- To the Council of Moradin -

  • Legion

    ((Numerous copies of this letter end up in the male holes of various citizens of the dwarven hold.))


    **T_o_ TH_e_ MiG_H_t_y_ C_O_un_C_iL of M_O_radi_n_

    Ha_il_ tO Ye_a_.

    Yo_u_ ar_e_ th_e_ eXe_ll_enT.

    G_ro_BBle o_f N_O_rWiCk i_S nO_th_ing b_ut th_e JaM b_e_tW_ee_n t_h_e To_es_ O_f_ th_e_ Mi_g_h_t_Y F_ee_t of Yo_U_

    M_ay_ the O_ff_Spr_in_gS o_f_ the en_em_eeS of y_ou_ AlWa_Y_S be bO_r_n Wit_h_ diSea_S_eS.


    Ma_n_Y Wi_n_ter_S_ be_fo_r_e_ t_o_daY GrObble dId the sWear on G_Ob_lin Ban_e_ - the m_igh_tY a_Xe_ of Drea_d_ O_Ver_lord Dwin DolVaK, for the prOmiSe of alWays to help Nor_W_ck and alWayS do gOOd thingS and to Say the hOneSt words.

    Ev_e_r Sine th_at_ daYS Gr_obb_le o_f_ NO_r_Wi_C_k has dO_n_e the liV_e_ in th_e_ Hol_d_ wit_h_ fell_O_W dwarves.

    OVe_r_lOr_d_ DWi_n_ do_eS_ the COmm_an_d of Gro_bb_le to dO the le_ar_n Of th_e_ w_aYS of MO_ra_din so Gro_bb_l_e dOeS t_he le_ar_n of w_aYS. SO m_UC_h lear_n_ Of Wa_Ys_ doeS Gr_O_bb_le_ dO! Man_Y_ ti_me_S in t_he_ teM_P_le dOing th_e_ _l_earn Of WaYS.

    Th_ere_ are manY hOp_eS_ in th_e_ he_art Of m_e th_at_ the gOo_d_ dOingS of Gr_Obble Of NOrWiCK iS nO_t b_ein_g nOt nOtiCed. He haS alWaYS neVer dO_ne th_e Kill o_r_ ste_al_ Or anY oth_er_ eVil thing. He dOeS the Sm_ile_S and t_he_ SaYing of niCe wOr_dS_.

    Ple_a_Se dO nOt do th_e_ Kill Of m_e_.

    Gr_o_bble Can dO ma_nY Othe_r gOOd thin_gS_. The COlleCt of COalS, the rUb of fe_etS, th_e bUr_S_t Of bO_il_S th_e_ mUrd_er_ Of gOblinS an_d_ manY _O_ther g_OO_d thin_g_S.

    T_han_K Yea fO_r_ nOt d_oi_ng the Kill Of m_e_ al_rea_dY.

    I _li_ke _th_e faCe Of _y_ea.


    Wi_th_ SinCere_ne_SS,

    YOUr gOod fr_ien_d Gr_Obb_le Of N_O_rWiCK.**

  • _Ragnar, though spending the majority of his time locked away within Aura Runedar, happens across one of these flyers during his weekly trip to the Union Hall in Norwick.

    He brings a monocle to his eye and reads it over, mumbling to himself before stumbling upon the mention of Dwin Dolvak. He strokes his beard thoughtfully, and after a few moments, he spreads word throughout the Hold and Norwick for this Grobble to please seek out Ragnar Gloirin._

  • Brumir sees the notices around town

    "Ah gud, ah needed sumthin' ta wipe me arse wit."