Mike of Peltarch's Voice of the People thread

  • ((This thread is meant for Mike to post his voice of the people campaign speeches and other public stuff in. Others can also use it to respond to his speeches.))

  • Many of the poorer folk seem to gather to support Mike, some holding up signs. One particularly large sign says: "Vice of peltarch mike!" Whether it's misspelled or not is a mystery.

  • Legion

    Keen eyes may spot Marty in the crowd giving a light golf clap at the conclusion of mike's speech

  • _Mike assembles peaceably at the stand wearing a smile, though a little more neutral, stern, and authoritative than usual. Whatever he is about to say, he seems certain in it.

    "Listen mateys. I've had a look at these things th'old girl's been proposin' for our fair city."

    He holds his hand low to the side, at thigh level, as if measuring a small person, and most clearly alluding to Martouscha Leaffall.

    "And it's nice. It's real nice. I kinda like it."

    He pauses deliberately.

    "But we can't take the tenth step until we've taken the first nine! We can't pretty up and clean out the house we ain't built yet! When we've proven the strength of our Voice, Peltarch, then we can read to the King's Council our Little Green Book!"

    He almost glowers, a penetrating, squinty gaze looking over everyone.

    "But if we come to the Council and the first thing what comes outta our Voice's mouth is all this what's wrote about changin' everything about a position what's only just now been made, they're gonna laugh, and if they wanted a powerless Voice they'll never have t'listen to again, they'll have gotten their wish."

    He nods a few times to himself.

    "Nay, though I pray the gods take our feet from the eighth to the ninth, and to the tenth step, I know it's in our power to take the FIRST one, and friends, I'm your neighbour, I'm just a step away!_

  • Amidst the ruckus, Mike gives a jovial wave and departs the stand before the crowd fully disperses, flanked by his friends as they return to the Docks.

  • Bon Ausbourn, a finely dressed, platinum haired half orc bard, is seen singing along.

    Now there is a candidate!

  • The halforc grins widely

    "Oi, Oi!"

    Quite a few other join in on the "Oi, Oi". Indeed, a large group is soon chanting the "Oi, Oi". Much like in Marty's speech earlier, the wealthier people shake their heads and leave…

  • _Mike's grin grows wide and jovial at the half-orc's suggestion, and he replies heartily.

    "Why man, that's an idea! A real spark! 'Cause you know what I see in that? A holiday!

    Aye, a simple gesture on behalf of our gracious leaders would do to cement the bond between King and People - Peltarch the Crown and the Jewel which sits in the throne of our fair city. Elect me, aye, an' I'll urge the King to buy us all a drink - make it a Day of Good Will - a small offering, easily afforded, to remind us that His Majesty is Our Majesty. Mayhap there'll come a day we can all get along.

    An' the stronger your Voice elects mine, the better your Voice will be heard. Remember that, and unite, Peltarch!"_

  • People gather around to listen to Mike's speech. A few people chuckle as he mentions all the work Mike's done. His speech seems to sink in to quite a few people - again, much like Marty's, his main audience is the poorer population of the city. Curiously he's also getting support from several half-orcs. One of them shouts to him:

    "If yus get elected, yus offer round for every one voting?"

  • _A spry man, stubble-bearded, brown-jacketed, woolen-breeched, strolled the Peltarchan streets in the company of a few ragged, burly men. They play-fought and shoved each other, flashing wide, yellow grins at each other as they made their way from the docks. One of the fellows threw his hat up in the air with a hooting,
    "Woo Mike! You got this, mate!" and round of pretend boxes toward the face of the man. The spry man chuckled, running his fingers through dark blonde hair; he assumed his position at the stand, addressing the people with charming, blue eyes and smiling mangled teeth.

    The hooligans took their places in the audience, and those who still had hats removed them and held them over their hearts in amusing solemnity.

    Mike paused a while, his hands wrapped around the stand as he leaned into it, visually piercing the audience.

    Then, his energy rose, it seemed, and he announced,


    And he gave a silence, which his friends filled promptly with an "Oi!" in return, and a laugh.

    "Tha's right, boys. You say Oi, I say Oi. I say Oi, you say Oi! Come on, put it in key."

    At that, the men erupted into a rolling, lackadaisical song together, their common voices roaring into Peltarch's air:

    You say Oi,
    I say Oi,
    Who say Oi?
    Mike's our boy!
    If you want your drinks filled high,
    If you want a common guy,
    There's a bloke from Docks named Mike will
    Be your man in court, no lie!

    After their boisterous song, Mike guffawed and gestured to the men to calm themselves.

    "Alright, alright, lads. Hah hah! People of Peltarch! It's come to my attention you all need a fellow in the ears of the King and his honorable council!

    Now, my brothers an' sisters, it's also come to my attention that the others tryin' to take this place are a Norwickian Dwarf an' a wise ol' well-connected Halfling! Well, I ain't got nothin' against Dwarfs or Halflings, but these two in perticul'r? I don't know 'bout you, but I don't trust a lass to be my Voice who has to tell us she ain't all magicked and bendin' your brains. I don't know quite what t'think about people what's got all these workings an' histories an' connections outside of our fair Jewel. I've got one connection, my dear folks. One."

    Mike pauses again, scanning the audience, licking one tooth.

    "You are my connection. My one an' only. Over there," he points toward the docks, "my hands've taken splinters an' blisters an' breakings an' achings taking care of the boats an' boards that keep this city great! All my life!

    I haven't had the opportunity to go to the mysterious beyond, beyond our gracious walls, to adventure and get fat on outside powers. You know why?

    Because you an' me, we're in the same boat. Born normal lads and lasses, not graced with families laced in gold, nor with some blood of dragons, or ordained by the Gods. Nay, I'm not born into opportunity. But right now, I see it: an opportunity to be the Voice -

    The Voice of your opportunity!"_

  • Rumors abound from the docks, saying that the mysterious Mike - of which no one really has heard of - will soon make his public appearance.