Martouscha's Voice of the People thread

  • Del'Rosa shakes his head a bit.

    "You may of course believe what you wish, but magic does not cause pollution, unless a spell is cast that does exactly that.. surely you as a druid should know how magic works.

    Please do not lie any more to the voters, that's all I wish.

    As for the wall, I shall leave it to Magistrate D'Arneau to deal with as he deems fit.

    Now if you'd excuse me, I need to go speak to new recruits. I wish you luck, Martouscha."

    The crowd speak in hushed whispers as Del'Rosa leaves - and some of the crowd begin to leave as well. The majority stay, though, to hear if she has anything more to say.

  • Legion

    "No such thing as arcane pollution"? Sir I beg to differ. The area that was once Jyyd may be an extreme example, but powerful arcane magic can have a devastating effect on the delicate natural balance if used recklessly. Areas of wild magic are also examples of how powerful magic can leave a catastrophic scar on the environment. Smaller scale distortions are harder to notice, but are felt by nature none the less.

    I suppose, General, that you'd need to know a bit about the Natural Balance to truly understand the issue.

    I'll continue my tests.

    But pollution or no, my idea still stands. With the kings blessing, a "Green Army" that would labor in both the fields and on the streets of Peltarch.

    And you think I should speak to the stonemasons union about the construction of the walls? If I get the kings ear and he agrees that action needs to be taken concerning the walls then maybe they should come talk to me? The ones who prove they can build a wall that protects the people rather than endanger them, and who also display a willingness and ability to teach citizen laborers a trade - those the city should employ. In the meantime it's not my role to be knocking on the Guild's door. It's the Magistrate's!

  • _As she brings up the poor construction of the wall, the stonemason's union representative quietly slinks off.

    The crowd seems somewhat confused as she brings up the matter of magical pollution, people whispering to each other, not sure what to make of it.

    General Del'Rosa folds arms in the crowd, looking somewhat amused before speaking out._

    "Perhaps I can set your mind at ease, Martouscha.. The glow you have witnessed is intentional light magic put in place on the orders of by General Velhar and myself. If you have patrolled the walls during night, you would know that it can be hard to see what's in the darkness below you. The lighting magic was put there so that our guards and defenders can better see the enemies of the city. It's far more cost effective than maintaining torches.

    As for arcane pollution, such a thing simply does not exist. I should hope that you do not intentionally try to lead the population of the city astray with your wild leaps of imagination.

    As for the construction of the walls, you might wish to talk to the stonemasons union about it."

    The confusion among the people grows, as they're unsure whether to trust their old senator or the general. They look to Marty to see what she has to say.

  • Legion

    The strange glow.

  • Legion

    Marty rounds up dock workers on their break, lurkers, and folks milling about in the docks. She climbs up onto the ruined fountain monument and begins to address them. Rather than her regular Legion armour or gardening smock she is wearing a dark velvet overcoat, white canvas shirt and blue pants. Smart casual. Around her neck is an old "Fisher King" Tidus symbol.


    Your ears for just one moment please.

    You all know me, your neighbor Marty. I live over there in a tent. In case you didn't already know I'll be putting up my hand to represent you in the King's Court. Put me in there, and you will have someone striving to bring a greater voice to the kings ear than any single person could deliver. I will be pushing for a system where by all voices are heard!

    But I'll get into that some other day.

    Folks, do you remember what Peltarch was once like? Back before the war with N'Jast? They used to call Peltarch "The Jewel of the Icelace". Some folks still call her the Jewel, but she hardly lives up to her name.

    she steps a little high up onto the monument ruins

    Unless you've been asleep, all of you will have noticed the new walls extending out toward the west. Some of you may have helped build them? Those who did would know the hasty manner in which they were constructed. His Magesty King George - Long life to him! - in his wisdom saw the need to create this wall to better defend the city.

