The Nexus War - Progress and Information

  • Combat Units currently defending Peltarch
    (in the brackets, the change in power compared to the previous week. In green, new arrivals into the conflict. In red, combat units that left the conflict compared to last tenday)

    Aino Harthgroth: 50
    Briartan's Treants: 90
    Clangeddin's Axes and Hammers: 120
    Cerulean Knights: 35 (-35)
    Civilian Archers: 34 (-26)
    Damaran Soldiers (Elisa Horgath's): 33 (-27)
    Lady Daisy Millern: 250
    Lady Daisy's Lunara: 100
    Lady Daisy's Bastilla: 100
    Lady Daisy's Spica: 100
    Lana'thel Bloodletter: 100
    Order of the Divine Shield: 80
    Peltarch Defenders: 380 (-192)
    Peltarch Guard: 114 (-36)
    Princess Patricia: 100
    Princess Patricia's Raiders: 320(-180)
    Red Knight Soldiers: 220
    Shallyah Rethshinei: 100
    Silver Dragonflight: 400
    Thayan Wizards (Elisa Horgath's):80 (-40)
    Wings of the Seventh Heaven: 210 (-170)
    Yasia: 100
    Yasia's Witch Diedra: 50
    Yasia's Rashemen Berserkers: 92 (-72)
    Adventurers and Heroes of Narfell: 2,910
    (Abigail, Adelie, Aelthas, Alinda, Allestor, Amilmathien, Amithrallia, Annie, Ashena, Caryna, Chea, Cloudberry, Cormac, C'tan, Darvan, Dermin, Disa, Elidor, Elvadriel, Elvewyn, Elyl, Emellia, Glebrinda, Glognar, Gloinus, Gnarl, Helena, Hen, Hignar, Isolde, Jack, John, Kathea, Ky'Amendos, Lars, Lunia, Lycka, María, Marty, Mebril, Nate, Peter,Ragnar, Raryldor, Ragnar, Rath, Romulus, Roslyn, Sabre, Salin, Shesarai, Sirion, Talindra, Vera, Vugdush, Vyth, Willow, Yana, Yatagan, Yngdír)

    Defensive Combat Strenth: 6,168
    Morale: EXCELLENT (+100%)
    Current Defensive Combat Strength: 12,336 (+7681)

    Known armies currently sieging Peltarch

    Current Sieging Combat Strenth: 0 (-6157)

    Note: Certain Factions will continue to enter the battlefield as the campaign progresses. Sieging NPC factions will choose their own timing, and some of the Defending NPC factions will also choose their own timing, but most of those will be much up to the PCs how and when they will be called upon. The Peltarch walls can mitigate to some extent the sieging power of the sieging army, although if they maintain an overwhelming edge over the defending one the walls will be eventually breached and the invading armies will have free reign to enter Peltarch.

  • [Unstickied as this plot is over and now fully dealt with]

  • Final Battle synopsis added. This concludes the War of the Nexus events, thanks everyone for participating!

    If anyone feels something is amiss, please send me a PM.

