Reyhenna Jorino - Sell-sword Extraordinaire!

  • Character name: Reyhenna Jorino
    NWN Account: Dante Caoimhin

    The door of the inn's backroom practically blew off its hinges from the force of the imposing, armoured figure who had just burst through it.


    The rattle of steel on scabbard sent the blonde, who had until now been leaning back in her chair at a card table, jumping to her feet. She reached a hand back to draw her own greatsword, a wry grin forming on her lips.

    "We don't have to fight in here, do we? I mean, its a nice place…", she suggested as she darted her eyes around the room.

    "We have the place surrounded, Marcie and Theo are here, you can't win. Drop your weapon, I won't warn you a second time!"

    Frowning at the seemingly troublesome odds, the blonde raised a hand and moved to lower her blade, before eyeing one of the other card players.

    "Hey, isn't this guy like your dad's best mate, Archie?" she queried, before aiming a terrible slash of her blade across his chest, blood staining the table as he staggered back out of his chair in horror.

    As the tall figure blocking the door ran to the aid of the gasping old man, the blonde barreled out the door and into the common room, where two more armoured figures were already shouldering their way across from the front door. She looked around, mouthing a curse, and yanked a pouch from her belt.

    "Ehh, this is getting worse by the minute…" she muttered, as she lit a taper on the pouch and flung it behind the bar, causing a shower of sparks and flame to erupt from the liquor kegs. Pretty soon, the entire room was filling with thick smoke, but she was already crashing through a window and running for the dock!

    "You get Archie out of there, I'll go after her!" came the intensely infuriated shout from behind her as she bolted.

    _As she reached the docks, she was nearly out of breath, and over her shoulder she could see the plume of smoke against the moonlit night. In the dark, it was tricky to see which ships were about to leave, but fortunately in a port this busy she had a few to choose from.

    By the time they'd realized which ship she'd boarded, they were already growing smaller in the distance, and the blonde was catching her breath. A rather bewildered boatswain wasn't long in accosting her though._

    "'ho th' devil is you, missy!?" he spluttered, waving a lantern in her face.

    "Whoa, easy there pal, Reyhenna Jorino at your service, just a sellsword looking to move on to new pickings," she waved a hand reassuringly, employing her most winning smile.

    "Oh aye? An' I suppose ye'll be payin' for yer passage 'fore we toss ye o'er the side, eh?" he spat, looking over her dubious as to the soot-stained girl's ability to string two coppers together.

    "Of course I can…uh...oh shit, my money was all in that card game!" she realised, wide-eyed, laughing at her own stupidity. "I knew I shouldn't have burn-uh...left in such a hurry, oh uh. Well, uh. Well, fella, I'm sure I can pay -somehow-, right?"

    As she followed the suddenly much more amiable sailor across the ship, she briefly pondered asking where they were even sailing to…eh, she'd find out when she got there!

  • Reviewed, exp awarded
