accordingly when I am all caught up on the posts I need to make.))

    The reunion of the two Hen and Diadne was short and if not slightly confusing for Diadne, however after a small bribe and some friendly words it seemed she was willing to go to the Inn to hear out Hens request. Soon the pair was sitting down at the table with an assortment of rare good layed out and Diadne's eyes glued wiht Envy upon Hen's Flame Longbow.

    "Whatever would you do that for!" Diadne didnt seem impressed with hens earlier words as she motioned from the bow to the Jeremjevite that reamined the forefront of the conversation. "It's a lovely bow!"

    "Yes it is, and I have used it for many years and admired it's use to me that is why I wish to keep its essence with me and impart it onto my next bow. If I can harness the essence into the Jeremjevite even temporarily to allow for me to use it within the Enchantment of the Darkwood bow it would prove to be a great boon." Hen smiled some, she still had quite a bit of sentimental attachment to the bow it has served her better than any other bow she had yet acquired, however it wasn't her own.

    "To be honest, I am not even sure if it is possible I would have to perhaps transfer the energy of the bow from my hand through myself and into the gem. If it is possible at all." Diadne seemed interested for certain however skeptical of hens proposed plan thus far it would seem. However onlookers would not it did seem the Lady of Kossuth has indeed at least agreed to cooperate and try her best.

    "It may not be possible however I believe if I never try I will never be sure if it is possible or not. The overall idea is already a little crazy but has roused the interest of so many who wonder if it could ever be possible. I hope with your help and the help of others I can make it a reality." Though still not entirely sure how she may have convinced Diadne to help her with such a task, she had a renewed hope that with the help of one who bore the flames of Kossuth she would have the highest chance to success she could ever hope for. A burden lifted from her shoulder for certain now she made a few notes in her notebook and took her leave to seek the next one she needed to find.

  • Help So Far

    The Grumpy Dwarf!
    It was a long, slow, tedious walk as Hen was nearly buckling under the weight of the full-plate suit of Armour that she had recently acquired under various means likely legal we hope. As she crossed over the hill that oh so familiar short, round, grumpy, bald dwarf was all to easy to see veering off the road and away from the encumbered elf. "Dwin! Hen would point at him with wobbly legs.

    After a few short moments likely thinking 'OH fark the damn skinny tree hugger…' however he did manage to make his way over looking up at the Masked Hen with his all to cemented smirking look. The elf continued her talking of the dwarf as he stared up at her before he himself spoke. "Listen I'm sure you know me but I cant remember who you are with a Mask on so why dont you take it off." Dwin however did have to ask twice before the Elf did shut up enough to remove her helmet. "Ah Fark Hen I knew it was you."

    Following was some small chatter, a small deal to carry her armour to the boat, and a random set of bargaining with a Paladin before Hen and Dwin finally made the trip to the Riverboat. The Old dwarf and the Elf talking all the way of the all manner of things but mostly their respective collections or something and some kind of power that was likely lost on anyone who didn't hear the whole conversation. Once arrive at the boat however the conversation took a more serious term of business.

    "Listen Dwin I actually need a favour from you if you can do it, with this recent crap that has been happening with the Union I have found it difficult and impossible to acquire a valuable item for myself. I've been looking to get my hands on a Darkwood bow for some time now but clearly…" *She shrugged with a frown looking down at Dwin.

    "Hmm, Well does it have to be a Ginger made bow? Like could it be someone else make?" Hen would quickly nod in reply stating it didn't mater so long as it was a bow of the highest possible quality. "Well then I'll but the word out to my sources and see what I can come up with for ya."

    A now smiling and quite pleased Hen thanked Dwin and stepped onto the boat, Dwin tossing a few extra coins to the captain. "Ye take care of me friend now, nonstop straight to shit town!" And so it was, nonstop straight to Peltarch.

  • The Hep So Far

    The Ranger!
    Following a long talk within the Union Halls Rasuil and Hen are the last two left and begin a chat!~ (( Forgive me if its not word for word Notes I did not take… Let me know via PM if anything needs to be changed Ras I think I got it close...))

    "Speaking of crazy ideas I'm almost ready to finally start one of my own, it should be fantastic if I dont blow myself up." Hen would smirk some as she pulled up her moonstone mask to hold up her hair out of her eyes, the elf was unusually excited about that odd sentence however.

    "Really? Well… lets hear it then" Ras replied as Hen stepped back already setting out several high class items before him and showing him, it all seemed… random. "You lost me."

    "Oh It will make more sense when I actually tell you of course, I intend on enchanting a bow for myself now that I have compiled most of the regents honestly I never thought I'd be so close to doing it so I never payed it much mind." Hen grinned quite happy of her words as she showed the various object, ingots, and bow to Ras, of course his first words where almost to easy to predict.

    "So, you're finally making yourself a proper bow then? About time." Putting on that patented grin he would chuckle at the smirking hen before she went about explaining herself.

    "Well sure if you want to put it that way! Since I have little skill with wood working I have to make do with what I can you know, and now that Darkwood bows have popped up it's a perfect time for me to go through with my plan. However I am still missing a few key items… actually I was wondering If you might have one or two of them.." Hen leaned in with a grin, never one to start a conversation that wouldn't benefit herself it seems some things never change.

    "Oh so now you need something from me too, Well that depends what you need really I have lots of things but maybe not what you want." He smirked as he replied he may have even seen it coming, so often when she spoke to him it was for things or just jabbing each other with words or both.

    "Well I am looking for a Shadow Orb… like the ones that where used in the Shadowvar war, I regret to say it was one of the wars I missed regretfully so and now I need something from it to help complete my enchantment." She smirked as she spoke before she shrugged and looks to Ras "I mean I know some of them still linger around"

    "Y'know no one ever says they regretfully missed the Shadowvar war but you… However I might have an orb somewhere in one of my stashes, I have so many all over Narfell its hard to keep track of everything I got. However I can take a look for you and see what I find I suppose." He shrugged some, Hen being sure to pointedly make fun of the fact that it might be his age not the number of stashes he has littered over Narfell that makes him forget things.

    The two spent more time talking of Hen's idea and Hen making fun of Ras of course at any chance she could get however it would seem the Duo in the Crafting Halls has a good laugh or two at the end and parted ways. Such Hen has recruited the first person to help hopefully with her quest to get her very own bow as Ras would put it.