  • Summary of events - The Final Battle

    • The general of the demon army offers terms of surrender to Peltarch. Free passage through the city, so that all inhabitants can be killed painlessly and the majority of their souls spared. General Del'Rosa declines and appoints Garrscarr to the batlleground, where they'll have to earn any lives they take.
    • Garrscarr leaves throwing a few spells on his way out and sends the first few waves of demons upon the Defenders, which they repel rather efficiently, being just a warm-up. However, soon a massive pincer assault begins, hordes of orcs, giants and demons attacking from both west and south.
    • With the help of the bards, the Defenders begin to assign their defence plans. A good number of the Defenders is sent to the west gates, together with Damaran soldiers and the treants, that showed up to aid in the defense of the walls, in exchange for the Rashemi and almost all of Peltarch's guard remaining in the Residential District to make sure the area kept secured.
    • The silver dragons are set on air patrol and immediately engage the incoming black dragons, their hatreds for each other palpable as they seem to fight a war of their own up in the skies, keeping each other out of the main battle.
    • Daisy and her assistants consecrate the area around the temple, their presence alone being enough to intimidate any demons off the idea of assaulting the district, at least while Peltarch has not fallen and the main invading force can¡t get there. The temple is used all throughout the battle as a safe heaven for respite and tending the fallen and the wounded.
    • A giant siege begins with boulders being tossed to take down the walls. Rocksteady, the giant leader, appears in scene. He appears to have a quite volatile character as he respondes to the taunts of some Defenders by raining them with boulders, possibly not making the best use he could of those boulders, as he could have taken the walls down otherwise.
    • Meanwhile demons and orcs keep swarming, the main focus being the gate. In that intent, a first black dragon from Fraith's brood descends from the skies to spew a blanket of acid upon Peltarch's gate wooden reinforcements to corrode and dissolve them. The dragon succeeds, though it is also killed in the process.
    • At this point demons see a chance, and a large wave of blood warriors, succubi and vrocks hits the gates. Fel Orcs ram on the gates while their archers fire flaming arrows on top of grease spells to weaken the gates, also creating pools of flame in the whole area. Several demons take the opportunity to walk undisturbed over the flames and use them as a tactical advantage. The Defenders find themselves forced to retreat.
    • Two more dragons come one after another spewing corrosive acid on the gates, which together with the fire and the ramming is too much to take for even the heavily reinforced gates. The main entrance to Peltarch is breached.
    • The Vaasan Raiders are called to the South gates to resist the charge. The northerners fight with strength and honour, assisting the Defenders in holding the invading army at the courtyard past the gates.
    • Meanwhile, the Defenders in the west report that the giants are about to breach the gates, when a column of the southern dwarven allies, straight from the tunnels beneath Peltarch, came charging in to face their favoured enemies. The dwarves taunt the giants and engage them in combat without hesitation.
    • Back to the south, the invading army has gained a firm grip on the main gate's courtyard, and they use hezrous to teleport past the Defenders, attacking from the rear. Garrscarr himself stands atop Peltarch's walls, watching closely as the Defenders begin to lose ground, orcs swarming at all times, aided by less numerous, but stronger demons.
    • Retrievers are used by the invaders to hold the gained ground while more orcs keep swarming. The orcs die fast enough, but the push is relentless, and the Defenders find themselves funnelled into the main street leading to the commons.
    • The situation looks desperate at the south, with fel orc and succubi archers taking the battlements and raining death on the Defenders that kept losing more and more ground. The reports from the west gate are reasonably favourable as the dwarves are taking a good notch on the giants and not losing any ground, which allows the Defenders to relocate one of the treants from there to the commons.
    • The massive tree creature is thrown all kinds of benefitial magics by the Defenders and roots itself in the middle of the street, pretty much in the commons area already, working as an efficient wall and sweeping away the creatures that get close to it. With this invaluable assistance, the Defenders manage to hold the invading army's push.
    • The demon assault is relentless even with the treant blockading the street, hezrous teleporting past the Defenders to attack from behind with their massive area spells. It is then when Maurina of Thar uses some of the Iron Sigils that her bodyguard and a few adventurers had acquired for her previously, to bind a few of the strongest demons that were decimating the backline, stopping a potential carnage.
    • At this point the tide of battle is turned, the Defenders gaining ground rapidly and pushing the demons down the street, and into the south wall gates. The archers atop the battlements are finally taken down, which allows the Defenders to reclaim the main gate's courtyard.
    • The invading army doesn't seem to be done, though. They bring in the heavy cavalry, that is, three more black dragons supported by retrievers, hezrou vrocks, and the neverending mass of orcs, which manage to push back the Defenders once again, despite it costing them their three last black dragons.
    • One dragon remains, the patriarch of the brood, Fraith. He descends upon the Defenders decimating their ranks with acid and magic. He takes a special interest on one of the Defenders, but eventually he is defeated too.
    • Small victories are earned by the Defenders in different sectors. West wall is holding well with the dwarves not giving pause to the giants. The Residential district is moderately safe with the Rashemi and Peltarch Guard keeping watch, and the Celestial presence preventing the invading army from considering to assault the district without an overwhelming backup. Despite this all, the Defenders are weary and their numbers keep thinning. More keep falling in the main defence at the south gates while Garrscarr watches with delight and sends another overwhelming wave that looks like it will be the one that puts the last nail on Peltarch's coffin.
    • It is then when the Red Knight song of Battle is intoned, opening a portal in the middle of Peltarch, a silver and crimson army stepping out of it with their Commander at the fore. The disciplined soldiers form a solid line and aid the Defenders in pushing the demons back out. Hezrous keep causing their chaos by teleporting into the backlines and using massive disabling spells, but then an unexpected ally joins said backline to get things back under control - Lana'thel Bloodletter, the Commander of the Garagossan army, apparently is fighting for the Defense of Peltarch.
    • The Defenders not being in a position to discuss or choose, they take Lana'thel's help for now, although with the Red Knight Commander closely keeping an eye on her. The Garagossan does fight very efficiently, even offering blessings and healing to the weary Defenders.
    • A few waves of demons afterwards, eight more Defenders arrive through a portal. These are the members of the Nexus group that declare having the Mor'Salen in their possession, and things went well on their end. Without much time for explanations, they join the fray.
    • Eventually the new wave of demons is stopped, and Garrscarr decides it's time to take matters into his hands, dropping down on the battleground. He is sturdy and strong, but the blades of a hundred allies add up in taking him down. He wouldn't go out quietly though, and his death throes cause an implossion the obliterates anything and everything within the courtyard at that moment.
    • When victory is apparent the whole city begins shaking, Defenders falling to their knees as the ground fissures and cracks open before the eyes of everyone. Water begins pouring out flooding the city up to ankle level. Shortly after, the gap is wide enough for a bunch of colossal tentacles to slip out, smashing and grabbing in the sorrounding areas. The Defenders try to fight off the tentacles to send them back to the hole where they came from, as it appears evident that some kin of massive creature is being summoned.
    • Not much longer after that, the culprit is revealed. Dagon, the Prince of the Depths himself is being summoned into the prime. He is a very weakened state as he has not gained his grip into the material, and he is welcome with a rain of arrows and blades that give him no chance to even be fully summoned. A great evil is averted, a catastrophe that could have meant the loss of thousands of lives.
    • It becomes clear to some Defenders then, that this was the reason for the demons wanted to take over Peltarch and have control of it with the appropriate timing, possibly to ensure their lord's safe entry into the prime. There are mentions amongst them of the possibility of ancient demonbinder ruins under Peltarch making for the optimal placement for Dagon's summoning. It would appear, however, that the demons miscalculated how much of a fight Peltarch was capable of putting up.
    • Reports from all districts and fronts arrive with positive news. After the fall of the main force, the stragglers leave the battle, nobody bothering to give chase after them, except a few dwarves still trying to get some last blood out of the giants running for the hills. Luciel, the silver dragon commander, gives the OK from up above, signalling that the skies are clear and the War of the Nexus has been won.

    Summary of events - Final Tenday

    • The tenday is ominous from the beginning. Tension and fear are palpable in the air, even moreso since the visit of Fraith's Brood. The ancient Black and his seven sons and daughters appear now as an overwhelming foe far out of reach for the defenders. It's not only that, though. Every of the opposing armies seem to be taking positions for a final assault. Amongst the giants has emerged a leading figure, a large giant that the others bow to.
    • Likewise, by the south walls a dread evil greater than all others walks amongst their ranks now, appearing a Balor Lord from the depths of the Abyss itself. As soon as the titanic demon arrived, all of the assaulting armies assembled and for once looked like a real army rather than a mess of limbs and whims. This might be the sole reason for the invading army had been waiting all along, as their lack of coordination up to that moment appeared quite evident. With the Balor Lord at the helm, they aren't hesitating, and everyone in Pletarch knows the end of the siege is coming to an end, one way or another.
    • Amongst the defenders, each of them prepare for this battle in any way they can:
    • Aino, the aspirant to host the king's heir, practices her aim at the shooting ranges. She will not leave Peltarch or hide in the its moment of need. She is committed, and is determined to prove Peltarch she is the better candidate than Elisa or Maurina.
    • The Ceruleans, Guard and Defenders have taken so many losses that at this point their morale is pretty much broken. The remaining ones in general spend the last moments they can with their families before taking their posts in the streets and brace for the impact.
    • Lady Daisy and her three Astral Deva assistants in their outworldly resolves know no fear and solemnly await at the temple for the moment in which they will be called to battle, ready to give their all to the cause.
    • In the other hand, the Vaasan Raiders are aware of their mortality, but they are also decided to live and die for the glorious battle laid before them. They swear together their oaths and say their prayers to their gods before consuming infusions to enhance their battle senses and help them ignore the effects of pain and fear.
    • Solonor's Finest had a last run through the orc army, and now seem to have abandoned the forests. Their continued impact was remarkable, with around 200 takedowns between orcs and giants in the time they've acted as invisible guardians for the city.
    • The Wings of the Seventh Heaven appear too determined to fight, although they are too worried about their chances. A few of them spend day and night praying by the shrine to Bahamut.
    • Yasia and her witches prepare battle incantations for their berserkers, as they too await the final battle.
    • At the docks, a dozen large lizardmen keep the waters clean and safe, though not much is known of their worries or intentions, only that at least, while they are there Peltarch's waters aren't likely to become a source of harm to the city.
    • All in all, the mood is somber. The city appears ghostly as there are no rushing civilians in their daily chorus, no yelling merchants offering their wares, no children playing in the streets. Only a northern cold breeze keeps the companytfo the inhabitants of the Jewel as the clock tick-ticks towards the final hour.

