Voice of the People

  • King George steps out to hold one of his few public speeches. Thom Tiller, the recently appointed Captain of the Kingsguard, stands by the king's side, watching the crowd over for any trouble.

    "Citizens of Peltarch. When you voted to instate royalty to these lands, I promised that your voice would be in my council. The situation in the city has stabilized enough that the voting for the Voice of the People can commence.

    The Voice of The People will serve as the king's advisor, along with the following individuals appointed by me:

    Chancellor Damian Fisher, Master of Diplomacy
    Steward Enenan Snydders, Master of Coin
    The Spymaster, Master of Secrets
    General Frederic Del'Rosa, Marshal of the Military
    General Velhar, Marshal of the Guard
    Baron Thom Tiller, Captain of the Kingsguard

    The position will be given for six years at a time, or until death - whichever comes sooner.

    Those of you who show interest in the position, you may leave your registration for the elections to come to Chancellor Fisher.

    The old king bows to his citizens, and slowly walks back to the city hall.

    ((Those who wish to enter the race for Voice of the People, you have this week (until 7th of December) to send me PM about it. After that there'll be no more admissions.

    Tentatively the campaigning time will be from 7th of December till December 21st. Voting time will be from 21st till 31st. The winner will be revealed 1st of January.))


  • _Some of the commoners cheer as Marty is elected - others are annoyed their candidate did not make it. As she mentions parties, some are confused while others trade looks and start planning a wild celebratory party.

    What the king's opinion is in all this remains a mystery, as he's absent. Shortly after Marty's speech though, a letter is delivered to her hand._

  • Legion

    Abacus in hand, Marty takes her place on the platform, climbing up onto a barrel so she can be seen by the crowd.

    Thank you Mister Fisher.


    By my count … Marty gazes at her abacus

    Almost … TEN THOUSAND of you don't feel that I represent your voice.

    First of all … from my heart with all sincerity ... I would like to thank the four thousand, six hundred and twelve who voted for me. I will do everything within my power to be worthy of the trust you've placed in me.

    But to the majority ... to the those who do not see me as your representative ... you who are about twice as many as those who do … to all of you I pledge that I will do beyond what is within my own power to ensure that your voice is heard.

    Marty takes out a small green book and holds it up high

    I would be delusional … MAD … if I believed that representing only one third of Peltarch's vote would make me a valid "Voice of the People"!

    Let me tell you how I hope to undo this sad situation.

    she waves the book around a little

    This …. by what is in this book ... everyone can have their voice heard! If you feel you have something to say, and you feel you have the support of many of your neighbors, then form a party! Form a party so that every son and daughter in Peltarch can be heard!

    Between now and our first council meeting, any issue you wish to be brought to the kings ears can be forward in writing to City Hall.

    she puts the small green book away and takes out another small scroll

    And now, as per my promise, I will read publicly now that which I am about to deliver to King George, as my first official act as Voice of the People …..

    she unrolls the scroll, pauses for a moment as she puts on a rimless pair of specs, and lifts her chin up to read the scroll aloud at the top of her voice


    **Your Majesty, may the crown upon your brow bless you with wisdom.

    On behalf of the people I beseech you to do as your father Tidus did. That you adopt his spirit and do his works - these being that you reform a senate to properly represent the will of all people in Peltarch, use your wisdom to establish a system by which it is protected against corruption and self interest, grant it the power to govern and then return the crown upon your brow to the brow of the people of Peltarch.

    Or if you will not lay down thy crown, let it remain. But let the people govern themselves as did your father Tidus. In his wisdom he allowed us to forge our own destinies, and such wisdom will reside in you if you restore the same. Officially recognize counsel delivered by your "Voice of the People" from the mouths of the citizens of Peltarch and those who the city recognizes as representatives of the people.


    As the audience responds, she takes off her specs and rolls up her scroll




    She gives a few fist pumps before leaving the podium

    ((The Little Green Book))

  • The final votes are in. The no-district votes have been counted, and are as follows:

    ((These are the PC votes, consisting of roughly 30% of total vote amount as stated before - before accounting for the NPC drunkenness caused by one of the candidates…))

    Marty 37,5% 2250
    Gnarl 37,5% 2250
    Mike 25% 1500

    Final Vote Count:
    Marty: 4612
    Mike: 3973
    Gnarl: 3702
    Mystic: 1938

    The winner of the election, and the Voice of the People, is Martouscha Leaffall!

    The herald invites Martouscha to the stand, to hold a speech for the citizens should she so wish.

  • Chea supports the voice a little, mostly Marty as well.

    (occasionally she remarks it's efficient, it supports the city as well).
    … perhaps she'll vote, if there's voting involved.

  • The votes of the docks district have been calculated.

