The Art of Being Isolde

  • The red book ends here, the rest of the pages missing, seemingly ripped out, while the book itself is tucked away under a pile of pillows in a closed cabinet located in room A7 at the Bardic College.

  • A beautiful, very expensive looking robe is depicted at the top of this page, made of soft velvet and shiny, sheer silks with intricate pearl-studded embroideries and fine ruffled lace.

    "~The Dress~

    I'd thought nothing could match the blue silken catsuit, but the moment I saw the dress, I just ~had~ to have it. The sensual richness of fabrics and depth of colour, the beautiful patterning of the fine embroideries, the exquisite spiderweb lightness of the lace, oh-so seductive in quality!~

    With an affable smile, the moustached mage - not Akseli dear readers, but a charming sorceror by the name Salin - offered to sell the desired garnment to me for 500 gold. I stared, stroking the plushness of the velvet, the cool and sheer silk, noting the gown held magic too. Magic designed to further enhance the wearer's beauty and allure!

    My savings took a hit, but my heart leaped in my chest as I took the surprisingly light garnment from Salin. I wasted little time in changing into it, even though Norwick's rustic south gate is hardly the right scene for so regal a gown. But the location did feature a very specific crowd of one, whose attention was suddenly so rapt that I felt near blushing.

    Not even the blue silks put that big a grin on Cormac's face, nor so wild a glint in those grey eyes, so intently focused that I felt as though his gaze bored right through the fabric to my bare skin underneath. I felt giddy, strangely exposed and decidedly, spectacularily beautiful. He bid me turn around and I twirled, gossamer lace and flowing silk fluttering with the movement.

    A low, guttural sound, somewhere between growl and grunt, and an even wider grin as I came back around. I hadn't expected a full gown to have such an effect, but it fits snugly in all the right places, and the shimmer of the fabric ~is~ distinctly flattering. I wanted to bask in my crowd of one's attention all day, but I also didn't want to spoil the regal look by blushing like a school girl. On the pretence of concern about mud and wood splinters causing tears or snags, I changed back, still feeling a warm glow of smug assertion inside.

    A few days later, we ran into a morose Elvadriel, just outside Peltarch. After the Sahuagin's cruel 'Dead Elf' slur, she's been experimenting with a new look, something warmer and more approachable, but was not quite content. I suspect there was something more to it too, she seemed downcast, weary, all in all distinctly in need of cheering up! And so, hoping my friend would feel as beautiful, irresistable and royal as I had, I gave her the dress. It's the least I can do for all the encouragement and affection she lavishes upon me - though I can't claim it didn't sting, just a little, to see Cormac's black lips grin just as wide for her. Still - it ~is~ a fabulous dress… and it fit her perfectly.


    I'm getting mired ever deeper, dear readers, into this sinkhole of attraction. I've ceased waiting for it to rain to scoot up close, to slink an arm around his back, or even drape both my arms around him. Have I no shame, you wonder? But I do (unfortunately). Just not enough to stop myself from inching ever closer, stretching the boundaries of propriety with a touch, a whisper, a small kiss to his arm (ugh, those arms!).

    He must feel ~something~ in return, mustn't he? At the very least, he's flattered and enjoying the attention, but I think I didn't just imagine how he huffs in jealousy when I compliment other men, or that when I don't put my arm around his, he eventually pulls me close regardless. At least sometimes.


    If he'd just kiss me already, then I'd ~know~! He kisses my hair sometimes, softly, affectionately. And other times, he huffs incomprehensibly and walks off.

    It's driving me crazy, but Akseli cooes and purrs teasingly, calling it love, going as far as claiming the two of us couldn't stand to spend even one night apart. In fact, that's the claim that spurred the soon to be legendary Boys Night Out.

    A night of drinking and male camradery, bonding over whatever it is men do in the company of men. Akseli was the ringleader, convincing first Cormac, then the Shaundakulite priest Krovel (an amicable fellow red-head) and, with a good deal more persuasion from the rest jointly, the paladin Darvan 'Justice' Roth (handsome in a well-groomed, shining knight fashion).

    Tch. As if I care if they have a roaringly good time, drinking and fondling strippers or whatever! Except Darvan would probably be a nay-sayer to most whatevers, guessingly... and it's not like I ~need~ Cormac to have a good time myself. I can have lots of fun, oodles and heaps! With...

    With the ~Girls~! Ha, take that, boys club! Elvadriel, Naomi and I, joined eventually by a delightful new aquaintance called Jennifer, started our own little bar crawl. But it wasn't so much a crawl as a skip and lounge and gossip tour, from the steamy hot tubs at the Regal Maid to a pillow fight and a picknick outside the gates, with oh so many drinks.

    It's all a little blurry, but some details stand out. At one point, Elvadriel brought out a whip (ow!) and a frisky Naomi scorched the plains outside with a bombardment of lightning (note to self: powerful arcanists and alcohol do not mix). There was a pillow fight, and a game of truth or dare. Apparantly Cormac is a '9 out of 10' in Elvadriel's book.

    I recall being pressed on that subject, wriggling and evading as best I could before I called it a night and stumbled off. Truth: Am I 'in love' with Cormac?

    Love is too big a word, too weighty and frightening. In lust, I'll easily admit to. Attracted to, yes. Great big yes. It's not just a physical attraction though. I like how his ~mind~ works, how he doesn't just indulge and follow my flights of fancy but adds his own, painting colourful scenes and spinning lurid twists to whatever plot is hatching in his mind or mine.

    He has the soul of an artist, the voice of a devil and the most wicked sense of humour, both quirky, poetic and downright naughty. He makes me laugh. I like the way he laughs, too!~ I like a lot of things about this man, dear readers, so many that to list them would bring tears of boredom to your eyes, but I can't call it love. Not yet.

    Not until he kisses me."

  • This page features a burning tower, flames and billowing smoke obscuring parts of the scene. Shadowy figures run in panic from brutal, axe-weilding men, while the red-headed woman hides behind a rock, an arrow knocked in readiness of a fight.

    "~The Tower Arcane~

    Elvadriel has grand ambitions, as befits a lady of such skill and might. Most dear to her heart is the dream of a mages enclave (or conclave, or circle, or whatever word we shall ultimately decide upon!). The local Spellweaver's Keep doesn't measure up to these grand dreams, and so Elvadriel has taken it upon herself to create something new instead, starting with gaining favour with one of the city's newfangled nobles, Baron Thom Tiller.

    This Tiller's a coarse farmer type, charming in a rustic and cheeky manner, but must surely make Siamorphe's faithfuls cry with frustration! He admits this readily and seems to have no qualms or regrets about his lack of courtly demeanour. Thus my attempt to smooth a path for Elvadriel into his good graces was quite unnecessary, Tiller preferring to get down to business without frills and fuss.

    Tch! I do so adore the proper frill and fuss, it's like a fanciful wrapper, making even the most mediocre of gift contents beautiful.

