Orexcorp Resources
_A travelling company known as Orexcorp Resources, led by the charming priestess of Waukeen, Beatrice Xarsus, sems to have set up camp at the Riverbed near the Central Plains, from where they set and ready their resource exploitation expeditions.
Beatrice herself appears quite approachable and friendly to any visitors that might want to meet with her, though she is a busy woman and probably shouldn't be bothered with anything that is not business-related._
Beatrice will be receiving visitors during the coming tenday, previous appointment!
//There were a couple of big events drawing the entire player population both saturday and sunday, so I'll try to do this next weekend. Cheers!
The sturdy and kind Shiney Battlemail is also seen approaching the camp after a long walk in hopes of speaking with Beatrice.
Hen makes a stop by the Orexcorp camp looking to book a meeting with Beatrice about buying a small sum of ingots.