Rebuilding the South

  • Anna would thank Dermin and Alvaniel for all the wonderful donations. Hundreds of wooden planks, dozens of logs, and many fine, wonderfully crafted tools for those on the fields to use.

    Hearing of Malika's reply about how the druids aren't particularly enthused about assisting and there had been 'bad blood' in the past, Anna would politely ask her for audience with the circle. She also anticipates the replies from the dwarves, hoping they can provide their services in the repair of the wall and the city.

    Morale being fairly high from at least the last tenday, she would work with adventurers, farmers, and commonfolk day by day to see things made right. In the mean time, she would do her best to gather more support from the local adventuring community while she waits for diplomatic responses and an estimate on what it would take to get a pipeline run.

  • As recruited by Anna, Dermin can be seen visinting the south fields more often now. This, whether to drop any kind of tools in the crate meant for that, or to help carrying heavy logs, materials, and stuff with his average strength.

  • Legion

    // Uncharacteristically absent from the toil in the fields is Marty. Instead she is busy toiling in the docks, and other places around Peltarch, making sure people have what they need to survive and rebuild.

  • Things achieved this Tenday

    -Recruited Elvadriel, Alvaniel, and Gnarl to assist with matters of upheaval, lumber, and tool donations
    -The unnamed Mercenary will be providing assistance with general labor

    • 80x80 cubed feet of stone had been upheaved to fill the crater by Anna, Elva (allegedly) will be helping break it down with her magic as well, a portion of the stone being cut into bricks and tiles to repair damages to walls and floors
      -Plans for a pipeline in the planning stages to run from the lake to the farm to create an irrigation system and help further soften soil. Will need to consult with city engineers
      -Plans to have a few wells dug up as soon as possible for clean, drinkable water
      -Received a large food donation from hen
      -Got rights to the destroyed dragon carcasses for fertilizer

    Though not seemingly desperate in demeanor, Anna is looking for any ways and suggestions that can help re-fertilize the land, as filling the crater itself at this point seems to be much less of a challenge then once perceived. While the dragon carcasses do help somewhat, lack of decaying organic matter even if the softened ground has minerals has been something she's been losing sleep over. Deadwood from the surroundings of the crater at the very least will be harvested and introduced into the star-made caldera.

    Perhaps taking a break from the heavy concern, Anna would provide Chauntea's bounty to the people of the Onion Union, Thom, and those who had helped this last tenday with an amazing feast from the celestial plane, taking pause to pray to the Grain Goddess as she would look over all those who have been helping these last few weeks return the southern farmlands to their former glory.

    A few drinks in, normally the somewhat reserved and professional girl she can be, they see a more jovial side of Anna that has not been too terribly common of late. "We're kicking this catastrophe's arse guys, keep up the good work! Cheers~" , offering to crush mugs with anyone near by, happy to be with those she truly considers family since her parents passing not too long ago.

  • Abigail can be seen watching the effort from a distance before she steps ovver and pats Anna's on the shoulder after she casts her magic food and water spells. She would place down a crate of food full to the top with nuts, rations, dried meats, and rice before she returning to her own.

  • _Activity begins to increase around the crater. The stone walls are raised, and city workers come to cut them down for smaller pieces.

    The druid's help with the stone comes handy, making some finer soil.

    The compost is slowly being filled, though the contribution level is low and the process is slow.

    The renewal is ensuring that the land is not overharvested for nuilding materials.

    Morale is high for the rebuilding effort due to free food._

    (( percentage post updated))

  • Things currently active

    1. Any and all priests and priestess' who have the power to ask their god or godess' for the create wall of stone spell to help fill the gap. (Someone with her power based on the spell can create 81.25 cubic feet per day per cast). The spell will help elevate land in the land in the crater, as well as can be harvested for brick by masons to help create the wall. All spell casters who know the spell through blessing or magic are encouraged to help. (if your character meets the criteria to cast this, please do so. Other ways including using elementals and spellcasters who can polymorph as an umberhulk can help with upheaval efforts, provided the latter is done at night so commoners and farm folk won't be frightened off.