    Though, to Elvadriel the permission to build on Tiller's land is far from mediocre. She's positively delighted and is already plotting the layout of the new premises, with classrooms and laboratories and dozens of libraries. Myself and Naomi, two of her prospective members to be, have rather less scholarly fancies however:

    A stage! Hot springs and a massage parlour! Bronze-skinned manservants! Pillows!! An entire ~fortress~ of pillows, plush and velvety…

    We lounged abut on mounds of pillows in the archmage Maria's tower, weaving these dreams idly as Elvadriel organized a trip to another mage's tower some distance off. She wanted to compare notes, strike up good relations and with some hope, start a fruitful future exchange of knowledge and arcane gizmos and geegaws.

    We set off in the morning, a large group of travellers from several walks of life, but mostly magic, including Elvadriel of course, Akseli, Naomi, Sheserai, Abigail and others for muscle. The mood was bright and once arriving at the tower, we found it a lively and bustling place, filled with not only wizards and sorcerors, but bards and merchants and handimen of all sorts.

    However, the quirky elven mage greeting us directed us towards the nearby wilderness, before we could gain access to the tower proper. Apparantly a hermit held the key, and we'd need to find him first, to be approved I guess! Without questioning their peculiar customs overly, we set off to find this hermit, travelling through a forest filled with wintery beasts, great and small, and all of them ravenous for succulent arcane-flavoured meat!~

    After much running, walking and fighting, we found the hermit perched atop a hillside, peering down at us with bemusement. This cryptic, nutmeg-mugged fellow of halfing stature eventually granted us the unlikely key - a censer, meant to waft the right fragrance onto us all and thus allow entry to the tower.

    But just as we were about to start wafting the censer about, we saw smoke from an entirely different source rise up from beyond the hills in dark billowing columns - fire, fire in the mages camp!

    Our party made all possible haste back, but the bustling and care-free place we had left was now transformed into a scene from the pages of a horror story. Fires everywhere, the smoke bitter and acrid, stinging eyes and lungs. But I'd rather the smoke than seeing clearly the wreckage of what was but a few hours ago a happy place. Now, all was death and ruin, smoke and fire.

    Figures moved in the haze, tall and purposeful, axes swinging. Others tried to flee, only to be cut down cruelly, joining their friends and comrades in death. I stumbled across the arm of the smiling bard I'd greeted on arrival, dead eyes staring at the sky, her chest a gaping maw of broken ribs.

    We fought the axe-weilding raiders, a rough and hectic struggle, but too late to save anyone. The tower itself collapsed when we attempted entry, all the treasures within crumbling. 'The library!', cried Elvadriel, distraught.

    Despair was near at hand, but it soon became obvious that the raiders we had fought were but finishing the job, stragglers from the main force which had taken off with their collective bounty. Enraged, Elvadriel called for a chase!

    We caught them near the base of the mountain side, summoning the party's last resorts to win the fight. A handful of children were liberated from a future as slaves, and a whole lot of booty stolen from the tower itself. The children, now orphaned, I kept my distance from, though plenty of others tried to soothe them. But really, what words will fix anything when your entire world is shattered? I saw the look in their eyes and steered in the other direction, to not feel that misery sink its claws into my heart.

    Focus on the bright and beautiful - that's the way to cope, Isolde!~

    Back in Maria's tower, the spoils were divided, and such spoils they were, oh me oh my! I'd heard about the adventurer's trade sometimes yielding real treasure, but this is the first time I'd ever had a taste of it myself. Despite a relatively low roll of the dice, I dare say I made out like an absolute ~bandit~.

    An elven-styled rapier of such exquisite beauty that my heart jumped in my chest was the first pick, oh happy day! Next, a chain shirt with a nifty set of enchantments for both protection and stealth - so nifty that I could overlook how ghastly it looked, and that it is a fair few pounds heavier than I'd prefer - and finally the silken catsuit. Oh, it's breathtaking, the fabric soft and shimmering, flowing like living water onto my skin!~

    I don't for a moment regret shaming Akseli into letting me have it, least of all since that catsuit earned me a long-awaited stare by a certain set of storm-grey eyes. Finally, the sort of stare I often have to reign in myself, lest his big head explodes from the attention - except if I'm sketching. It's alright to stare then, not just legitimate but downright necessary!

    It feels so good to have that stare returned, to have his eyes linger and caress. It feels even better when he puts his arm around me, unbidden, his hand on my thigh, spreading warmth and tickling tendrils of excitement. His fingers, tugging and teasing my curls for no apparant reason but wanting to. There's a softness in that touch, in the way he pulls me close. A tenderness which makes me feel precious.

    Akseli claims that the fact Cormac hasn't made a move, hasn't tried to kiss, grope or bed me, means that I am special. Different from the rest. I'd like to think that's true, but I can't think straight about any of this. I've never felt so uncertain before, so insecure - I know I'm beautiful, I always have been. To be the one wanting throws everything on end, but maybe, just maybe I'm not alone in feeling this way?

    I wish he'd kiss me, without invitation, without permission. Without being asked, because he just couldn't help himself. I want him to want me. To lose sleep over me, tossing and turning until the bedsheets are tangled and twisted. Then it wouldn't just be me."

  • The following pages bear a stylized friese of Kuo Toa and Sahuagin, both fish-like monstrosities baring sharp teeth and weilding a variety of equally sharp weaponry.

    "~Of Scales and Fins~

    Just when I thought I'd shaken the fear of that first (and so far only) visit to the dread Kuo Toa caverns, they turn up right at my proverbial doorstep. I'd stopped but a stone's throw from the innner gates to swap a few words with Gnarl, a sturdy dwarven warrior with a bushy brown beard, when it happened - a fishman assassin turned up out of the blue, striking at the dwarf's back with twin blades.

    I barely had time to scream before the rest revealed themselves, hissing in hatred and stabbing wildly at Gnarl. My shouting alerted the nearby guards who rushed in to assist, and the attack was quickly repelled. But what drove these creatures from their caves for such an obviously suicidal strike?

    We caught a glimpse of further scaly, bug-eyed Kuo Toa, seeming to make their way towards the nearby swamps, and decided to follow. Initially, everything seemed calm and without a tracker with the group, we found no trace of our foes. But then… sweet Lady Firehair, then the fetid swampy waters bubbled, and an omnious wind set the trees rustling and shaking. Or was it really the wind?

    From the treelines, from the dank waters, they rose. Chests sliced open, scaled hide rotten and torn, their googly eyes cold and dead but for the flame of undying hatred seeming to spur their shambling motions. Just like the living of their kind, they seemed to focus all their efforts on Gnarl, hissing and wailing but a single word.


    These were tougher foes and even the likes of the mighty Gnarl found himself bleeding. I sang and cheered, but was rewarded ill for my efforts by the spiteful, unappreciative codfaces. Just when you think Kuo Toa can't get any fouler, they go and turn undead on you. Tch!

    From one foul fishface to the next, as the following day saw Elvadriel and myself most rudely summoned to Captain Sticks ransom exchange. We had long since decided not to risk the good captain's life by attempting any type of violence or trickery, but I could feel every fibre of my being bristling against these cold, clammy thugs of the Icelace.