    Sadly, due to poor planning and haste, these walls have crumbled in several places. In one part they fell almost crushing Kala's cart! I fear it is only a matter of time before one us or one of our children are crushed to death under this poorly constructed wall.

    And what is worse - I believe that powerful arcane magic may have been used to help the construction of this wall. Some areas around the wall emit a strange glow at night. I'm sure you've seen it! I've taken some samples and I hope to do some tests. I suspect arcane pollution. Who knows what affect this un-natural glow has on us and our children!

    But every PROBLEM is an OPPORTUNITY!

    Here is my plan; I will do everything in my power to get the king's approval for two separate work forces.

    First, a force composed of willing souls led by skilled masons. Their first task will be to reconstruct the walls so that they are no longer a danger to those walking by them or the good Defenders and Guards who walk along them as they protect us. Once they have completed the repairs, the city of Peltarch will continue to employ them to maintain the wall and to construct public buildings in the new areas made available by the walls expansion.

    The second work force; a green army whose first task will be to collect the top soil of these unnaturally infected areas and remove the contamination from Peltarch. Once their task is done, the city will continue to employ them to help meet the city's agricultural goals as well as to work toward restoring Peltarch to her former glory. Lawns, gardens, Peltarch will be beautiful again!

    Because these two work forces will be constructing works that ultimately bring money into the city's coffers, the cost of their employment will eventually come from the work itself. The creation of these work forces will be an investment not only in the lives of the people employed, but also an investment in the future of our city!

    A visiting druid once referred to this city as a sad "hive of mud and stone". Someone from the wild. People our city was once a beacon to people everywhere! Together we can light that beacon once again!

    If you humble me by placing me in the kings court you will have someone working for you - to create opportunities for you to do GREAT DEEDS!

    For our destiny is forged by OUR DEEDS!, Not BLOOD!

    LONG live the **KING!



    (( OOC: This started off as a simple slideshow showing the damaged wall sections and the bits that glowed at night. But .. it turned into whatever this is.))
    CLICK me for VIDEO

    ((Crumbled wall that almost destroyed Kala's cart.))

  • The commoners nod to each other, one of them shouting to Marty:

    "Come talk tomorrow! We love you Marty!"

  • Legion

    Careful of … what contacts?

    Was that a threat?

    Anyway ... Vote for me ... or the other guys. Everyone who has put their hand up for this job seems like a brilliant candidate. You folks can't go wrong really.

  • The woman looks at you for a while in thought.

    "Perhaps there's hope yet, after all. A word of warning for you, Se.. Martouscha. Things are not always as they would seem. Be careful with your contacts."

    After that, she simply disappears from sight. No spells are cast. The commoners speak hushedly to one another, making gestures to ward off evil spirits.

  • Legion


    Now that such a position is being created, you'd wish to abandon it and bring back the Senate? Pardon me, Senator Martouscha - but I must doubt whether your intentions are as pure as they would appear."

    Oh you totally misunderstand me my dear. I'm not "abandoning" anything. I'm multiplying it.

    King George is a good man. No tyrant at all. If I believed him a tyrant then I'd not be running for this position. I'd be organizing a revolt. It is the duty of all noble souls to resist a tyrant.

    I only long for what King Tidus established. It is a dream that was first marred by corruption in the senate and finally slain by the plot that installed this current monarchy. A plot loaded with lies. First the senate was dismantled. Senators going "missing" or seen wandering around in rags. Then the general illegally declares martial law. And all the sudden a "census" is held … the enforcers of Siamorphe's will stating that they "would not be selecting anyone to rule over" us. A bit of a fib. They said they'd leave after the census, another pretty big fib.

    But Monarchy is what we now live with. I have sincere love for King George. He is a fine man. Hopefully his heir will be of similar quality? Who can say?

    But you think my motivations may not be pure? Woman what are you talking about? If you're on a campaign against "impure motivations" you're knocking on the wrong door! If my motivations were so suspect why would I want to share a prestigious position like the "voice of the people" with a host of others in order to ensure that the will of the people is actually heard? What you're implying makes no sense.

