Captain Sticks new ship fundraiser

  • _After a few tendays, Captain Sticks the Ferrymaster seems to be more or less recovered from the horrid experience of his abduction at the hands of the fin terrors recently discovered in the icelace - the Sahuagin.

    However, without boat he is out of business and life sustenance. For this reason, he has stepped forth to organise an auction and fundraiser event to afford a new ship, if possible bigger and better equipped to defend itself in the event of another assault so that he can provide the much needed transport service between the towns of Norwick and Peltarch, and offer the travellers the necessary security along the trip.

    To incentive donations to the cause, he'll be holding an auction by the docks bringing up for bidding several goods he's gathered over the years - mostly cargo that has been left behind and never reclaimed, as well as some souvenirs and trinkets from his travels. Rumour has it that he even has a genuine treasure map!_

    //Auction event scheduled to happen this coming Saturday April 9th around 20:00 Coordinated Universal Time aka UTC (22:00 Central Europe Summer Time aka CEST)

  • Captain Sticks makes it known that he'll also put up for bidding some fantastic pieces high quality adventuring gear donated by several adventurers and diligent defenders of the city such as the Cerulean Walter Feebleheart, Corporal Anna Blake of the Defenders and the intrepid hin Mara Moon. Mister Sticks himself is already moving several crates to the area where his ship used to dock, preparing for the auction event.

  • ((I'll be out all day observing a forging competition. Will have to miss this one.


  • Legion

    *after hearing about the auction Marty checks her coin purse … and despairs *

    (((Sunday, 10 April 2016 at 4:00:00 AM for me. Should be able to make it!))

  • (( roger

  • //Not really, and I don't mind people relogging back and forth to bid on an item with one or other character, provided they're fast enough to not hold back the auction or miss the item entirely. I'm only going to set a small restriction in that only one character per player can bid on a same item.

  • (( Are there limits to the number of characters one person may bring to the auction?

  • _Enthused, Isolde takes it upon herself to spread the rumours far and wide, spicing the news of the auction with tales of Captain Sticks heroic and selfless sufferance at the hands of the vile Sahuagin. She also adds wildly dreamt up stories of the young Sticks as a dashing swashbuckler, wrestling Krakens, punching sharks and saving buxom young ladies from lecherous pirates!

    Surely no man could be more deserving of a fine and secure river boat?_