    The tentative plan had been to make the exchange and then, once our captain was liberated, give underwater persuit. But our sharkheaded foes had ensconsed themselves deep within the misty caves by Peltarch's shore, threatening harm to the local fishermen as though to drive the point home further. They called the shots, and we had little choice but to obey unless more blood would flow than warranted.

    But we brought backup, just in case.

    The stripe-finned leader awaited, being every bit as aggrivating as I recalled from our first encounter. 'Princess Nothing', he called me, mockingly, and referred to the dear Elvadriel as 'Dead Elf'. Ugh! I swallowed back my pride and that raging, rebellious side of me that always resents being pushed around. I know the sort of damage that halberd inflicts and more so, we had Captain Sticks to consider. I can don a smile like others do their armour, and presented that utterly rude ruffian with as much smoothness and poise as I dare say he has ever seen. Pearls for swine, hrmph!

    He couldn't even be gracious in victory, making crude complaint that we hadn't filled the steel crates to the brim - crates which, I must point out dear readers, were never specified in size! I rather think we erred on the side of generosity! Complaints aside, the exchange went off without a hitch and a pale, obviously quite shaken Sticks was delivered to us, unharmed but for the mental scars of being in such ungraceful creatures claws, confined to a cold stone cell accessible only through underwater ways. And given a diet of... ugh, I'd rather not specify, good readers, I'd really rather not!

    I shudder to think what that poor, brave old man went through, but at least he's safe now and our debt of gratitude somewhat repayed. Elvadriel came up with the brilliant notion of a fundraising event to help pay for a new river boat, something I shall be certain to speak loudly and often of, with all the persuasive powers at my disposal!

    Hopefully, that's the last I shall ever see of those vile Sahuagin. But the Kuo Toa would not stay down for long. Again and again they rose from the swamplands water, always droning the same hateful phrase: 'Dessstroyer..' It turns out there are grudges so deep that death won't suffice to end them - the fishmen, decimated in untold numbers over the years by the persistant efforts of Gnarl in his avid and habitual cleansing of their caves, have pledged to end his life at all costs.

    A more large scale attack occurred just last night, as a glorious full moon shone down on the Jewel. Commotion at the outer walls, undead fishmen rising in waves upon waves. A good number of people rushed to the fray, magistrate D'Arneau, Hen, the scandalously scantily clad sorceress Naomi and likely others. And Cormac. Ah, Cormac, fighting shirtless in the moonlight!~

    I was so inspired that I had to sketch him afterwards, outside the stables as we made our way back into town. He posed quite willingly, especially with the buxom Naomi as the swooning damsel on his arm. She's gorgeous and wears next to ~nothing~ - and I was rather expecting Cormac to make more of a grab at the situation. Sometimes I wonder if I've got him all wrong and all that loud-mouth talk is really just talk. Is it possible that he is, in his own way, something of a gentleman?

    It seems whenever we touch (which happens with increasing frequency despite my best intentions) that the initiative is always mine. I sit beside him, I take his arm, I lift my cheek up to be kissed when we part. Is he being a gentleman, respectful of a lady's wishes, or... oh dreaded or, is he just humouring me? Perhaps Elvadriel really ~is~ paying him, and all the time he spends in my company is just a covert bodyguard job!


    Why am I being so self-conscious about this? I find myself begging for compliments, the smallest signs of favour causing unreasonable glee. Cormac, sitting about as the rest of the adventurers present took off for a trip. I backtracked, asked if he would come along. 'Why?', he asked, scratching his belly in idle indifference. 'Because I want you to', I replied. And he rose, just like that, to follow.


    Except of course, if he's my secret bodyguard, payed off for the task...

    Ugh, I'm being ridiculous, I know! Please don't judge me, gentle readers! Worst of all, people are starting to take notice. A moustashio'd Legionnaire called Akseli makes ill conceiled jibes at my expense, to which I can only give my best huff and hope it's enough. I still can't help myself. I can't not touch him, in whatever little way I can get away with within propriety and reason.

    To draw his likeness is the perfect excuse for a good stare though, the recent close-up I did of his face still alarmingly vibrant in my mind's eye.

    Stop it Isolde, stop obsessing! Stop thinking about his lips and what they would taste like, if you were to offer him something other than your cheek to kiss. Stop, before you make a fool of yourself and he walks off to the next conquest, smug and smirking.

    Just focus on your novel. Pirate Captain Randolpho, shirtless with a knife between his teeth. Now if that doesn't cause collective sighs of yearning amongst the womenfolk of Peltarch, then you really are in trouble."

  • An eye-jarringly ugly Hag features on this page, tall and gaunt with saggy skin and a madly cackling expression as it towers over the terrifyed red-headed woman, shackled to the floor within a pentagram as red as her hair.

    "~Beauty and the Beast~

    Dear readers, prepare for a chilling tale, darker than most my pen is prone to write, for in truth I have always loved escaping to happier places through stories, rather than dark and frightening ones. But this tale spun itself around me, casting yours truly as the Maiden Fair, soon to find herself in Distress.

    It began as simple adventure, a party gathering to slay trolls in the swamplands north of the blighted ruins of Jiyyd, for little other reason other than the fight itself (this is often called 'patrolling' to make it sound more respectable). It seemed exciting, I'd never seen that part of Narfell nor an actual troll, and as the party seemed able and strong, I decided to tag along for the ride. As did Cormac, to my probably ill concealed delight.

    I felt safe, initially. The party was full of heavy hitters, encased in strong metal casings - Abigail, Alvaniel, Silver and Theaon, but as I was soon to learn quite bitterly, strength and might in combat is no guarantee at all that the weakest in the group will be protected.

    We picked up an elderly mage along the way, his steps rickety and so slow that the rest of the party were all but chomping at the bit once we arrived to Heroes Bluff. The irritability was visible in the group, but at least initially they did wait every so often for the old man to hobble along.

    Once inside the ruins, the Quasits were acting up, being even more pesky than their normal obnoxious selves. 'Get the pretty one, get heeer!' one cried out, swooping at me. And another, all screeching the same mantra. Tch, annoying little runts! But at least they showed some taste, I thought to myself. Their odd behavior was payed little heed however, as the group made a beeline for the swamplands, the fighters clearly thirsting for blood.

    And blood, there was, the swamp practically boiling with angry, warty-hided and hulking trolls, assailing us from left and right. Ugh, so ugly!~

    My arrows couldn't even penetrate their thick,disgusting hides, and I focused mostly on running out of harm's way, singing at the top of my voice. Swords and axes flashed, the blood ran red and trolls were felled with brutal efficiency.

    But further in, a sight that stopped the slaughter in its tracks and sent chills down my spine. The corpse of a woman, clad in beautiful youthful garb, but horribly withered and desiccated, as though someone or something had sucked her dry of life until only a hollow husk remained. She was once a person who cared for her appearance, I could tell, well kept nails on the dried up remains of her fingers. And her face… sweet Sune, her face, a petrified mask of agony!