    Lady, my devotion has always been toward the city who raised me. My motives toward Peltarch's people are as pure as the driven snow. In fact, I pronounce a curse upon the loins of anyone who says otherwise. May their lies and hypocrisy bring their own bloodline to an end.

    And why do you keep calling me "Senator"? If I'm a senator then there is still a senate. And if that were the case we'd have a serious problem!

  • The people that were cheering before cheer ever louder after Martouscha's speech. The wealthier minority mostly walk away. The sorceress waits for the cheering to die down before speaking out again.

    "You make it seem like our king is a tyrant that has taken the rights of our people. I must ask, however - how many have you asked for an audience from him, and how many times has he turned it down? In fact, I ask this from all of you."

    Some of the commoners mutter and nod to each other.

    "Unlike the Senate elected by the backing of the guilds, our King is establishing a position with the sole purpose of reaching out to the people, to actively search for concerns of the citizens of our city and bring them to the council meetings.

    Now that such a position is being created, you'd wish to abandon it and bring back the Senate? Pardon me, Senator Martouscha - but I must doubt whether your intentions are as pure as they would appear."

  • Legion


    "Pardon me, Senator Leaffall - but anyone who bothers to learn magical theories could have told you the spell is non-harmful. Tell me this; why do the people need multiple voices in the King's Council? Do we all not share the same major interests? There are three things the city needs - every one of us here. Food, homes and education. The rest is luxury. Should you be chosen, how do you plan to advice the king so that all people may have these? It is easy to mock the current government for their errs - it's another matter entirely to actually solve issues of importance."

    Thank you dear.

    Let me answer your questions one at a time.

    I am someone who has bothered to learn "magical theories". You say the spell was "non-harmful". I beg to differ. The casting of that spell was used as a part of a plot to rob Peltarch of it's most precious possession - her political freedom. That spell exploited our lust for personal power, was used to split our community in two, and eventually brought us down to bow our knees. "Non-harmful"? We were once all heirs of Tidus' crown. Now we are subjects. In our context it has destroyed the democracy that made our city shine like a jewel when compared to the dull stones of other dictatorships. Thanks to the casting of that spell we lost the very principle this city was built on … Freedom.

    King Tidus built this city on freedom. He forged a state that enjoyed political autonomy. We lost that. In his wisdom His Majesty King George has opened this position - the "Voice of the People" - to create the feeling that we still have some kind of power over our own political destiny. So to answer your second question, "why do the people need multiple voices in the King's Council?", the title of the position is "the Voice of the People", not "the Voice of a person".

    You said "Food, homes and education. The rest is luxury." You could not be more profoundly mistaken. Freedom is not a luxury! It is the very foundation upon which we stand. We need to be free to harvest our food, build our homes and to pursue knowledge. Without political freedom we have to wait for those things to be given to us down from on high.

    So what am I going to do to make sure "everyone has these things"? That's not the question. The question is, what are you going to do? And what do you need to be able to do it? Give the answer to that question to the "Voice of the People" to carry to the ears of the king, and if he is wise maybe he will create opportunities for people to pursue their own destinies.

    Marty lifts her focus from the purple haired sorceress to address the rest of the crowd

    Lets understand the role of this position people! Making you feel that the king hears your voice creates the illusion that you still have a say, that you are still free. I'd like to dispel that illusion and create proper public representation in this city.

    Our destiny is forged by our own deeds, never by the the head of some royal bloodline!

    As the oldest saying in Narfell goes: "DEEDS, not BLOOD!"

