The Dark Tower Movie

  • I love Stephen King's "The Dark Tower" book series. I still can't read VII without my feels being assaulted. It's not really news that a movie is on the way though, I mean there's been talk of a DT movie for years. Decades even. I was just a little surprised when they decided to cast Idris Elba to play Roland Deschain. Surprised and admittedly disappointed. Although Stephen King himself has said that he doesn't care what colour Roland's skin is in the movie, and I personally doubt that the character Roland himself would really care who plays his character in one of those things that Eddie describes as a "movie" either, to me it causes a conflicted response as a reader and huge fan of the series. The fact of the matter is that it takes away from the overall lore of the books, it takes away from the overall story of the second book in the series "The Drawing of The Three", and from then on out throughout the series.

    I suppose the only way to look at it is as an entirely separate entity, that at least is the only way that I'll be able to watch and take any kind of enjoyment from the movie adaptation of my favorite book series. I'm curious to learn the thoughts of this community as opposed to the slack-jawed nosepickers of my Facebook page.