    Summary of events - Tenday 10

    • The ball of fire from the skies is about to land on Peltarch. However, a team of spellcasters led by the elf wizard Elvadriel aided by the young Isolde and defender Anna climbs on top of the City Hall, to divert it with magic. Every priest and mage, including defenders, adventurers and mercenaries throws everything they can towards the blazing ball of fire, managing to divert it just enough to rub on Peltarch's outer walls and crash near the old ruined tower south of Peltarch.
    • The blast has several effects. The one that is arguably most important - it strikes full into the ranks of the invading army. Although many of them had time to evacuate the area and the real damage done can not be accurately evaluated, it's quite clear that the invading army took a good dent from the massive blast. However, the blast also turns the land into a barren holocaust, the farms to the south are scorched to embers, and every structure in the vicinity becomes rubble. Even Peltarch's inner walls take a direct hit, barely managing to stand as they crumble little by little.
    • There is a massive orc assault on the docks district. The defenders rush to stop the assault and find waves upon waves of orcs, not knowing how so many of them could get inside. The orcs are too numerous to push back, and it appears like the city might get overrun, although several heroes and adventurers manage to hold their ground for a while, they find themselves in the retreat.
    • As orcs advance decisively through the docks. In the heat of the battle, a mesmerizing song is heard all across the district. Soft, melodic vocals are sang, as both aggressor and defender slowly drop their weapons, losing their will to fight. The orcs turn about, and return whence they came, leaving the docks, and the city. After a while the song ceases, and an aquatic being reveals herself, possibly as the one behind what just happened.
    • Laireel, now appearing to definitely have a majestic fish tail instead of legs, greets the defenders and leads them to the vulnerability in the defenses of the city that allowed the orcs to pour in, thus repaying her debt with those that rescued her from the Illithid slaver. The adventurers and heroes notify the defenders, and all together manage to patch the security breach so that it won't happen again.
    • Not a full day later, the Longboat from Vaasa arrives with Princess Patricia and fifty of her men. They appear disciplined and well trained, and so they are welcome in good spirits. Del'Rosa himself escorts Princess Patricia to her quarters, not before he makes it known that she is a honour guest of Peltarch and the possible future mother to Peltarch's heir, and so any aggression against her is an aggression against Peltarch and its throne.
    • The reports about disturbing activity in the sewers keep increasing. The rumour of a cult of Jubilex are now common knowledge, and there is an ever growing gossip about "nice" vampires walking amongst the citizen of Peltarch. A citizen even assures having seen with his own eyes the one they call "Elvira", a beautiful and playful lady vampire that likes to spend time watching spars and duels between adventurers at night.
    • In one such sparring sessions, it seems that even Guard Captain Lisa herself decided to join, having a good laugh with adventurers, and putting a relaxed note to the days of tension.
    • Only a few yards further, the Scout Hen keeps training civilians to be able to assist Peltarch in her final hour. There is moderate progress, as more apprentices join the shooting range.
    • A group of adventurers takes the tunnel under the barrows, and appear to have reached the dwarves at the other side of Narfell after certain underground struggle with drow and duergar. Peltarch awaits eagerly the dwarf's answer to their plea for aid.
    • The Red Wizards of Thay defending Peltarch under Lady Elisa's employment think they could improve Peltarch's chances by acquiring an artifact which will allow them to cast Stoneskin spells on many defenders - the heart of a stone giant. A group of adventurers sets out, and returns a day later with the necessary item. The defenders will now be able to count with stoneskin bspells to increase their fighting chances.
    • The tenday has been up and down, although the massive strike to the invading army by the comet in the sky did give people some hope. The docks episode did take some sense of safety from citizens, as it could have been foreseen and prevented, a battle in which many marines died. All in all, without the looming threat in the skies, citizens and defenders can see some rays of light between the clouds, and morale has improved slightly in comparison to previous tendays.

    Summary of events - Tenday 9

    • A group of adventurers emerges from the crypts, covered in thick, repulsive ooze. They speak of a demon cult stirring and taking advantage of Peltarch's weakness.
    • A few adventurers decide to stir the orcs at the south gates, provoking them into attacking. The orcs on the proximity, already eager for blood, don't hesitate to respond to the aggression. However, they don't realise the tactical disadvantage at which they are, resulting in a bunch of casualties for them and none for the adventurers or defenders.
    • Princess Patricia of Vaasa gets an audience with the king, in which she discusses terms of alliance between both peoples. After arduous negotiation, it is decided that Peltarch will pay 50,000 gold for a ship of Vaasan Raiders, and the possibility of continuing favourable relationships, should both the raiders and the Princess prove their worth to Peltarch.
    • A winged lady appears in the commons. Looking much like an Angel, she walks around giving out kisses and hugs. Apparently one of the bystanders even got a vibrating wand while a large half-orc got a special kiss. She then vanishes just as she came.
    • A hulking lizardman walks into the commons, something which had never happened, as they had always remained within the docks district, and rarely ever they had even stepped on firm land. However, this lizardman needs assistance with an issue, speaking few but eloquent words - "You help. We help". A group of intrepid adventurers agrees to help.
    • The adventurers ride on the back of saddled sharks towards some underwater cave where, according different versions of the story, they fought magic eaters, giants and ogres. They appeared all to be thralls to a powerful illithid wizard, which was also defeated. The mindflayer had a prisoner, a blue-skinned, vine-haired woman of extreme beauty named Laireel, which the group managed to return to safety. With this, the lizardfolk praetorians seem satisfied, and their efficient aid in the waters of Peltarch can be maintained.
    • Meanwhile, Solonor's Finest keep putting a dent on the orc and giant army, slowly but surely. Every tenday they count a score of kills without taking any casualty, and such kills are adding up to quite a substantial contribution to the war effort.
    • The tenday was not the worst Peltarch faced, but issues are piling up, and with the revelation of the cult of Jubilex to bring more problems, and the ball of fire in the sky getting dangerously close, hopes haven't improved one bit and is only getting worse. The heat in Peltarch's streets is almost unbearable, and nobody knows for certain if they are living the last tenday of their lives. This thought is not aided by the notion that the army outside the walls is beginning to look far too overwhelming for Peltarch to fight in its current condition.