    PC Contributers so far for upheavel: 3 (Anna Blake, Elvadriel, Artemis)

    2. Laborers who can cut some of the stone slabs and are skilled miners or masons are encouraged to help to break some of the rock into pieces that can be fitted into a proper wall. City engineers will be contacted and work as consultants to help restore the wall

    PC Contributers so far: 4 (Anna Blake,IBM, Gnarl, Brumir )

    3. Druids and those skilled with softening and shaping stone magics can help reduce rubble into softer soil.

    PC contributers so far: 1 (MCP's druid who Anna would politely ask his name at some point during interactions!)

    4. A large compost pile at the northern rim of the crater has been started, with sings encouraging people to donate all left over or spoiled plant and animal matter so that it may be used to enrich the soil. For respects to the living, Anna asks that animals and other living things are not hunted down to contribute to this pile. Only waste.

    5. Druids had been contacted and hopefully they will be answer the call to assist their northern neighbors, Anna and Baron Thom if he wishes to be present at the meeting ready to receive them when they have time

    A possible druid of the grove had been asked to make contact by the name of Malika One Tusk, Anna now awaits word.

    6. People who can gather seeds from useful plants that may contribute to the farm lands. Apples, grain, rice, pears, and other fruits, vegetables, and grains that can thrive in a mild, not too warm climate. It is encouraged that things such as potatoes and onions be grown as well in home pots and yards if possible, so they can eventually be transplanted to the fields.

    PC contributers so far: 0

    7. Lumber will need to be harvested, and we need professional plankers and tree cutters are being called to contribute what they can. It is encouraged that pine cones and seeds be collected and replanted upon felling any trees that would be felled for reconstruction. Additionally, records of where wood was harvested so those with divine blessings of the plant kind will be able to encourage the growth of trees planted in the harvested tree's place, to ensure proper renewal. Miners will be needed as well to harvest ores and create tools, as well as contribute nails, spokes, and things to build structures and tools to help efforts.

    PC contributers so far for wood cutters and lumber workers: 2 (Alvaniel, Dermin)
    PC contributers so far for miners and blacksmiths: 3 (Alvaniel, Gnarl, Dermin)
    PC contributers so far for renewal: 2 (Anna Blake, MCP's Druid)

    Food to feed laborers and help will be provided twice a day through create food and water magic, while the Heroes Feast will be provided twice every tenday to those that contribute for up to efforts and raise morale for up to 65 people per instance by the priestess. Others who wish to contribute food, snacks, and water are welcome and encouraged to do so!

    PC contributers so far to replenish food stores: 1 (Abigail)

    Lastly, but certainly not least, contributions for restoring the city post war:

    30,000 from Elva
    2,500 from Krovel
    350 Gold Ingots from Alvaniel and the Legion

  • "The first thing we'll need to do is fill the mini-caldera the primordial force was so kind to grant us. This is where you come into play, as well as any of your people willing to help." Hearing the druid speak then, she would offer him an excited hug!

    Clearing her throat then, she apologized. "Sorry… you made me so happy by offering! ...In any case, I believe 'soften stone' is in the portfolio of blessings granted to you by nature. This is my plan."

    She would address everyone present after.

    "Any old crumbled stone from the walls, anything that seems ill suited to be recycled to be placed into the new wall, I'll need anyone with a strong back, with a wheel barrow, and a desire to help to toss all debris from the wall into the crater. Our good druid friend here then will use soften stone to turn it to dust. Sir Gnarl had also given me an idea as I spoke to him earlier, suggesting that a waterway be created to the crater, so we can turn the crumbled stone thanks to the druids into clay, dirt, and mud. Sir Cormac also suggested in perhaps harvesting the rich swamp land... though at this point I'm apprehensive of doing so, lest we can find a way to not arouse the ire of our Kobold neighbors, who of late, have been quite peaceful to the city given the circumstances. We have no way to block them off from entering our lands at this point, so until then its best we do not pursue that avenue."

  • As he listens to Anna's plea, a man dressed in nothing but simple shorts approaches the working duo.

    How can this servant of the Oak Father be of assistance?

  • _Members of the Onion Union listen to Anna intently, then begin to work exactly as they're told. This has some synergy bonus with city's cleanup effort, as the streets are quite littered with compostable trash.

    Baron Tiller works tirelessly at Anna's side, although he seems to be somewhat at a loss on how one could bring back all the nutrients and soil needed.

    There doesn't seem to be many druids in the city to help, though - and aside from Anna there aren't many priests of Chauntea either._

    Buildings: Mastercraft (-/-)
    Land: Rich (20/100%)
    Plants: Plentiful (15/100%)