Plans of an unlikely kind.

  • After a fair amount of discussion and sharing of ideas amidst some of the adventurers, a small list was written down and a Defender Captain would find himself the proud and or confused owner of it, after being told it was a list of ideas to help out in the siege. The list was as follows

    _Defender ideas
    -Nets, ropes, wires, webs spanning from building to building along the roofs to handle flying soldiers.

    -Upon enemies charging the position, conjuring fogs and grease to disrupt their attack.

    -Disrupt the sleeping pattern of the besiegers, make them miserable. Rapid weather changes to make beddings unusable or uncomfortable, spoil or poison foods, magic mouths to scream at them at odd hours.

    -Attack with summons at random times during the day and night, to cause paranoia and concern.

    -Silence or Create an illusion of the commander to cause confusion with orders.

    -Cast nightmare upon the commanders to ensure they get little to no sleep.

    -Wires and Platforms along the sides of the dock to stop mindless undead from climbing easily back upon the surface.

    -Someone with teleport take a few trappers and rogues to ambush supply lines at random intervals to cause confusion.

    -Create illusions of troops on the wall or take the bodies of our fallen and stand them up to appear as if they are on watch, to create the illusion we have many more then we do.

    -Make use of featherfall and levitate to prevent some of the siege weapons from landing their payload._