    Summary of events - Tenday 8

    • After the great siege which almost made it through the inner gates and into the city, there is relative calm.
    • A malfunctioning automaton from the Peltarch bank causes some chaos within the city. In the end things are returned to normality, but some Peltarch property is wrecked in the process, including the entrance to Peltarch's bath house.
    • The elven scout Hen makes a call for those civilians who wish to contribute in the war instead of just buckling down in a hole, to teach them basic notions of archery so that they can make a difference. Momentarily Hen is joined by Aino, Princess Patricia and Bastilla, which invites many curious commoners and even aristocrats to get closer and have a look. Some of them even take interest on the archery classes, which begin immediately.
    • There is word that something is up in the crypts. The rumour is not too spread, but the hush hush talks do mention out of normal activity down there.
    • When a few look below, the skies give a reason to look up. A fiery star seems to be falling upon Narfell, commanded by certain elemental entity.
    • The pale wizard known as Elvadriel seems to have knowledge of what is going on, and after spending a time inside the Inn with some allies, they rush out as fast as they can. The Inn's upper floor bursts in a sound explosion, sending window glass all over the commons.
    • The elf wizard begins a ritual in the commons to attempt to stop the ball of fire from falling on Peltarch. People don't know if it's related to the siege, or it is really the forewarned end of the world what is coming. Doomsayers gather on the street preaching the end of the world with "I told you so" speeches.
    • The bath house is has remained for a few days abandoned by all its staff due to the doorway being breached and employees are too afraid to even try to salvage anything from it. When a group of adventurers finally decides to check it out, they find a grotesque scene. Several demons are using all of the bath house's rooms to breed. Rumours speak of a succubus and a hezrou in the hot area, a succubus and a vrock in the cold area, and three lesbian succubi in the sauna going down on each other, using certain accessories that were, despite everything, retrieved by the adventurers. The water appeared filled with all manner of repugnant fluids, which were cleansed, or at least purified to some extent with divine magic.
    • By the end of the tenday, it appears that a group of eager orcs break from their formation. They appear to be losing patience, and drag two catapults to attempt to breach the walls. Peltarch, not having any remainin siege weaponry at the south walls, can do nothing to defend itself, as only a few adventurers and archers fruitlessly fire arrows at their formation.
    • The south wall takes very heavy damage, one set of gates breached, and the other about to fall, scaffoldings and reinforcements crumbling down, when three silver half-dragons arrive to the scene offering to aid. They carry three of the adventurers in their silvery wings to destroy the catapults while they hold the orcs off the best they can. The mission is a success, although two of the three dragonettes barely making it back, all of them survive and are healed back. The day was saved, and the reconstruction works for the south gates is continued, or more accurately, restarted anew.
    • While the tenday started with calm, and there have been nearly no casualties, the situation keeps getting more and more desperate. With the fiery ball on the sky casting doom upon Peltarch, doomsayers are having a field day, and negativity spreads like a pest, hitting even those who are not inclined to believe such lunacies. The waning city's defenders are in fighting condition, but more demoralised with every passing day.

    Summary of events - Tenday 7

    • Yasia the Witch and her Rashemen come to the aid of Peltarch.
    • The invading armies prepare for an offensive against Peltarch, beginning with some skirmishes in the areas surrounding the city.
    • As the battle gets heated, an ancient evil of the region makes her appearance - Rass, the red dragon. She sets the fields and battlements aflame, making no distinction, raining chaos and death upon the combatants.
    • Below, mainly orcs and defenders engage in combat as demons gradually join the fray.
    • Rass at some point decides she's had enough and leaves on her own, leaving a considerable amount of charred corpses in her wake.
    • Despite the orcs taking the hardest hit from the old winged queen of Narfell, their numbers are overwhelming, and they soon reorganise, pushing the siege to breach the gates.
    • Two huge siege demons join the effort, along with a host of demons of all kinds and sizes. The push is overwhelming and although the defenders and heroes try their best, the gates are breached.
    • One of the siege demons is felled before it can do too much harm, but the second one, spider-like in shape, pincers and claws at the southern walls, tearing them appart.
    • Invaders pour in, overwhelming the defenders, that hold their ground as they can, finally managing to take down the second siege demon, but by now the demon and orc armies have a clear entry path, which they take advantage of.
    • Orcs and demons swarm through the hole in the wall, without having to rely on resource-heavy magics such as teleport they can afford to invade the city in great numbers.
    • Black half dragons take to the skies to take advantage of the moment of vulnerability of the defenders, but so do the silvers, that although lesser in number, appear stronger and better organised. They manage to hold back the blacks, preventing a carnage below.
    • Despite the small aerial victory for the defenders, Hezrou and glabrezu teleport into the thick of it, making the situation look even more desperate. However, Daisy, Lunara, Bastilla and Spica arrive to the aid of the defenders.
    • The demon force is overwhelming even for the Celestials, but with their aid the remaining defenders manage to pull back into the inner walls, shutting the portcullis gate behind them, only to find that several demons were already either teleporting or landing inside the city's commons, causing terror and death in their wake.
    • With heavy casualties, the defenders manage to clear out the inner sections of the city, keeping the rest of the invading army outside the walls.
    • The invading army, having lost its siege demons, retreats for the time being. The general feeling is that Peltarch's fall is imminent, or a matter of the demons enlisting a couple more of siege beasts to finish the job.
    • In anticipation to that, General Del'Rosa makes a call for any able man or woman with no militar vocation to contribute in barricading and reinforcing the walls under the orders of Peltarch's stonemasons in exchange of being paid as professional workers. The works to reinforce and barricade all structures and weak points begin immediately.
    • With no news from the Nexus party, hope is not in high supply. There are those who believe that the Nexus party failed, and this is why the demons decided to finally go on the offensive, knowing themselves the winners of the conflict.
    • Bodies pile even inside Peltarch's streets, let alone the south wall battlefield. Every corner has a macabre death scene, it's practically impossible to be blind to the horror. The bodycount is brutal. While orcs and demons also suffered many casualties, the defender ranks were devastated. From the roughly 750 soldiers that Peltarch usually has in its payroll, barely over 300 remain. While there are no desertions as the soldiers have nowhere to go, morale is in a slump. Only the hopeful presence of the silvers and the inspiring visage of Lady Daisy manages to offer certain relief.

