The Mor'Salen - The Beginning is the End is the Beginning.

  • The plot is unveiled. The Narfellians will have to fight for their land, and for their very existence. With the involvement of Faluzure, Garyx and the demon Prince Dagon confirmed, the point of no return has been reached and there is only one way to go - the way forward. Gather your resolve, heroes, for the days of judgement await.

    OOC: This sunday a chain of events will trigger, beginning the ending of this year-long plot. I have planned several activities in which about every player can partake spanning possibly 2-4 weeks of real time.

    The structuring will be the following: One party, which will be mostly hand picked by those who have followed the plot first-hand since one year ago, will be heading into a nearly suicide mission to save Narfell from the worst possible outcome. This we'll call the "Nexus Party" and will probably be capped at 8 players.

    But they're not the only ones who will be able to participate and affect the unfolding of the events. Every other PC (including alts from the same players of the main party) can join the "Defenders of the Realm" movement, and will have the chance to participate in other events to affect the final outcome. There is no player cap for this party.

    Things to note:

    • The "Nexus Party" will be locked in after the first session, on Sunday 1st of May, 8PM UTC (tentative). This party will have to face their challenge in different events, and their characters will be unplayable outside of scheduled events until the end of the chain of events (reminder, 2-4 weeks). Events related to this branch of the chain will happen primarily on weekends.

    • The "Defenders of the Realm", besides facing potential sieges and assaults all over the land, will be given different specific tasks that will play out much like regular events. There are some already preplanned tasks such as reaching a shrine to Bahamut atop Mount Frailcrag. Events related to this branch of the chain will happen primarily on weekday UTC evenings.

    • Regarding this second branch of events, I'll keep in mind that there are other plots currently ongoing meaning potential serious threats to the land as well, so fret not, no plot is getting buried or displaced, and we DMs will arrange it so that everything keeps as smooth as possible. However, the intent is, in a way, to bring a sense of overwhelming and urgency, so if you ever feel stressed or besieged by bad stuff happening, smile, it's working as intended.

    • Both branches of events will be rewarded at the end of it all. These rewards will be individually tailored to each participant, taking into account several factors - level of involvement and participation, forum activity related to the Mor'Salen plot, ingame activity related to the Mor'Salen plot, effort put on developing the plot and getting things done, etc.

    • The difficulty of these events will be very high, especially for the "Nexus Party". Combat will be demanding, teamwork mandatory, and attentive/awake minds will save your life more than mouse clicking skills. Some challenges will require the players to act against their intuition, or run away from monsters instead of attacking them, stand at certain spots of the scenario at specific times and so on. I hate characters dying, but the ball is on your side of the court. Keep a sharp mind, and you'll make it through, and bring home a nice prize to remember the tale.

    There is no need for sign ups as we'll handle it all ingame based on player interactions. Ultimately, I hope all of you who decide to participate will enjoy, that's the only meaning of all of this.