• Because I know we all do nothing but narf all day all the time. >.>

    What MMOs are you all playing out there? I'm personally quite invested into Guild Wars 2 at this point, and can meet up with anyone in game if anyone else has it. But I'm also always keeping my eye open for other MMOs because its kind of my thing.

    Hows about you?

  • Honestly I got caught by Black Desert Online. It's king of a korean MMO but it got good graphics, beautiful landscapes, lot of world to explore (riding a horse!) and a large a mount of things to do other than just kill mobs.

    At this point it's a Pay to Play but nothing near a Pay to Win certantly. Here is the link if you are interested:

    –Edit: just to add that the combat is pretty fun and not a random click thing like--

  • Guildwars 2 as well however I play on the EU server to play with some friends.