    Summary of events - Tenday 6

    • Taking advantage of the respite, Peltarch spends the resources to honour the half-dragons in their promise by beginning the construction of a shrine to Bahamut. While some wonder whetherr it is the right moment for it, it appears that the city has sufficient funding to afford it, and the works are being carried by voluntary stonemasons and workers that admire the silvers and wish to see them pleased, not to risk their leaving, with the impact to the city's defenses morale that this would mean.
    • After a brief respite, demon attacks continue, increasingly in number and intensity
    • The docks suffer yet another attack where all manner of demons and undead almost overrun the district again. Adventurers and lizardfolk keep the invaders at bay, including a large bebilith demon. This proves however that the district is not ready yet to go out of quarantine.
    • A few adventurers are haunted by a spirit in the sewers, after allegedly stealing a magical helmet from of a fallen paladin's grave. A man that introduces himself as Lucian enters the scene and claims to have dispelled the creature, releasing the adventurers from their momentary prison as some more adventurers arrive to the scene. After some kind words between Lucian and Elvadriel - who appeared to know each other, both parts separate and go each their way. Some assure to have seen this mysterious man a couple other times sitting by the commons, having a casual talk to his old acquaintances.
    • A large shipment of arrows and bolts arrives to Peltarch, courtesy of the Crafter's Union, to the delight of every archer in the the city. The crates with arrows and bolts are placed near the city hall, to be used with moderation.
    • At the west walls it appears that some dispute between orcs resulted in a fight between clans that ended up with several scores of them dead. The sentinels report that a large demonic figure appeared amongst them to restore the "order" amongst them, which seemed to work for them, although the damage was already done.
    • A terrible battle breaks at the south gates after demons taunt the adventurers by pissing on the corpses of their dead fellow defenders. A trap, set up to attact their attention, as a wall of unholy flames raises behind them. Demons pour in on the band of adventuers as the rest of defenders are cut off. At one point, a balor, two glabrezu and several hezrou and vrock attack at the same time, making the situation desperate. It is then that three celestial creatures arrive carrying three knights of the Order of the Divine Shield, turning the tide, and winning the day.
    • One of the celestials appears to be the notorious, most loved Lady Daisy Millern, old head of the Order of the Divine Shield which was already known to have trascended her mortal life to become a guardian of the heavens. As she walks down Peltarch's promenade cheers and chants are heard, along with tears of joy from the bystanders, that see this with renewed hope.
    • A robed man, some say Enenan Snydders the ex-senator, offers magical transportation to a group of adventurers for a supply run in the southern reaches of the land. A group of adventurers takes on the offer, gathering numerous resources in the shape of metal, wood and livestock. However, one of them is killed on the way back by a stray Glabrezu, that was eventually defeated.
    • A juvenile-looking copper dragon by the name of Copp lands in Peltarch's commons, his tongue loeaded with riddles and enigmas. His presence entertains the bystanders for a little while, that somehow feel better knowing that there are good dragons around too.
    • While the tenday was rather disastrous considering the casualties taken, the defenders' morale has actually grown signifcantly, both because of the victories at the docks district and south gates, but especially because of the return of Peltarch's favourite hero - Lady Daisy Millern.

    Summary of events - Tenday 5

    • Demon assaults seem to have taken some pause for now, at least the seemingly random summonings of them all across Peltarch.
    • Early in the tenday, a few adventurers patrolling the west walls provoke bystanding giants with arrows. The giant proceeds to hide behind a farmhouse, throwing boulders to the walls. In the process he destroys a catapult. Shortly after, a silver half-dragon offers her assistance in taking the brute out, which she does.
    • That's not the last the silvers are seen. Later on, the leader of the half-dragons demans to the Order of the Divine Shield to be taken in presence of whoever is in charge to clear up an incident with the city appearing to tolerate and even hold alliance with a white dragon. Luciel Stormcloud is taken to General Del'Rosa where there is a heated conversation that ends with the General's table in splinters. However, the majestic half-dragon leader walks away more or less calm, having reached an agreement. The white dragon will not be made a priority target of Peltarch's defences for the time being, but Pletarch must pay tribute by erecting a shrine to Bahamut as immediately as possible to show Peltarch's indistinct alliance and commitment to the Lord of Dragons.
    • While this was happening, a group of adventurers were again on the west gates fighting but a portion of the massive Fel Orc Army. It appears that Ky himself took a few sweeps at the orcs, leaving a trail of corpses before leaving the field.
    • Luciel learns of this as she walks out into the commons, demanding to know whether Peltarch is allied with the white one or not. Several adventurers assure that Ky acts on his own terms, and comes and goes as he pleases. Luciel warns the bystanders that nurturing a relationship with the white wyrm is bread for today and hunger for tomorrow before returning with her people.
    • Meanwhile, the undead keep raising and massing up at the docks, as it seems the lake is cursed or something causes for undead to keep raising. A group of adventurers remove the undead, but start thinking that a long term solution is needed as they can't afford to be cleaning the docks from undead every so often.
    • The Order of the Divine Shield recruits a number of allies to seek a friend of the city, a tribe of lizardmen that found a new home thanks to the action of the Peltarch Defenders and the Order itself. They return several days later with good news, and a new deadly efficient ally - the Praetorian guard of the lizardman tribe.
    • Ever since the lizardmen have taken the waters of the icelace around Peltarch, no more undead have been coming out. The undead are still raising, but the Praetorians have proven to be formidable underwater fighters, giving no chance to the undead, which are slugggish on firm earth, but even more so underwater.
    • By the end of the tenday, a civilian ran towards the guards in rage, and attempted to kill as many as possible before going down. Unfortunately for her, she was killed in the act. The guard suspect it was a mad Ciricist being a mad Cyricist.
    • The tenday wraps up with certain optimism. While the waters of the docks district keep cursed and the district itself in a lockdown, the fact that the undead are not reaching the shore anymore is a good thing. Besides, the city and the adventurers have solved with efficiency the different crisis that have come up, improving the general mood and morale if only slightly.