    Around the body, a pentagram had been drawn, glowing crimson red. A sacrifice, a dark ritual? But for what cause, and who would do such a horrific thing? The old man hobbled up, grateful I think, for his chance to shine, but instead of being intrigued by the mystery, the calloused party wanted only to leave the scene, take the body with them and return home.

    'We should see she gets a proper burial', says one, seeming more interested in disposing of the remains than avenging the fallen, let alone preventing whatever evil had done this from seeking a new victim. 'Our spells are fading', says another, and while the old man was still pondering and musing, they began to wander off.

    A ~real~ challenge presents itself, a mystery, something new and exciting, and then the valiant troll slayers want to leave? I could scarcely believe my own ears - isn't this why one goes on 'patrol', to find lurking danger, the unexpected things that you wouldn't ever have known were there without looking? If predictable is all you want, why adventure at all?

    Without having actually decided a strategy, the group's more restless souls wandered on, deeper into the swamps, the rest of us (certainly me) trailing along in some confusion about where we were actually heading. More trolls, swarming like angry bees in green and red, the fighting still strong. But group cohesion was not, and in one fell swoop, a red troll leaped across a stream to grab me, flinging me over its knobbly shoulder as though I was little more than a sack of flour.

    'CORMAC! Save me!'

    I saw him turn towards me, his raven hair flying, but the troll ran off as though it had hellfire fuelling it, ignoring my attempts to struggle free, ignoring my loud protests screamed at its ugly head. Ugh, UGH! How dare it touch me with that warty hand!?! I tried to cling to anger and outrage, but as it ducked into a rancid cave, leaving daylight and my potential saviours behind, fear washed over me in a sickening wave.

    I fainted, or maybe the troll had had enough of my screams and knocked me out. The momentary oblivion was bliss compared to the reality that awaited as I came to, my head spinning. I blinked to clear my vision, tried to stand and found sturdy cast-iron shackles around my feet. And a pentagram, glowing crimson red...

    A cold, malicious cackle broke the silence. I looked up from my forcibly prone position, and there ~she~ stood. A repulsively ugly Hag, crone-nosed and saggy-chested, thin stripes of black hair hanging like tapeworms from her oily scalp. I shuddered, trying to crawl further away from this hideous being who looked at me with such gleeful hunger, but could not escape my iron bonds.

    'Your beauty shall be mine!', the Hag crooned, incanting strange words to activate the pentagram. Pain, ~excrutiating~ pain as my life force, my youth and my beauty was ripped away, drained through the seal and into the Hag, whose skin smoothed and chest blossomed before my horrified eyes.

    I screamed.

    The pain was unbearable, indescribable, white dots danced before my eyes and darkness at the edge of my vision, threatening to suck me down into oblivion. My skin shrivelled, my hair turned pale and thin, like a dandelion past its prime. Aging, sagging, a weathered husk of skin and bone!

    My world was agony and death the welcomed rescuer, by the time the party reached the Hag's lair. Sounds of battle echoing down the corridor, voices crying out, indistinguishable to my ears. A small figure storming forth to battle the Hag, so diminuative in height that it must have been Theaon. With a spiteful shriek of rage, the Hag went down, and the magic ceased funnelling my life away. Dimly, I could hear the others, could feel the shackles being severed, my frail body shifted from the pentagram.

    But the pain... the pain remained crippling, I could neither stand nor sit, could not, would not lift my head to reveal this shameful, ugly face to my saviors. There was barely enough power left in me to speak, my voice a dry, wheezy whisper of protest. Cormac's leather boots, his handsome calves, standing near.

    The voices blurred, heavy boots tromped off. The elderly man's hand on my shoulder, trying to soothe me but bringing only pain. Cormac still there, pacing, tearing the Hag's heart out in helpless rage. It hurt to breathe, hurt to live, hurt more than all the above that he should see me like this, bereft of everything good about me. If I am not beautiful, then what am I? Who am I but a pitiful husk, hollow of content and worth?

    A fluid poured into my mouth, a temporary relief, but I was fading and part of me welcomed it. Darkness wrapped around me, a soft velvet blanket to soothe my aching, aging body. But I would get no such solace, not this day. A sharp jolt of pain as someone lifted me up in hard, metal-clad arms. Pain, pain, unbearable pain with every determined and uncaring boot step as Abigail carried me off through all of the swamplands, and past the Scar.

    I was too weak to struggle or protest. She claims to have saved my life by this rough-handled transport to the temple of Kelemvor, where Thander restored me to my normal, pristine self. But I can find no thankfulness in me for any of those who decided to slay the monster, but leave the maiden in distress.

    Cormac stayed with me, him and that old man the only ones who did. He may not have saved me, but what would a man like he know of such dark magic and how to cure the victims of it? The only one who could, the priest who had slain the Hag in the first place, obviously did not care enough to stay and complete the rescue.

    Bristling and cursing at having been left to babysit the old man through the troll-infested swamps, so as not to have a second victim to this trip's hazards, Cormac made his way to the temple some time later. The relief on his face was palpable when he saw me, though his temper remained dark and grim as we walked off slowly, stopping at the crossroads to talk.

    It matters that he stayed, that he cared and that he tried to save me, but I don't think that was good enough for him. Not the glory of killing the Hag, not the pretty maiden trembling in his arms. He grumped, grouched and looked about to refuse when I offered him my cheek to kiss, so that he'd know I ~was~ thankful. 'Enough of this cutesy stuff', he huffed, but then relented and planted a small kiss to my cheek.

    'Hrhmph... it 'is' very soft', he muttered afterwards, accusingly. But if the softness of my skin is what he'll remember, then I'm glad. I ~forbid~ the image of withered old Isolde to haunt him, to cast even the slightest shadow over my current beauty.

    Maybe one day, many a long years from now, I really will be old and withered. But I'll have used those years to fill myself to the brink with stories, experiences, love and lust and all things bright that the world can offer. I won't be an empty husk, if I live my life right. I'll still be beautiful, inside."

  • The red-headed woman at the top of this page is depicted crouching warily, an orb of light dancing on her dainty fingertips. Behind her, weilding a massive greataxe, the tall and handsome man from a few pages back looms, narrowed black-painted eyes scanning the inky darkness past the small circle of light - which naturally reflects and enhances his bare and beautifully muscular chest and arms.

    ~Isolde, Explorer Bold~

    With my new and improved pieces of stealthy equipment, emergency Invisibility spells and somewhat growing confidence, I decided to go exploring the nooks, crannies and omniously dark caverns of Narfell. All by my little lonesome at first, through the winding city streets of underground Oscura through the Nars pass and into a large abandoned camp, where once the Romani lived.

    It was exciting, being on my own in potentially dangerous and never before visited places! I envisioned myself an explorer, a treasure hunter, map-maker and conquerer, set to plant my proverbial flag into fresh soil and claim them, as my own. That is, until some pony-sized spiders caught sight of me and sent me running back, breathless and shaking!

