Musings From The Fugue

  • _A rumor spreads through the world of the living of an entity who entered the Fugue of his own choosing, and remains there willingly. The entity is called the Fugue Walker by some, although some have said his name is simply John.

    Those who have been to the Fugue and returned to the world of the living have reported that this entity is extremely talkative, and even friendly. He is always ready with metaphysical rants and philosophical discussions about the Fugue and the world of the living.

    Some have expressed caution however. They say that the Fugue Walker is really an evil demon who wants to trap your soul in the Fugue forever. Others say he is just a lonely philosopher who believes the world of the living to be unreal. They have reported that he constantly tries to persuade others about the benefits of existing in the Fugue, and he is often referring to something called The Void, saying it is the only Real thing in existence.

    The rumors do not say much else, although most agree that if you are tired of living, and enjoy metaphysical discussions about existence, then John the Fugue Walker is the entity to meet._

    ((OOC Notes: I will post more here as time permits. I will also bring the Fugue Walker on as much as I can, although I already spend 4+ hours everyday split between all my characters. Hope that if you do unfortunately die, Fugue Walker is there to make your wait more bearable.

    Also, feel free to use this thread to post your own musings from the Fugue along with mine.))

  • Well now don't forget about the lost sould of Bilbow. He has been seen moping around the fugue with you from time to time, greating he others that have come along. expressing his long lost stories of battles faught.


  • Written in he sands of the Fugue are the following words:

    My friends.

    Do not feel sorry for yourself that you died. Rejoice! Feel sorry that you ever lived at all. You have returned to your true nature. Here you are liberated. Here you are free.

    Do not miss those you have left behind. They will join you here in time. Here eons are but a blink. You will be joined before you have finished reading these words.

    Do not wait for your god to claim you. They have abandoned you. They have turned their face away from you. Embrace Kelemvor for he has always wanted you. He will open the gates to his Crystal City and welcome you home.

    Do not look for a way to leave for there is none. You are home. If by some chance you escape to the world of the living you will simply suffer more hardship, more loss, and return eventually. This is where you belong.

    The world of the living is a lie.

    The world of the living is pain.

    The world of the living ceases to exist when you open your eyes to the wonderment of the Fugue.

    Here you are equal with kings.

    Here you feel no pain.

    Here you are immortal.

    Join me my brothers and sisters in your great becoming. Slip into pure existence. Let go that mortal coil you see yourself in. Your body does not exist. You died. Your body is in the orc plains, the goblin woods, the cold caves, or being eaten by some dragon. Let it go.

    Do not feel alone. There are millions here. Let go your ties to your mortal world. Do not despair when all you see is sand and rocks. There is a great city here! Of wonderous beauty! Vanquish your mortal eyes so that you might see as pure existence.

    I await you. Come to me.

    • FW