Anna Blake's warning to citizens for the New Moon

  • Anna goes about town, issuing warnings to those around with fellow defenders willing to help. "We ask all citizens stay indoors during the evenings of the new moon coming soon, to ensure your safety! We thank you for your cooperation!"

  • //OOC note as I don't feel like creating a new thread when there is one that is already somewhat relevant. I had a few obligations come up sunday and was not able to be on to facilitate the kuo toa goings-on. Any players involved or who would like to be please standby. 🙂

  • Approved.

  • Anna Blake, with what limited command she would have over the privates, works the best she can to coordinate defenses for the possible Kuo Toa invasion during the new moon.

    She would ask to have available units during the night(s) the new moon is out to be by all bodies of water, to be by the moat, and to have defenses posted in the commons and commerce area in case of polymorphed insurrection.

    Asking as many folks as they can to come inside the gates, she herself will protect the residential area as well as heal any soldiers that may require help.

    All she asks is for her commanders approval to go forward with this plan. Many a powerful adventurer had been informed and can help fight the main battle, but she feels with her capacity to ask Chauntea for True Sight, plus her summons, as well as being able to heal those in need, she can fight the brunt of any insurrection that might strike deep in the city.

    (If this can be approved, it will give Anna an excuse to contribute while being out of the main war areas, if allowed)