    ((edited to fix typos))

  • The reactions are mixed. The poor and ill-educated are quick to erupt to cheers, especially after the usage of Lavindo-style speech. The better educated people take a ponderous look, while those versed in magical arts scoff at the mention of the spell and the voting, one of them speaking out loud:

    "Pardon me, Senator Leaffall - but anyone who bothers to learn magical theories could have told you the spell is non-harmful. Tell me this; why do the people need multiple voices in the King's Council? Do we all not share the same major interests? There are three things the city needs - every one of us here. Food, homes and education. The rest is luxury. Should you be chosen, how do you plan to advice the king so that all people may have these? It is easy to mock the current government for their errs - it's another matter entirely to actually solve issues of importance."

    The young, purplehaired sorceress tilts her head and waits for Marty's response.

  • Legion

    Dressed in a brownish overdress that she sometimes wheres when gardening, Marty takes up a position on the rant stand. After clearing her throat she begins

    Hello! Everyone!?

    If I could have your ears for just a moment?


    Before I begin I would like to state that I am not magically enchanted in an attempt to sway your opinions. "Eagles Splendor" has not been cast upon me, and you are not under a charm spell. I possess no magical gear that would help me sway your opinion. Your minds are free.

    As you all would know by now His Majesty King George (long live he) has issued a decree that we are to elect one of our own to be a "Voice of the People".

    Now almost all of you know me, mainly because I've knocked on your door with a some survey or gathered your signature on some petition. If you know me then you know that I have always fought hard to bring the voice of people to the powers that rule over this city.

    For the one or two people here who don't know me, my name is Martoushca Leaffall. I grew up in an orphanage here in Peltarch, and her streets are very much my home. I am a gardener here in the city, a farmer, and a soldier. I stood against N'Jast when they marched against us. I stand against the undead raising cult bellow us, the orcs to the west, the gnolls and giants to the south.

    In truth I had no interest in this "Voice of the people" position when it was first proposed. I have no need nor desire of a title. Gosh if there were something that I knew the people of Peltarch wanted the king to know I'd write it down, wrap it around a rock and throw it through his window! But with the official title I would be able to say, in an official capacity, the following to the king each and every morning …

    Marty unrolls a scroll and puts on a pair of frail looking, wire rimmed spectacles

    I wrote it down

    after clearing her throat again she reads the following

    Your Majesty, may the crown upon your brow bless you with wisdom.

    On behalf of the people I beseech you to do as your father Tidus did. That you adopt his spirit and do his works - these being that you reform a senate to properly represent the will of all people in Peltarch, use your wisdom to establish a system by which it is protected against corruption and self interest, grant it the power to govern and then return the crown upon your brow to the brow of the people of Peltarch.

    Or if you will not lay down thy crown, let it remain. But let the people govern themselves as did your father Tidus. In his wisdom he allowed us to forge our own destinies, and such wisdom will reside in you if you restore the same.

    Marty rolls up the parchment and removes her spectacles as she continues

    So why would I say this to the king every single day? Let us go back for a moment. Followers of a foreign religion had us line up - those of us interested in being a monarch - to have unknown magical enchantments cast upon us. And then only those were permitted to vote on whether or not we had a king rule over us. Only those who had already displayed a disposition toward monarchy were given a voice! Only those happy to have an unknown "blessing" spell cast upon them were given a voice! If you disagreed with the idea of a monarch ruling over us - you were not allowed to vote! If you were uncomfortable with a foreign cleric casting an unknown spell over your mind - you were not allowed to vote!

    Marty shakes her head slowly as she pauses for a moment

    And that is what we have now. A system that will only hear the voice of those it wishes to hear from. A system built on rigged "elections" that now believes that a single person could possibly represent the vast diversity of opinions in this city!

    If you put me in the "palace" as this "Voice of the People" then that's what you'll get - somebody in the king's ear every single day "advising" him that Peltarch should be governed not with the trickle of public opinion that comes to the kings ear through a single "Voice of the People" but by the torrent of a senate that truly represents every soul in this city!

    If His Majesty shall not forge a senate, then I would. The "Voice of the People" would not come to the king only through my own opinions of what may be your will but through a multitude of elected councilors.

    Marty finishes with a Lavindo style war cry