Need for a Small Ship

  • Shesarai makes discreet enquiries around the docks for anyone willing to charter a small ship. She proposes taking only a few passengers (perhaps no more than two) to Damara via the Icelace Lake and river, then returning a few days later. Perhaps they will be able to bring back some supplies like arrows and food. Leaving from Oscura or returning there also is an option. Shesarai is willing to pay premium prices due to the war risk.

    (Contact me IC, via the Forums, or PM)


  • Shesarai leaves a note for John Isle at the Lucky Ferrett.

    There has been a change in plans. I need to go to Rashemen, rather than Damara. Getting out of the Peltarch area via boat might be risky. The waters are infested with undead. It still might be the best way, however. I leave that to your discretion. Can we get near to Rashemen via boat? If so, I still want to go.



  • Shesarai is overjoyed at John Isle's offer and gratefully accepts. Payment will be made half in advance, and half after the return journey.

    OOC: I will need a DM to run this (probably BloodyRoar), as well as all transactions in Damara. If you PM me or contact me IG with a proposed time, I will inform the others. Passengers will be Shesarai and Darvan. John Isle will hopefully pilot the ship. A suitable offering to Umberlee will be offered as we leave port.


  • John Isle lets it know that Zombie Queen is available.