Need for Copper! Includs a Raffle for custom enchantment!

  • The priestess Anna Blake, on behalf of the Church of Chauntea and the farmers of peltarch calls upon the people of Narfell if they can to donate copper ingots, which in turn will be used for a proper irrigation system in the farms, to help ensure years of prosperity, as well as ensure during seasons and periods of drought, that the farms will be self sufficient.

    As for the raffle, she will offer a major and a minor custom enchantment, or prize from Yllalynn's collection if she so wishes to provide, tailored to suit the winner's needs. The rules for the raffle will be as follows:

    1. One raffle ticket for each 10 ingots donated, to a maximum of 250 raffle tickets a person
    2. The goal of 12,000 ingots needed for pipelines must be met, any more donations will go towards continued maintenance in the future
    3. Two prizes will be given, only one prize per person

    Anna encourages any and all people who are capable of mining copper to participate. Though you do have more chances of winning with more donations, anyone and everyone contributing will have a chance!

    (I will roll a custom dice roller, so lets say 6 people donate donate 2500 ingots, there would be 1500 tickets total. Person one would be 1-250, person 2 would be 251-500, and so on. Upon rolling it, if it gets 322 for example, person 2 will win!. - The prizes will be one 8 point item, and one 6 point item pending on DM participation, otherwise I am more than happy to do this at my expense!)

  • Current Status

    Copper Raised So Far: 66%

    Current Copper Raised: 8080/12,000

    Current Raffle Ticket Holders (max copper tickets, 250):

    Alvaniel = 32 Copper Raffle Tickets
    Jonni = 51 Copper Raffle Tickets
    Fodel = 35 Copper Raffle Tickets
    Master Z = 250 Copper Raffle Tickets
    Crafters Union Organization = 250 Copper Raffle Tickets
    Shiney = 8 Copper Raffle Tickets
    Ginger = 7 Copper Raffle Tickets
    Gnarl = 35 Copper Raffle Tickets

    -Raffle Tickets will be going towards either 2 custom enchantments (greater and lesser), or treasures from the Chauntean church
    -An additional gift will be given from the Chauntean church to miners who can earn at least 100 raffle tickets


    There will now be a second series of raffle tickets, one for coin donated to help pay for time and labor required for installation. There will be two prizes for gold raffle tickets that can be selected specifically for this drive from the Chauntean church! Those who are donating copper do not qualify.

    Maximum tickets that can be earned is 100, one ticket will cost 50 coin each!

    Coin Raised: 0/25,000

    Current Gold Raffle Ticket Holders:

    We look forward to your efforts! Long live the Jewel!