    Summary of events - Tenday 4

    • The demon assaults in Peltarch continue sporadically, almost seeming random. At one point, an evil looking pentagram was invoked in the commons area, pouring demons in until it was finally dispelled by a Thayan Wizard in the scene.
    • A strange fog raises from the commons' ground. An argument breaks in qhich the Thayan Wizard takes offense from one known as Cormac. The wizard declares to be leaving the city to its own fate along with his colleagues, but a quiet elf runs up to him and buys his stay with gold.
    • Said wizard finds out that the fog is undead origin, and something is cooking beneath the city. Adventurers are put in a warning to seek out the root of this.
    • The defenders find out that there are half-black dragon spies using invisibility atop the roofs of buildings, or at least one is found and fulminated by the same Thayan Wizard that had been taking part in the defence of the commons.
    • Some adventurers decide to take their stress out on each other as they head to the tourney grounds for a friendly spar. In the middle of it, meek Lunia begins to burn with rage, taken by some kind of possession as she gains supernatural strength and begins beating down everyone around her. After much struggle, Lunia is finally brought down.
    • An exorcism is performed, and after much pain, Lunia's demon is brought out - a raging glabrezu that with no little effort is defeated, bringing things back to moderate normality.
    • Alarms are sounded from the docks district. Hordes of undead are raising from the lake, killing everyone they find in their path. The Peltarch Marines come out in force to meet this foe, soon assisted by adventurers.
    • After several waves of endless undead, it seems clear that they won't stop coming unless the source is found and disabled. A group of adventuers delve into the catacombs while the Defenders hold the topside. The adventurers eventually find a powerful demonic necromancer using a device to raise the undead. He is eliminated, and with him the bulk of the threat. However, it seems that the necromancer must have cursed the waters before going down, as undead keep raising in the docks districts, at no such alarming rates as previously, but it still forces the Defenders to evacuate all civilians, shut down all establishments and declare the district in quarantine.
    • By the end of the tenday, another argument breaks in the commons. This time an elf appears in rage pointing a large sword at anyone who asks her to calm down, throwing violent death threats to even the Peltarch soldiers. The defenders have no choice but to hold her with magic and drag her to the gaols, so she can cool down there.
    • The west wall repairs have continued, stonemasons and workers taking long shifts, nearly without sleep. The cost has been high, but the structure look quite defensible now. The portcullis won't be repaired until the war ends, though, as it will be left as a solid rock wall instead.
    • Meanwhile, Solonor's Finest keep taking a notch on the orc armies, at their own pace, but slowly eating at their numbers with their superior stealth and long range assassination skills.
    • The tenday is over with more pain than glory. While the war itself remains more or less stale with no great losses on any side, the Peltarchians' morale is starting to take a few significant hits. To some it's not very relieving to think that the only reason for the powerful Thayan Wizards didn't leave the fight was because they were paid some extra, and it's to wonder if they won't simply teleport away when things turn ugly. It is also discouraging to know that there might be an invisible spy perched on any roof, or that any innocent girl could have a demon of the size of a house inside her, waiting for the moment to spring out. Only economically Peltarch seems to be healthy, as the generosity of adventuers keeps stacking, ensuring that Peltarch will be able to hold the siege for a long time still. However, the final episode that ended up with a whole district being locked down was a final nail in the coffin to, all around, a disastrous tenday.

    Summary of events - Tenday 3

    • Early in the tenday, the white dragon Ky makes his appearance by the commons, as some guards report, dropping Yatagan there. As per the spellcaster's words, Ky assisted him in killing a black half-dragon and a bunch of demons somewhere outside the walls.
    • A group of adventurers attempts to find an underground path out of the siege. They return later with hopeful news - a path might be open to the underdark, possibly connecting to the southern areas of Narfell, although explosives will be needed.
    • At the woods near the south walls, a Fell Orc scouting party finds an abrupt end as they are turned into pin cushions by mysterious assailants from the woods. While at first it is not clear who might they be, a Far Scout reports finding an arrow with a rolled message "The Shesae greet you. Solonor's Finest are here."
    • Further south, the situation is still unsure, especially at the Witch and the Seer Inn. No word has come or gone from that place.
    • Later in the tenday, the alarms are sounded from the west walls. Thought to be Fel Orc catapults at first, reality turns to be harsher. A tribe of giants is sieging the walls, and rushing straight to the gates, attempting to breach it using torn trees as rams.
    • After an initial charge being repelled by the defenders and adventurers, a second giant charge does manage to break through the second gates, making it inside the city. A 500 plus orc strong army awaits just behind, starting their own charge to enter Peltarch. It is then that the adventurers helping in the defence have the idea of turning their own catapults against the portcullis tower.
    • Their plan is quite successful, as it brings the tower down upon the invaders crushing them below tons of brick and stone. The new "structure" replaces the portcullis and serves as a makeshift wall that the orcs do not dare risk their lives against. The giants are retreating and the orcs refuse to charge without their beefy anti-archer meatshields in front of them for now, returning to their formation outside of arrowshot range.
    • Near the end of the tenday, the bard Helena attempts to raise the spirits of the defenders with mentions of the defeat of demons and the triumph of angels. Either demons take this as a taunt or they want to prove a point as with each verse Helena speaks, a new strong demon appears, killing a few defenders in the process.
    • When Helena's ballad ends, a very small, immature vrock appears in the commons, causing disconcert. Some adventurers argue it's wrong to kill it, others want to keep it as companion and others want to outright kill it. In the heat of the argument, the woman known as Abigail picks the Vrock up, but a Defender priest kills it in her arms with a Slay Living spell as it started trying to carve Abigail's eyes out with its beak, ending the discussion.
    • The tenday ends, and the tension and nervousness is now tangible. While most of the defenders are satisfied with how they are holding up, some aren't comfortable with the relative easeness with which the west gate was breached, and only a spark of inspiration from an adventurer saved the city from being overrun by orcs. The later event with the "baby" vrock caused a clash between adventurers and moralities that also caused some cohesion and trust to be lost in the process, not to mention the apparent alliance of the city with Ky, the white dragon, which may inspire some, but it is certain that the Wings of the Seventh Heaven that have sworn to protect the city will want answers.

    Summary of events - Tenday 2

    • The sieging army holds the siege, or rather, the lock-down on Peltarch, as they do not seem to be using siege weaponry at this time.
    • Demon assaults still happen within the walls quite often, always costing numerous defender casualties. During one of the assaults, a rift was open right in the middle of the commons, spawning several Vrock and Hezrou, that with much pain were taken down until the rift finally went inactive.
    • Following this attack, and taking advantage of the chaos and confusion, a formation of black half-dragons swoops down on specific targets, taking down as many defender healers as they can before being finally repelled.
    • General Del'Rosa takes the prompt to alert Bahamut and take him up on his promise for aid, should the conflict involve children of the black dragonflight. A group of adventurers assembles to travel to Mount Frailcrag with the aid of priests and ceruleans.
    • Two days later, the group returns with good news. The shrine of Bahamut was reached, and his followers made good on their Lord's promise. They will aid Peltarch against the black dragonflight.
    • Two more days later, a group of adventurers of the land takes a voluntary patrol through the streets of Peltarch to help where they can. In their patrol they run into a group of black half-dragons landing from the night sky, assassinating strategic targets. The adventurers come to their aid, and although they don't manage to save the lives of the Defenders already engaged in combat, they do take down the black-broods.
    • Visibly irritated, at least a score of black half-dragons decide to swoop down onto the adventurers in a decisive assault to take them out of the picture once and for all. However, they are intercepted mid-dive by silver half-dragons, locking in airborne combat.
    • A few of silvers are forced to land in their strife, where they are assisted by adventurers in defeating the chasing black-broods, avoiding casualties on the silver ranks. After this, the black half-dragons choose to retreat for the time being.
    • About two scores of half dragons become part of the city's defenses, posting themselves near the Temple of the Triad. They do not seem talkative, and not very polite either, but the surely appear loyal and dutiful.
    • The tenday has come and gone, and the sieging army appears to lay waiting, without forcing a direct frontal assault. They appear to have opted for a war of attrition, hitting key targets to hurt the the defenders' ability to treat their wounds and diseases and drop their morale. Although at the be beginning of the tenday they were succeeding, the swift response of the adventurers to the threats, and the arrival of the silvers has no doubt mitigated the damage for now.