    Ugh, they were ~huge~! Not fancying myself as Isolde, Cocooned Victim of Arachnids, I left the camp and continued on towards the Long Road and the river separating it from what was once the peaceful hamlet of Jiyyd. I'd been across before, but never on my own. Today, I'd boldly go where no Isolde had gone before, I vowed to myself in glee!~

    I took a different path, away from the ruins of the settlement itself and onto fields infested by scavengers, bugs and a handful of desperate men, so down on their luck as to roam the fields in search of whatever meagre shinies the wars of old have planted into the blighted ground. Some, I managed to slip past unseen, and felt like cheering out loud - always restrain such urges while attempting stealthy maneuvres, dear readers! - but some spotted me a bit too easily for my liking.

    Including, to my hickup of fear, a big and burly orc!

    That flea-infested ~thug~ came charging at me with fury in his piggy eyes, axe swinging wildly. I ran! And then I stopped, shouted out a challenge and thrust at him with the pointy end of my rapier! I even hit true!

    My lovely and lightweight ironwood shield - cleverly retrieved from the bodies of the Garagossans my party had previously slain - proved much better cover then the shoddy goblin buckler of old. The orc's nostrils flared in frustration, he grew frustrated and sloppy. I hit him again, and taunted his pitiful attempts to slay me with much more gusto than I actually possess - but shhh, it certainly fooled him!

    I won. I actually won, defeating a real orc, far stronger in muscle and far more ferocious than I! For a fleeting second, I felt like a warrior queen, beautiful and terrifying in equal measures - then I spied another orc in the distance and decided to quit while ahead.

    A broken tower ontop of a hill caught my eye on returning, and while my last spells held, I snuck inside that too, finding a tantalizingly empty chest and a path leading down. An eerie glow came from below, however, and strange unearthly voices echoed.

    To not go alone, but boldly return with back-up, my sense of self-preservation bid, and so I did!~

    I returned to Peltarch to find Cormac, scratching his bare belly in idle contemplation of things best left unknown. Refined, he is not, but ugh, ~so~ handsome that he could probably pick his nose in public without leaving a lasting impression of disgust. Though let's have that theory left untested, dear readers!

    He has, much to my puzzlement, changed his behavior towards me of late. If I didn't know better, I'd be tempted to think he's actually making an effort to be more pleasing, though I strongly suspect it's Elvadriel who has coerced him into what passes for good behavior.

    After all, she has made alarmingly specific mention of plans of some manner of chastity belt for me, to ensure my safety from lecherous men. I wouldn't put it past her to have threatened or bribed Cormac into curbing his behavior towards me. He's actually ~nice~, albeit in a grudging type of way, even paying me the odd compliment on occasion. Actual compliments, without crude comment or lewd suggestions!

    I had no problem convincing Cormac to help me finish my spree of exploration, returning to the spots where I had opted for caution. I don't think he knows the meaning of the word caution, though! We pushed on and on through the vast forests surrounding the old Gypsy Camp, past myriads of giant spiders and horrific Ettercaps, attempting to snare us in webs and poison us with toxins most potent.

    It was dangerous, I should have been frightened but I wasn't - not until I was so badly poisoned that I found my limbs heavy as lead and my breathing laboured, trying to slowly escape death on eight legs. And even then, the spider set on eating me found itself sliced through by an axe, swinging through the air like thunder!~

    So help me, but that death-defying courage is intoxicating, more so than any poison the spidery hordes possesssed. We fought and we laughed, and before I could blink the day was done. It was night, and the skies opened up to weep a cold and merciless rain down over Norwick. I plucked the webs off myself as best I could, huddling near the south gates campfire, the rain soaking me through and through.

    Cormac still lingered by the fire, looking obnoxiously unbothered by the rain, which simply trickled down the surface of his heavy fur cloak. When I commented on it, he gave a black-lipped smirk, inviting me to share the cloak's warmth. Another loitering camp fire adventurer chimed in, both quite obviously merely taunting.

    'Look at that beautiful woman, they'll say. What is she doing with that brute, that thug? Hrrhh… you'll look even better by such contrast.'

    I rose, walked over and sat beside him, accompanied by the satisfactory sound of jaws dropping. That alone was worth breaking my previous promise, dear readers, but oh.. oh, the warmth was bliss! I slipped my poor frozen arm around his (those arms of his!), leeching the heat from his body.

    He could have protested, grumbled or repelled my arm. He could have taken advantage, groped or made belittling comments. But instead, he just leaned against me, ever so slightly, and adjusted his cloak over my shoulders.

    I know what I wrote, good readers, not three pages back, I know! He should be so lucky, right? But I confess, I felt just a little lucky to find myself so sheltered, on that dark and rainy night. Besides, I was just using him for warmth, it doesn't count as ~touching~.

    No matter how good it felt."

  • This page is mostly text, though the depiction of a ring with an intricate gnomish design is found at the top left corner, and a beautifully carved shortbow at the bottom right.

    "A 'pity ring', he said, handing the pretty little lockpicker's delight over to me with a black-lipped smirk. I would have given a scathingly witty remark in response, but my stomach still whirled with unreasonable butterflies and my thoughts had scattered with them. Besides, it ~was~ a very nice ring. And he was giving it to me, for free.

    Out of pity.

    Ugh! He should be so lucky as to be allowed in my presence, let alone have me touch him in any small way! Oh why, why did I have to touch his arm like that? I was bartering away the potions I'd taken from the Mountain That Moved escapade - bottom of the barrel, Tymora smiled not - hoping to sucker him into a sweeter deal with a little smile and a stroke to his arm. Most men would melt, but he just smirked and called my bluff.

    Hrmph, fine! Or it would have been fine, if my little scheme had just failed. But it did more than fail, it backfired entirely! My fingertips tingled, my gut went 'thud' and then I just stood there, dumb-struck. He felt so good to touch, soft but firm, silk over steel. And suck finely sculpted steel at that!~

    But while I reeled on the inside, he was wholly unmoved and proceeded with the business at hand, striking a deal that wasn't nearly as rich in gold as I had intended. But the bow he traded me is quite pretty, with a subtle enchantment to increase awareness of one's surroundings. Ok, I like the bow and I love the ring. But he just had to call it a 'pity ring', as though to negate any possibility of my charms affecting him, like he was being grandiouse in the face of my obvious failure.


    I'll still take it. I want it, so why shouldn't I? But I'll never touch that man again, he'd have to get down on his knees and ~beg~ me first! Stupid Cormac with his stupid arms and stupid chest that I most certainly will NOT oil for him, even if he did agree to pose for my book cover. He's already way too smug, even not knowing my weakness. At least, I hope he doesn't know. Dear Sune, please let him think I'm just terrible at bartering and not an easy mark for another notch to his belt!

    I won't be used. I'll use him instead, I've even stolen his name in part for my romantic hero/villain/heartthrob: Randolpho!~ I'll make a whole series of it, casting him as pirate, prince, highwayman and lumberjack, all the stereotypical clichées imaginable, cheap and easy thrills for the bored housewives stuck in dreary arranged marriages. With that face, that ~chest~ on the cover, they'll sell faster than hotcakes at an outdoors market during a hunger crisis. I'll be rich, and I can pin all these accursed butterflies down in words so they won't bother me again!