    1st: Mike of Peltarch 45,4% (1452 votes)
    2nd: Martouscha Leaffall 25,5% (815 votes)
    3rd: Gnarl Horst 15,8% (505 votes)
    4th: Mystic 13,4% (428 votes)

    Voting Percentage 40%

    Total Vote Count:
    Mike: 2473↑↑
    Marty: 2362↓
    Mystic: 1938↓
    Gnarl: 1452 -

  • The votes of the commerce district have been calculated:

    1st: Martouscha Leaffall 38% (1063 votes)
    2nd: Mystic 29,3% (820 votes)
    3rd: Gnarl Horst 19,7% (552 votes)
    4th: Mike of Peltarch 13,1% (365 votes)

    Voting Percentage 70%

    Total Vote Count:

    Marty: 1547 ↑↑
    Mystic: 1510 ↓
    Mike: 1021↓
    Gnarl: 947 -

  • The votes of civic district have been calculated:

    1st: Mystic 33,9% (609 votes)
    2nd: Mike of Peltarch 33,6% (605 votes)
    3rd: Gnarl Horst 19,7% (354 votes)
    4th: Martouscha Leaffall 13% (232 votes)

    Voting Percentage 90%

    Total vote count:
    Mystic 690 ↑
    Mike 656 ↑
    Marty 484 ↓↓
    Gnarl 395 -

  • The votes of Tillershill district have been calculated.

    1st: Martouscha Leaffall 59,2% (252 votes)
    2nd: Mystic 19% (81 votes)
    3rd: Mike of Peltarch 12,1% (51 votes)
    4th: Gnarl Horst 9,6% (41 votes)

    EDIT: Voting percentage 85%

  • _City hall is busy as the officials begin to calculate the votes. The results are predicted to come out one voting district at a time, in the following order:

    Barony of Tillershill
    Civic District
    Commerce District
    Docks District
    None of the above ((Reserving this for PC votes))

    Meanwhile, many workers around the city are on a sickleave. It could be hangover from Mike's beverages, though._

  • _People line up to drink the free beer. As the hours pass on, mild chaos brews in the city. There are fights brewing up here and there, with guards hard-pressed to manage them all.

    Some people are turned down at the voting booths, as they are too drunk to walk, let alone vote. Others simply don't care to go there, instead soaking up the free ale like a sponge.

    Whoever comes out as a winner here, it's certain that the voting percentage will be low._

  • _Immediately before the voting occurs, shouts can be heard in the streets.


    "FREE ALE?"

    At fifteen locations spread throughout Peltarch, with the Docks receiving a larger proportion than the other districts, distribution stands are set up, stocked to the brim with ale - and not swill, but the strong, quality stuff - enough for every man and woman to go to the polls plastered out of their minds, if they remember to go. And if they remember to go, it is likely they'll remember who to thank for their condition, for the Hoarsgate Seafarers distributing the ale (who are sober and consequently well-compensated) inform every citizen that, "The drink's on the house, courtesy of Mike!"

    "That's Mike, delivering on promises before he's even won, haha!"

    Another team of five Seafarers roves the city, a mobile distribution center of strong ale and praise for Mike of Peltarch._

  • (Edited!)

  • Council of Moradin

    Gnarl hears the herald, while resting from all his mining and blacksmithing.

    He decides that he might as well vote for himself, seeing as how if he doesn't, why should anyone else. So, he signs his ballot voting for himself. Still wondering what is to become of all this.

    Haela be praised

  • The herald of Peltarch announces that the voting is finally starting.

    ((If you have a peltarchian PC, send me a PM on who you wish to vote for with them. Maximum of 2 PCs from a single player can partake in the vote.

    The PC votes will constitute 30% of the total votes given, rest are NPC votes based on the campaigns.

    You will have until the end of this week to send me your votes.))

  • ((okay, since I'm back now.. the campaigning time ends at the end of this week/month. Next week I will ask for people to send me their votes, as well as calculate the NPC votes.))

  • ((I'm extending the campaigning time till the end of the week (Sun 27th.) After that, I'll post the instructions for voting.))

  • The commoners whisper around confusedly - first day of the campaigning has passed, yet not a single public appearance has been held. For those commoners that still remember the senatorial elections, it comes as a huge surprise.

  • The application time is done, and here are the people campaigning for the position:

    Gnarl Horst, First Knight of the Forsworn
    Mike of Peltarch, Unemployed
    Martouscha Leaffall, Former Senator
    Mystic, A Beautiful Sorceress

    ((This is how it'll work - you'll have two weeks to do your campaign. What this mostly means is posting in the threads I created for you with whatever actions you do. If I catch you IG, I'll run something related for you as well - but the forums are the main tool for this.

    Have fun, and may the best liar.. erm.. politician win!))

  • Council of Moradin

    Gnarl awakes and hears about the King and his wanting to be closer to the people of Peltarch. Considering the group of the Forsworn has dwindled to just himself one other, he has found time on his hands. Now, taking up mining occupies him mostly, but he feels, perhaps he has something to contribute, what with his experiences and connections.

    So, he puts forward his name into consideration. He would see the Voice of the People heard "Loud and Clear"

    Gnarl Horst, First Knight of the Forsworn,(also awarded the title of General ) and member of the Council of Moradin

    Played by Gatlord


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