Studying the Journal of the Dead-lord

  • _After stumbling upon an adventure going through some mysterious crypts and ensuring that the clues and information she found were safe, Kathea spends the next couple days reading and re-writing the spell-damaged journal that was found on the Priest of Velsharoon. She reads through carefully, as well as copying down what was legible, word-for-word in black ink, and marking important things on her copy in colored ink. Once she had completely and accurately copied the journal, she'd make a couple more copies.

    Once the copies were made, she would give one to Elvadriel to study, keep one for herself, and then would attempt to set up a meeting with a city official to give them both the book and the amulet, as well as another copy with important parts detailed, going over the details with the official if they so wished. She also informs the official of who she had given copies to study as well, in addition ask that should Raryldor find out about her giving the journal and amulet over to the city, that he be denied access to them, for as she puts it "He would rather destroy evidence of threats to the city and claim them as loot, than trust someone who has the Jewel in mind."_

  • Kathea also gives them one of her copies so the information would be safer to analyze. Kat nods as the Knight tells her the amulet could be refurbished. Kat requests if it would not be too much trouble to have it remade as a symbol of Sharess.

  • The third-star Cerulean Knight named Tristyn takes Kathea's request for an official meeting with the city and accepts the tattered journal as evidence. The man has plain features and a neutral expression, and speaks in calm soft tones.

    "Thank you," begins Tristyn. "I will have my men assess this amulet and book immediately. This book looks like it's in tatters. I'm not entirely sure how useful it will be."

    Tristyn hands the book over to a subordinate, who takes it away for assessment. Tristyn listens to Kathea's words. The subordinate returns a some time later with a report about the amulet. Tristyn's eyes read the report. Eventually, he speaks.

    "It turns out this amulet is a typical periapt of wisdom, refashioned into a skull. Apparently, the magic inside isn't tainted. It's a re-purposed tool. If you want, you can keep it and we can change the skull shape into something else. Would hate to destroy a magical item that could be redeemed for better purposes."

    Tristyn's expression is totally neutral as he watches her respond.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]