Gnarl's Voice of the People thread

  • Council of Moradin

    My dear citizens of Peltarch,

    Many of you know me, and I know more of you than you may think. I have been a citizen of this fine city, for many years, coming here from Norwick, In search of more opportunities and to broaden my knowledge of all of the areas, that make up these wonderful environs.

    Now, I am given the chance to let your voices be heard through me, if duly elected to represent you.

    I have many ideas of ways to improve and elevate this place in time, to a better and higher level than it has ever stood afore.

    But my ideas mean nothing without your vote. And also, my ideas are mere shadows of the greatness that we can meld together.

    Join me, let me know how you feel about things, and remember, vote your choice for the position of "Voice of the People", but vote!

    I hope to hear from you, and would feel very honored to be that choice on the ballot.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to listen.

    Gnarl played by Gatlord

  • _While the populace doesn't quite cheer like they did after most of the other speeches, Gnarl's speech leaves them chatting with each other, and thinking carefully.

    Even some of the higher class people nod approvingly. Others frown, sensing trouble._

  • Council of Moradin

    On a bright afternoon, and in the usual common area, Gnarl gathers himself and steps out from under one of folks favorite trees to sit under.

    He has listened carefully to the other candidates and what they propose, and how they see the job of "Voice of the People" can be used to further the needs of the people, by tending the king"s ear. Slowly, he gathers himself and walks over to stand under the lamppost, and begins his speech.

    People of Peltarch,

    I am not given to long windedness, and jocularity when I seek this office. I seek this office, so that in all seriousness, I can come to the king, with your ideas in mind. I was asked what my ideas are for this position. My ideas are your ideas, I do not pretend to know all the answers, but I will convey your ideas to the king, with all the fervor, I can muster.

    Why should you vote for me, after all, I was an orphan, who came to this Narfellan region, in search of a life. Sure, I settled in Norwick at first, as have many others, and came to know and care about the people there. But I found that order was lacking in Norwick, so I decided to ply my abilities to helping others in Peltarch, often spoken of by others as the "Jewel". I have found a life here, first adventuring out into all the surrounding regions, and then helping others through my joining and now leading the "Forsworn", a group dedicated to helping others, no matter of race, religion or station in life! I have seen the best of times, and the worst. I have fought alongside the king's own guards to protect this city and the people who live and work here. For now, I have taken up mining, helping to bring the riches of the earth to light, to be used in the commerce and manufacture for these same people and their families. I, like my opponent Mike have worked hard, and although I do not have splinters in my hands from working the docks, I do have scars all over my body from the fighting and toil I have done for this city.

    So, let me sum up for you the main reason, I think I would be a good fit for your vote. I see vegetable stands sitting empty of vendors, I see shop keepers who have little wares to sell, I see prices in some shops so high, that a common person cannot even think of how he or she would afford their wares. I see life at a crawl, in our commerce and trade with the people and areas around us. I see a need, and I step forward to try my best to change these circumstances!

    Finally, I would only make one last point. I am around, I am visible, I am here where you can find me, and tell me what you want the king to hear. I think showing up is half the work, that this position calls for. When you have a need, or see something that you have an idea to improve, I will be here for you to talk to. Where will the other candidates be? When have you seen them around?, and finally how many of them have taken on commissions to the king and been in his presence to be told, a job well done.

    I have!

    See you at the polls, and remember, it is most important to vote, not for whom, but to vote!

  • Some people gather around Gnarl. One of them, a thin human commoner, scratches his beard and asks:

    "So what are these ideas ye have in mind? I'd like to know what ye stand for before I make me choice."