    It's the perfect plan."

  • The following page is entirely taken up by the huge, hulking figure of an enormous earth elemental, a massive rock fist crushing something or someone to a vivid red smear on the ground. The red-headed woman is barely visible, drawn in only by a faint, dotted outline. She is completely dwarfed by the elemental which she peers at from behind a jutting slab of stone. In the distance, small black shapes weilding a variety of weaponry can be glimpsed, though whether they are running to or from the giant is unclear.

    The text itself starts on the adjoining page, beginning thusly:

    "The Mountain That Moved~

    Quite a good title, don't you think? Though I confess my knees are still rattling from the experience and a measure of guilt assails my conscience, I'm determined to wring all the good I can out of my adventures, this one included. It'll feel like the stuff of legend someday - just as soon as the sight of the elf's crushed and broken body stops flashing before my eyes, the moment I close them.


    Ghastly, truly my dear readers, for once I will spare you the explicit or suggestive detailing. If you fail to envision the scene, then rejoice! I wish I would fail in that respect, myself.

    Allow me to backtrack:

    Once upon the other day, Elvadriel drummed up a number of able adventurers and miners, to make good on our promise of rescuing the stoic river captain Sticks. It was by my reckoning a good, strong party, with a reassuring amount of metal to stand between myself and whatever monsterous beings that might try to thwart our mining. Rumours suggested an ample iron deposit a ways away from the ruined and blighted Jiyyd, tucked inside a cave where man-eating tigers lurked.

    Off we marched, several men and women from the local independant army they call the "Legion" fronting our expedition. All resistance fell before us, demonspawn amongst Jiyyd's ruins, shambling undead on the fields past the walls and packs of fierce wolves and worgs beyond. Swords flashed and bowstrings sang, death dealt with a shrug of hardened shoulders, nary a bead of sweat upon warrior brows.

    Until at last, the cave mouth gaped toothlessly before us. But the darkness within was lit by an unexpected, blood-red light - the jagged-edged sword of a heavily armoured man, who told us unceremoniously to shove off.

    So rude!~

    Elvadriel mumbled quietly, recognizing this unhospitable prick as a follower of Garagos, noted for having stirred trouble in the area before. After a talk with as little real attempt at negotiation from both sides, the fight was on, the man struck with magical fear and cut down as he jibbered, senselessly. Easy peasy!

    But not so easy that I didn't opt for safe rather than sorry, as we ventured inside. Oh invisibility, I love you so!

    Immediately ahead, we heard voices arguing and the distant clank-clank of mining. Everyone with warlike intent loves iron, these Garagossans obviously no exception. Our party pushed ahead, spying more red blades glowing omniously in the darkness. The fight that followed was brutal, vicious! All those seemingly inpenetrable armoured defences around me were slashed through and through, people crying out for help, bleeding their lives away upon the cold stone!

    Invisible, oh invisible salvation! I had exactly two healing balms tucked away from my previous scavenging, and exactly two is what it took to get those near death off its dread threshold.

    Isolde, Angel of Mercy!~

    I danced about in glee despite our grim situation, singing cheering songs to urge the fighters on. Elvadriel's magic crackled, sinking clouds of darkness over the foe, screams cut short within. I thought for sure the tide was turning when we saw one Garagossan running not at us, but away, with the sort of panicky haste only someone who knows all hope is gone can muster.

    Woo, go Team Ironclad, go!

    But wait…

    That soldier, the oh so frantically fleeing, she hadn't even looked our way. Rather, she ran from something further away, thumps and strangled death cries coming from the distance.


    What's so bad that it sends those hell-bent on destruction running for the hills? Answer: when the hills themselves rise up to fight you!~

    The far-off chamber was host to a small army of earth elementals, hot magma glowing within eye sockets and through the joints of gritty fists. Walking hills, murderous rockslides - but all were dwarved by the giant in their midst. Dark stone, etched in molten lava, so tall its head scraped the ceiling, the Mountain that Moved casually flung a Garagossan soldier against the wall, leaving a red imprint of blood. A dozen more bodies lay scattered about the room, broken dolls with heads like smashed pumpkins, limbs in impossible angles.

    Uh... oh...

    Enraged and out of living dolls, the earthen army set upon us. It was bad, then worse as the Mountain itself started to move, the cave shuddering and shaking with each step. I sang and I hid, oh I hid for dear life as the fighting grew more and more desperate. Hit and retreat, hit and retreat, whittling away the rock, little by excrutiatingly little.

    Nothing seemed to harm the giant, tiny pebbles the only result of blows that would cut through flesh and bone, while each hit from those earthen fists was near shattering!

    That's when I had my ~idea~.

    Oh, it was a good idea - in theory. In my own head, it made the most perfect, seductive sense and I shouted it out as I ran, to anyone who would or could make reality of it.

    'Stone to Flesh, Stone to Flesh!'

    Imagine, dear readers, imagine that granite mass turned suddenly to blubberous flesh, collapsing under its own weight, soft, squishy and boneless. Blades would cut true, arrows pierce and within moments, the fight would surely be won!

    Brilliant! If only I'd have had the means to try it myself, I would have, without a moment's thought. Unfortunately, the only other person who shared my enthusiasm gave it just as little forethought.

    Hen, a stealthy legion scout, dropped out of cover to rub the Mountain's leg with a magical Stone of Fleshiness. But no sooner had she touched rock, than it touched back. A fist the size of an outhouse hit, leaving nothing but the sight I've already promised you not do describe in detail, dear readers! Do try not to imagine it.

    'You have to rub the stone ALL over the rock for it to work...', said a pale Elvadriel, when the fight was finally won. Everyone was bleeding, limping and exhausted, except for my invisible self, with nary a mark on my skin.

    We got the iron, enough for Sticks' ransom and then some, scraped Hen off the ground and returned without further incident. It was, by some standards, a success. At least in that it provided the resources we were after, and, to be quite honest, we could probably all have ended up wet smears with just a little less luck on our side.

    It even makes for the stuff of a thrilling story, so why can't I shake this feeling of guilt off?

    Words have power. Spoken with conviction and confidence, they can spur people to action with great or catastrophical result. I may be an incredibly ineffective killer by blade or by bow, but my words are a different story.

    Next time I have a 'brilliant' idea, I'll just shut up about it!


  • This page features a campfire scene, wooden benches surrounding a small fire with a wooden palisade in the background. The usual splash of red ink clearly marks the author, shown from behind, while the bench opposite her is occupied by a tall, handsome and muscular man with black-painted eyes and lips, grinning insolently at the viewer. A great level of detail seems to have gone into the sketch, including the man's impressive fur cloak with a bear and a wolf's head forming the shoulder pads, meandering animalistic tattoos snaking across his bare arms and a greataxe strapped to his back.

    "Such an exasperating man!