    Summary of events - Tenday 1

    • The smallfolk from Heroes Bluff are evacuated, and allocated north of Norwick, between the watch tower and the north gates.
    • Travellers and merchants hurry into the city, noting that a large army was spotted south.
    • A Red Knight Battlepriest rushes into the city and advises the Nexus Party to leave asap - soon they'll be too trapped inside Peltarch.
    • The Nexus Party is seen leaving Peltarch in a hurry. As they run, they are assailed by demons, mainly vrocks, but they do not turn to fight as they trot in the distance, hopefully making it to their target.
    • Soon after that, the lines of the assaulting army encroach around Peltarch, laying siege upon it.
    • A detachment of the Fel Orc army approaches from the west with siege weaponry. Peltarch defenders set their own siege weaponry against the orcs, and blows are exchanged.
    • Hezrou demons begin to teleport inside Peltarch while vrock demons swoop down in an attempt to destroy Peltarch's catapults.
    • With Peltarch's defensive capabilities hindered, part of the blood warrior army stationed south of Peltarch makes a move, with more demons at the wings to attempt to breach the main gates.
    • Vrocks attempt a Dance of Ruin to the same effect, as succubi try to keep the defenders busy, but they are all stopped in time, and the gates remain strong.
    • Within the city, some stronger demons keep teleporting in, including hezrou, succubi, fiendish warriors and even a couple of glabrezu, that with much effort are finally taken down, bringing moments of momentary peace.
    • Outside the city, the opposing army now waits possibly for more reinforcements to arrive, still looking great in numbers, especially the Fel Orc trive that covers the south fields like a vile sea with murderous intent.
    • There are no signs from the Nexus Party, whether they made it or not.

  • Aftermath


    Anna Blake: 30,000

    Army upkeep costs

    Aino Harthgroth: 20
    Civilian Archers: 680
    Cerulean Knights: 140
    Daisy, Lunara, Bastilla and Spica: 0 (no upkeep cost)
    Damaran Soldiers (Elisa Horgath's): 220
    Order of the Divine Shield: 400
    Princess Patricia and Raiders: 660
    Peltarch Defenders: 1,900
    Peltarch Guard: 760
    Shelter and food for Docks District evacuees: 2,000
    Solonor's Finest: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Sslithar's Praetorian Guard: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Thayan Assistants (Elisa Horgath's): 80
    Wings of the Seventh Heaven (Bahamut's Half-dragons): 420
    Yasia and Yasia's Rashemen: 500

    Total upkeep (Aftermath): 7,780

    Funding (Aftermath): 50,540 + 30,000 - 7,780 = 72,760


    Final Tenday


    Army upkeep costs

    Aino Harthgroth: 20
    Catapults: 40
    Civilian Archers: 600
    Cerulean Knights: 320
    Daisy, Lunara, Bastilla and Spica: 0 (no upkeep cost)
    Damaran Soldiers (Elisa Horgath's): 400
    Order of the Divine Shield: 400
    Princess Patricia and Raiders: 1,020
    Peltarch Defenders: 2,880
    Peltarch Guard: 1,120
    Shelter and food for Docks District evacuees: 2,000
    Solonor's Finest: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Barricades, reinforcements and blockades: 30,000
    Sslithar's Praetorian Guard: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Thayan Assistants (Elisa Horgath's): 120
    Wavebreaker Guild: 40
    Wings of the Seventh Heaven (Bahamut's Half-dragons): 720
    Yasia and Yasia's Rashemen: 860

    Total upkeep (Final Tenday): 40,540

    Funding (Final Tenday): 95,580 - 40,540 = 55,040


    Tenday 10


    Army upkeep costs

    Aino Harthgroth: 20
    Catapults: 40
    Cerulean Knights: 320
    Daisy, Lunara, Bastilla and Spica: 0 (no upkeep cost)
    Damaran Soldiers (Elisa Horgath's): 400
    Order of the Divine Shield: 400
    Princess Patricia and Raiders: 1,020
    Peltarch Defenders: 2,880
    Peltarch Guard: 1,120
    Shelter and food for Docks District evacuees: 2,000
    Solonor's Finest: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    South Wall Comet Blast repairs: 30,000
    Sslithar's Praetorian Guard: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Thayan Assistants (Elisa Horgath's): 120
    Wavebreaker Guild: 40
    Wings of the Seventh Heaven (Bahamut's Half-dragons): 720
    Yasia and Yasia's Rashemen: 860

    Total upkeep (Tenday 10): 38,920

    Funding (Tenday 10): 134,500 - 38,920 = 95,580


    Tenday 9


    10,000: Shesarai

    Army upkeep costs

    Aino Harthgroth: 20
    Catapults: 40
    Cerulean Knights: 320
    Daisy, Lunara, Bastilla and Spica: 0 (no upkeep cost)
    Damaran Soldiers (Elisa Horgath's): 400
    Order of the Divine Shield: 400
    Peltarch Defenders: 4,080
    Peltarch Guard: 1,920
    Shelter and food for Docks District evacuees: 2,000
    Solonor's Finest: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Sslithar's Praetorian Guard: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Thayan Assistants (Elisa Horgath's): 200
    Vaasan Raider Ship: 50,000
    Yasia and Yasia's Rashemen: 860
    Wavebreaker Guild: 120
    Wings of the Seventh Heaven (Bahamut's Half-dragons): 720

    Total upkeep (Tenday 9): 61,080

    Funding (Tenday 9): 185,580 + 10,000 - 61,080 = 134,500


    Tenday 8


    Army upkeep costs

    Aino Harthgroth: 20
    Catapults: 40
    Cerulean Knights: 320
    Daisy, Lunara, Bastilla and Spica: 0 (no upkeep cost)
    Damaran Soldiers (Elisa Horgath's): 400
    South wall restructuring, reinforcing and repair (one-time expense): 30,000
    Order of the Divine Shield: 400
    Peltarch Defenders: 4,160
    Peltarch Guard: 1,920
    Shelter and food for Docks District evacuees: 2,000
    Solonor's Finest: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Sslithar's Praetorian Guard: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Thayan Assistants (Elisa Horgath's): 200
    Yasia and Yasia's Rashemen: 860
    Wavebreaker Guild: 120
    Wings of the Seventh Heaven (Bahamut's Half-dragons): 720

