Murder in the Docks

  • _After a lengthier-than-usual investigation, the Peltarch Guard announces that it has identified Arthur Brynn, a Seafarer employee, as the victim of murder in the docks shortly after leaving The Pissing Goat. The cause of death was two expertly placed stab wounds to the kidneys. They also note that - and attribute the length of their investigation - the victim was robbed of all possessions and possible identifiers hours post-mortem, and that a second party - not the killer - had done so.

    The Guard also announces that both William Slake and Roger Winfield have been released from their cells after "cooling off" from a raucous brawl which closed down The Three-Legged Mule the same day as the murder.

    Captain Gerard Fortescue commented that while he does not believe the two events are directly connected, the killer took advantage of the thinning in guard presence due to the fight._