    Why Sune, why is such heart-racing masculine beauty squandered on someone with such a foul mouth and complete lack of civilized behavior? He's impossible! Outrageous! And ~so~ attractive that I'm at a loss whether to slap him or kiss him! Not that I would do either, of course. Some of us have manners.

    I approached him by the south gates of Norwick, hoping for a pleasant and friendly conversation, but soon found myself thrown completely off guard. So insolent! Lewd remarks, I am no stranger to - it's the price you pay for such exquisite beauty as mine, after all - but I dare say this man makes an art of it. Hmph!

    I pride myself on managing not to blush, but when he moved on to insulting ~Elvadriel~, I'd had enough! I rose, indignant, ready to whip out my sharpest, most cutting remarks in her defence when the lady herself arrived. And greeted this beast of a man with friendly words and sunny smiles!


    It turns out they're friends since way back, the insults a queer form of endearment between them. Friends, or lovers? I suppose I could somewhat understand Elvadriel overlooking such crudity from a lover. He must be good too, to get away with speaking to her like that!

    Cormac Randolph. He makes an impression, I'll grant you that, gentle readers! If only I could harness that raw, sexual charisma and cram it into a more gentlemanly persona… if I could mold such a man to my liking, it would be a work of art fit to make a thousand upon thousand noble ladies swoon simultaneously.


    I think I could do that. Not ~him~ of course, but I could use him, model this ideal dream man after his infuriatingly handsome physical appearance. And become ever so wealthy, selling this dream to repressed house-wives across Faerun!

    ~Isolde, the Author!~

    I like that. It could be my bread and butter, as adventuring is rather as fickle a business as street performance. I find myself heavily reliant on the good-will of others to survive, though Elvadriel is my guardian and mentor in all things, bless her heart!

    I've scraped together enough gold to purchase some useful things, even! A dark rapier - very elegant! - a ring that helps me stay unseen, soft boots, a cloak. And from the local goblins, a fine shortbow, much lighter to carry than the clunky crossbow! Next on my shopping list is that dreamy golden sash they sell at the Wilting Flower Shoppe... heavenly!

    I believe I shall test my wings a little, next. To go exploring on my own and see what I can do without a chaperone.~"

  • A river boat bobs along water seeming alive with fins and the occasional tips of spears, on the top of this page. The red-headed woman, hand on her hips and chin held high, appears to be taking dramatic stand against a huge humanoid shark creature, its fin jaggedly striped. A slim elven lady huddles behind the red-head, stealthily dancing a ball of darkness between her fingertips while a weathered sea captain holds his hands up in surrender.

    "Ugh, how entirely ~rude~!

    On my very first trip downriver - my very first! - our vessel was assailed by the most ghastly shark-like beings, attempting to steal both the boat and ourselves away! Sahuagin, Elvadriel named their kind, and single-handedly repelled dozens with her mighty magic. But their leader…

    By sheer numbers, the shark people had begun to tow the boat against the stream, much to our dismay as passengers. I ~may~ have flung choice words of insult at the water, but regardless of why, the striped finned one rose out of the water, enormous halberd in fishy paw.

    He was huge, with pitch black eyes as cold as the Icelace itself, towering before us with the ironclad confidence of a conqueror. Something inside me wrenched with rebellion, I could simply not stand for that clammy cod-sucker to believe, however rightly, that he could do as he wished with our lives, speak to us, to ~Elvadriel~ with such disrespect and scorn!

    I don't know where my courage came from, but it washed over me like a hot flood, irresistable. I drew myself up as tall as can be, wore the haughtiest noblewoman's expression I could conjure and instilled command into my voice, ordering our release or the full wrath of Peltarch would be upon them!

    Blank fish eyes stared back, unimpressed.

    I pressed on, hinting of Elvadriel's fearful magical powers, suggesting I myself was the King's mistress and not to be trifled with!

    "So you'd make for a good ransom then", fishhead reasoned, and alas not stupidly so. Curses!

    Seeing our chances dwindle, Elvadriel summoned her last magical energies to fight, but within seconds, that wicked halberd had sliced her from shoulder to hip. There was so much blood, so much that I could not see what I was doing, trying desperately to instill what little arcane healing I possess to close the cut.

    My bravado had melted away, the lady arcane but a wet heap in my arms. Would my adventures end here, on a dingy river raft in the middle of nowhere important? A bloated corpse in the river, eaten by fish and crabs until only my bones remained, my song forgotten, save by the whispers of the willows lining the shore.

    That's when Captain Sticks intervened.

    An old man, unarmed but for his wit and his courage, he stepped up and offered the Sahuagin thug a deal - for himself to be hostage and for us to be released, working on whatever ransom was desired. To my intense relief, the offer was taken. Payment will be due in a crate full of steel, a crate full of vegetable oil and a crate of strong, good quality ropes.

    We were unceremoniously shoved off the boat - so rude! - onto the backs of sharks, which carried us to Norwick's riverside port. Now, we've got our work cut out to meet these demands within the allotted time frame, but luckily Captain Sticks is a man with friends both in Norwick and Peltarch's docks. Rope and oil should not pose a problem. But the steel... we shall need to enlist special help to get.

    Elvadriel is shaken. I know I ought to be too, but once realizing my life was not at an end, I feel only jubilant and hungry for more of it. Life, adventure, everything yet to explore!~

    I'm ready for it."

  • The writing on this page is framed by a veritable sea of howling goblins and starved, mangy looking wolves. At the bottom right corner, the red-headed woman is found, elegantly crouched to fire a crossbow at an oncoming goblin, while a wildman clad in furs takes front, flanked by an ink-black panther.

    "~Isolde, Goblin Slayer!~

    My goodness, that was ~thrilling~! To think, just a few days past, I was about to call this whole adventuring thing off, defeated and dejected! What changed, you may ask, and being ever the benign hostess, I shall answer you truly.

    First, a little time to calm down. I wandered the streets of Peltarch and Oscura, gazing longingly at all the fine goods I couldn't possibly afford, admiring pretty gowns of silk, glistening jewellry and magically embued tools of the adventuring trade. Instead of moping over the hard and irrefutable facts of finance, I let it motivate me, adding a little mental ~yet~ to the end of each wistful sigh. "Oh, I can't afford this… yet!"

    Secondly, a little encouragement. Whilst most of the people I have met so far have been perfectly kind, they have also been depressingly swift to point out the many mortal dangers beyond city walls, dissuading me from braving such perils. Caution is warranted, I'll grant you, but at this time only served to make me doubt myself even further. And if I don't believe in myself, who will?

    Answer: Elvadriel Gala'wen! While I was warned by Raryldor not to trust this elven lady, I couldn't help but feel an instant sense of kinship and no small measure of admiration. Here was a lady with a wit as sharp as the cut of her gown is stylish, independant and powerful in her mastery of the arcane. Elegant and refined, mischievous and dramatic - in Elvadriel I found an irresistably bold and vivacious spirit, calling to my own!