    Total upkeep (Tenday 8 😞 41,160

    Funding (Tenday 8 😞 226,840 - 41,160 = 185,580


    Tenday 7


    Army upkeep costs

    Aino Harthgroth: 20
    Catapults: 40
    Cerulean Knights: 320
    Daisy, Lunara, Bastilla and Spica: 0 (no upkeep cost)
    Damaran Soldiers (Elisa Horgath's): 400
    Inner south wall repairs and fortifications (one-time expense): 30,000
    Order of the Divine Shield: 400
    Peltarch Defenders: 4,240
    Peltarch Guard: 1,920
    Shelter and food for Docks District evacuees: 2,000
    Solonor's Finest: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Sslithar's Praetorian Guard: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Thayan Assistants (Elisa Horgath's): 200
    Yasia and Yasia's Rashemen: 860
    Wavebreaker Guild: 120
    Wings of the Seventh Heaven (Bahamut's Half-dragons): 720

    Total upkeep (Tenday 7): 41,240

    Funding (Tenday 7):268,080 - 41,240 = 226,840


    Tenday 6


    • Adventurer Supply Run: 3,000

    Army upkeep costs

    Aino Harthgroth: 20
    Cerulean Knights: 500
    Catapults: 100
    Daisy, Lunara, Bastilla and Spica: 0 (no upkeep cost)
    Damaran Soldiers (Elisa Horgath's): 700
    Shelter and food for Docks District evacuees: 2,000
    Order of the Divine Shield: 400
    Peltarch Defenders: 5,840
    Peltarch Guard: 2,340
    Shrine to Bahamut (one-time expense): 15,000
    Solonor's Finest: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Sslithar's Praetorian Guard: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Thayan Assistants (Elisa Horgath's): 240
    Wavebreaker Guild: 720
    Wings of the Seventh Heaven (Bahamut's Half-dragons): 800

    Total upkeep (Tenday 6): 28,660

    Funding (Tenday 6):296,740 + 3,000 - 28,660 = 268,080


    Tenday 5


    Army upkeep costs

    Aino Harthgroth: 20
    Cerulean Knights: 820
    Catapults: 100
    Damaran Soldiers (Elisa Horgath's): 700
    Shelter and food for Docks District evacuees: 2000
    Order of the Divine Shield: 400
    Peltarch Defenders: 6540
    Peltarch Guard: 2740
    Solonor's Finest: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Sslithar's Praetorian Guard: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Thayan Assistants (Elisa Horgath's): 240
    Wavebreaker Guild: 720
    Wings of the Seventh Heaven (Bahamut's Half-dragons): 800

    Total upkeep (Tenday 5): 15,080

    Funding (Tenday 5):311,820 - 15,080 = 296,740


    Tenday 4


    Annonymous: 45,000
    Silver Chalice of Torm: 30,000
    Anna Blake: 15000

    Army upkeep costs

    Aino Harthgroth: 20
    Cerulean Knights: 820
    Catapults: 120
    Damaran Soldiers (Elisa Horgath's): 700
    Shelter and food for Docks District evacuees: 2000
    Order of the Divine Shield: 400
    Peltarch Defenders: 6900
    Peltarch Guard: 2740
    Solonor's Finest: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Thayan Assistants (Elisa Horgath's): 240
    Wavebreaker Guild: 720
    West Wall Repairs(one-time expense): 15,000]
    Wings of the Seventh Heaven (Bahamut's Half-dragons): 800

    Total upkeep (Tenday 4): 30,460

    Funding (Tenday 4):252,280 + 90,000 - 30,460 = 311,820


    Tenday 3


    Army upkeep costs

    Aino Harthgroth: 20
    Cerulean Knights: 880
    Catapults: 120
    Damaran Soldiers (Elisa Horgath's): 1000
    Order of the Divine Shield: 400
    Peltarch Defenders: 8020
    Peltarch Guard: 2840
    Solonor's Finest: 0 (No upkeep cost)
    Thayan Assistants (Elisa Horgath's): 240
    Wavebreaker Guild: 720
    Wings of the Seventh Heaven (Bahamut's Half-dragons): 800

    Total upkeep (Tenday 3): 15,040

    Funding (Tenday 3):267,320 - 15,040 = 252,280


    Tenday 2


    María: 30,000 gold

    Army upkeep costs

    Aino Harthgroth: 20
    Cerulean Knights: 920
    Catapults: 120
    Damaran Soldiers (Elisa Horgath's): 1000
    Order of the Divine Shield: 400
    Peltarch Defenders: 8260
    Peltarch Guard: 2980
    Thayan Assistants (Elisa Horgath's): 240
    Wavebreaker Guild: 800
    Wings of the Seventh Heaven (Bahamut's Half-dragons): 800

    Total upkeep (Tenday 2): 15,540

    Funding (Tenday 2): 252,460 +30,000 - 15,540 = 267,320


    Tenday 1


    Peltarch's coffers: 120,000
    Maurina of Thar: 100,000
    Nica Aelthasdottir: 20,000
    Jonni Aelthasson: 19,920
    Nathen Wingates: 2,500 gold
    Darvan Roth: 500 gold

    Army upkeep costs

    Aino Harthgroth: 20
    Cerulean Knights: 960
    Catapults: 120
    Damaran Soldiers (Elisa Horgath's): 1000
    Order of the Divine Shield: 400
    Peltarch Defenders: 8620
    Peltarch Guard: 3300
    Thayan Assistants (Elisa Horgath's): 240
    Wavebreaker Guild: 800

    Total upkeep (Tenday 1): 15,060

    Funding (Tenday 1): 267.920 - 15,460 = 252,460


    Historical list of donors

    Maurina of Thar: 100,000
    Annonymous: 45,000
    Silver Chalice of Torm: 30,000
    María: 30,000
    Nica Aelthasdottir: 20,000
    Jonni Aelthasson: 19,920
    Anna Blake: 15,000
    Shesarai: 10,000
    Nathen Wingates: 2,500 gold
    Darvan Roth: 500 gold

    [OOC: Math is simple here. Each gold coin in the coffers adds 1 unit of supplies to be used by the armies residing in Peltarch. The upkeep cost of each combat unit is basically down to feeding and maintenance of weaponry, horses, ammunition etc. Units that do not have horses or use less equipment will generally be cheaper to upkeep, but also less efficient in combat. That's not always the case, but a general reference.

    As long as troops are well fed and the walls are holding, general morale will be good. Should the soldiers begin to be underfed and unable to keep their equipment in good condition, morale will drop so will their ability to fight efficiently. Other things that can impact morale is heroes falling or certain allies being enlisted that would cause others to either be cautious or leave the defence of Peltarch.]