    My sense of fabulousness thus restored, I braved the long road south through the Nars Pass, towards the ill reputed hamlet of Norwick. Here, squat and graceless timber buildings are scattered thinly between muddy streets and farmsteads, their hardened inhabitants seeming ever ready to tough out the next invasion. It's a rough and ready type of settlement, with little to delight the eye as one wanders through to what passes as the center of it. But it is quite undeniably a place where adventure looms near!

    I met a man near the campfire, youngish with bare, grubby feet and a general disregard for the forces of fashion. He gave his name as Jayden, a woodsman of sorts, and, as it turned out, would-be-adventurer just as I! Despite his scruffy exterior, I found his conversation quite genteel and so decided to join him in exploring the nearlying woods.

    There were goblins! Horrid, green-skinned little pests, screeching and pestering travellers and wildlife alike. Jayden, thank the gods, took front, aided by his sleek and deadly panther, while I shouted and cheered, trying to fit myself into my self-appointed adventurer's shoes.

    ~Isolde the Skald~, singing songs of glorious battle!

    Yes, why not? Isolde with feathers in her hair, clad in reddest fox's fur! I could see it, I believed it, and I shot a goblin straight in the chest, with nary a moment's hesitation!

    Things went well, but as we returned with our handful of stolen trophies, battered and bruised, there came a resounding thrum-thrum-thrum echoing across the misty lake. War-drums, heralding our doom.~

    At the gates, they awaited us. A horde of greenskins, shrieking for blood! The panther slid into the throng, dealing death by tooth and claw, Jayden shouting, raw. I ducked, I rolled, I shot a goblin in the balls!~

    Last to fall was their wardrummer, whose drum became my very first keepsake of combat. As we tended to our wounds by the fires, elated with our victory, I began to play around with the drum. Thrum, thrum, thrum! The Skald's tale shall be sung!

    One thing, quite marvellously indeed, lead to the other from that point. A guardsman overheard my song and wandered over, impressed enough that he offered us a job! Free the wolves within the goblins den from their enslavement, and we would be rewarded!

    Visions from glittering shop windows up north danced before my inner eye.

    -Of course, you may rely on us, good sir!~

    Jayden, Isolde and the panther black as midnight, boldly going into the fetid hive of villainy and filth at the heart of the Howling Woods. Danger at every bend! Goblins, Hobgoblins, wolves crazed with pain and mistreatment, all assailing the heroic threesome!

    Three times over did I question myself, three close calls leaving cause to retreat - but we didn't. Slowly, doggedly, the fight continued until all the penned wolves were set free. Those that didn't turn on us, Jayden fed, and as we limped our way back, the howls that rang out were no longer of pain!

    Unless, of course, you count the screams of the goblins as the liberated pack turned their sharp-fanged wrath upon their tormentors. Ah, such sweet come-uppance! I have decided, quite definitively, that I have no softness in my heart for goblinkind.

    True to his word, the guardsman payed us for our efforts, my fortunes more than doubling in a single, daring outing! This, my good readers, this has set the course for the New Isolde. She shall not just sing the adventurous tales of others, she shall live them and tell them both, in glorious and serpentine entwinement!~"

  • The top of this page bears a decorative, interwoven pattern of stylized Kuo Toa chasing a screaming red-haired woman from left to the far right.


    My head hurts and there's blood under my fingernails, embedded in the cuticles and refusing to wash out. I don't know if it's my blood or those monsterous fish creatures, but I feel so horribly dirty and defeated. I need a bath, a hot, soapy, scented soak in a proper tub, but coin is just too tight to spare on anything other than food and lodgings. Thank Sune for the marvel that is prestidigitation, making it at least ~look~ like I'm alright.


    Alright, don't despair quite yet, Isolde! Bear in mind, you've never killed anything more than the nefarious foe known as the common house fly before, what deluded you into thinking you could just magically become a death-defying adventurer, just for trying it once?

    Oh yeah. I did. Stupid brain! Serves you right for aching, right now.

    Raryldor tried to caution me, seeing first-hand my horrendous ineptitude with a dagger. The pale old elf was clad in stone for the practice session, but I still couldn't bring myself to intentionally stab him and he ended up sighing, exasperated. I could practically ~feel~ him mentally labelling me a Lamb for the Slaughter, should I dare set foot outside the gates, and he promptly sponsored my purchase of a yartling, to make my living in less hostile environments.

    Performing for a living is a fickle business though, and not one that'll see me rich anytime soon, especially not by putting on random street shows. What I ~really~ need is a patron, someone who knows the ins and outs of this city and can introduce me to all the right people. Apparantly there's a King of Peltarch, and where there's a court, there's always possibilities.

    I ~could~ marry into wealth and nobility. I could become some fortunate man of means adored mistress. I could make a name for myself at the King's Court, weilding gossip like hidden knives in the never-ceasing games of intrigue. ~Isolde, Milady of Mystery~

    But something still chafes, with all the above. The New Isolde should be someone in charge of her own destiny and free to follow her every whim! But my freedom, so far, seems to go hand in hand with the dirty cousins from the country, poverty and vunerability.

    I'm not fit to be an adventurer. I'm no killer, and I even failed to run away this time. The priests at the Temple of the Triad were quite kind, the elder Tormish one as well as the young handsome Savran. But there's no denying that Isolde, Bold Adventurer, was a resounding failure.

    I need to rethink, to focus on what it is I really want. If I can just fix the dream in my head, then I ~know~ it'll see me through the harsh reminders of crude reality. If I believe, then one way or the other, I will succeed!

    The only trouble is, right now all I ~really~ want is that hot bath. That, and for someone to wrap adoring arms around me and tell me that no one's ever going to hurt me again. Way to weave the independent dream, Isolde!


  • The next page features a higgledy-piggledy waterfront view, all in black ink except for a bright splash of red for the hair of a fleeing woman, chased by shadowy figures.

    "Have you decided? Noblewoman on the lamb, fleeing assassins, street urchin turned cat burglar, running from the law with a handful of stolen jewellry or the groomed-to-be courtisan, escaping her very first customer with her fine skirts hitched up to the knees in haste.

    Pick one. Then forget about it!

    Which story's true or not doesn't matter, not here, not anymore. Suffice it to say I grew up chafing against the restrictions set on my destiny, and took action to change it. Perhaps not the wisest action. Perhaps the sort of action that dictated a ~very~ hasty exodus from the town of my birth, but escape I did, giddy with the rush.

    I had no plan, no destination in mind. At each intersection, I let chance and favourable circumstances set my course, pawning what few items I'd managed to take with me, charming my way through when my coin ran out, fled when grabby hands reached out to collect their due. I even sang at inns occasionally, but never stayed long. Not until I was far enough away.

    'Peltarch', the coachman droned out. 'Last stop!' I stepped out into pouring rain, turning the cobbled streets slick and treacherous. Seagulls cried a hoarse welcome overhead, a vendor hawked his wares vehemently across the street.

    My breath misted in the air. I was cold, hungry and utterly broke, yet that same giddy feeling rose in my gut, the feeling of fresh, untold ~opportunity~. I can be whoever I want, on this distant northern shore. I can do whatever I wish. All I have to do is believe in my own story."